

I should've called my mom more often. I took a drag from my cigarette and wondered how is she doing.

The loud music pumped at the background. Upbeat, intended to make people move their asses more. I loved this place because it was bright and open. Not dark and hazy like the pub. There was always a positive energetic atmosphere of testosterone mixed with tinge of sweat here in the gym. They said exercise releases endorphins and that makes people happy.

I need to find my happy pill. My job was stressful at times. I'm a nurse, in a dental clinic. Dr Jade was the superstar dental surgeon cum my boss. I wasn't very close to her but it was pretty much a love-hate relationship since day one. The first time I met Dr Jade was during my interview. "If you're looking for an easy peasey job, it's definitely not here." I started into probation period. It was so challenging, primarily because my boss had high expectations for service excellence. In the first month, I lost 3kgs and downloaded the phone app 'Beat the Boss'. I survived the probation period and coming close to one year working with Dr Jade.

I signed up for gym membership lately.

Sitting on the curb in front of the gym, I exhaled, forming a smoke of 'O' with my mouth. Oxymoron, doing something good for the heart,and another bad for the lungs.

A lot had happened. I moved to another town away from mom. I lived on my own, with much freedom. Got in and out of relationships. Got in and out of trouble. Picked up smoking, picked up the love for mother nature, among other things.

I can feel the back of my shirt drying up. The sweat soaked all the way through my sports bra. With my thumb, I flicked the ash from the cigarette , took another drag and continued people watching.

"Kissing you is like eating an ashtray" my ex had complained.

Clang- claaang- clang*

I turned to the source of the noise and saw an elderly man nearby. He just came out of the mart with way too much stuff in his hands. It was a 'no plastic bag day'. And the things he bought came crashing down like an avalanche.

Should I help? I snuffed out the remaining of the cigarette. As I was making my way to him, another man dashed out from the gym entrance and reached the uncle with a few big strides. I had seen him before, in the gym. Pleasant face, not exactly pretty boy, but well-toned body. Not those big and scary muscles, just trimmed and sculpted the way I like it. I noticed he used to work out alone, with his own earphones stuck in his ears, although the gym blared its loud music.

"Let me help you, sir" he spoke with a deep bassy tone.

"Aiya, no need, no need!!!" the elderly man replied.

I recognized it as a look of disdain and distrust.

"Don't touch my things," the elderly man warned. Okay, I would be happy to leave you alone with your things all over the floor, you snobbish and stubborn old man.

The guy from the gym wasn't about to give up. He went into the mart to get an IOU from the cashier, and came back out with a shopping bag.

"Here, use this. It may help you."

The elderly man scowled, took the bag and filled it with his fallen items. He did it in a protective circle as if to prevent anyone from taking his stuff.

Oh, come on. He didn't even say a word of thanks!

I sat down in front of the gym entrance again. The helpful guy was walking back towards the gym. Our eyes met and he smiled. I work in a dental clinic, and I can recognize a good smile when I saw one.

"Looks like he does not appreciate what you did" I said. He slowed to a halt and sat down beside me.

For a moment, he neither agree nor disagree. "I just want to be the reason, that somebody would believe in the goodness of people."

He smelt like sweat and I was quite sure I smelt like an ashtray. Not that I cared.

"Well, I should go and get money to pay for that shopping bag right now," he spoke with that calm bass voice.

"And I should be leaving too," I replied.

He stood up first.

"Cliff, by the way." He held out his hand, flashing his natural smile.

"Faye." I extended mine, which he took in a firm grip and pulled me up.

The story about the uncle with trust issue is true.

Lexi777creators' thoughts