

"Maya!" I called and waved, as I saw the pretty bombshell alighted from the cab.

"Ola, girlfriend!" She gave me a fierce hug and then took the seat beside me at the cafe. My best friend, the one whom I could confide anything and everything with. Quick to listen and slow to judge, and gave very good advice only when asked.

"How's work?" Maya asked, and briefly turned to the waiter "Cappucino, please."

"The usual. My boss really kicked ass this week."

"How? Whose?"

"There is a new staff in the clinic, dumb and slow. And you know how strict Dr Jade is. She was scheduled to assist Dr Jade for the day, but since she was incompetent, I tried to help. She passed the wrong instruments to the boss, and the boss was visibly furious because the boss just spent an hour the day before educating the new girl about the exact stuff that she forgot.

So Dr Jade asked her, 'Do you or do you not know?' And you know what the girl replied? She stabbed me in the back and said 'Faye prepared this.' Bloody hell."

Maya summarised "She made a mistake and she blamed you for it?"

"No, it was my mistake. I prepared the wrong tools because I was running in and out of the busy clinic, but I was just trying to save the new girl's skin, and she tried to skin me.

But here comes the cool part. With the Dr Jade aura and piercing eyes, she said 'All I am asking is, do you or do you not know. If you know this is incorrect, why did you pass it to me anyway?' New girl was speechless.

And here comes the really coolest part. Dr Jade said 'Here in this place, we do not point fingers. We find solutions, not fault. We work as a team and be grateful for people who helped you. You made a lot of mistakes and nobody blames you... so out of your mouth, do not let me hear you blame others again for your incompetence...'

Wow, Dr Jade just defended me? Pretty awesome."

Maya nodded. "Your boss is like a life coach, sometimes."

"It's not her responsibilities, you know? We are all adults."

Maya and I took a sip of our drinks. I knocked a new stick from the box and fetched a lighter from my handbag. Out of courtesy, I offered Maya one and as usual, she didn't want any. There was something more I wanted to tell her. She felt it too, and was waiting patiently for me to start. She turned to me and smiled. "Yes.....?"

"Ah... yes..." I leaned closer to her and whispered into her ear. "Cliff and I are going for... A TRIP!!" The last two words were exclaimed rather loudly that Maya had to close her ear with her palm.

"You what? Uh-oh... uh-oh. Seriously? After being just one month together? Where?"

"Manila, Philippines. I'm so excited."

Maya looked at me for a moment, more concerned than excited.

"You are... you both are gonna... Oh geez, I don't know what to think. You are dancing too near temptations! You are going to bring... protection, right? Oh better, both of you book separate rooms." If anyone was there to stand by me and brutally cared for me, it was Maya.

Long dark-brown hair, nice pointed nose, large eyes plus a voluptuous body, Maya was very attractive. She carried herself with confidence and she had no shortage of pursuers. But at that moment, she was single. 'I don't felt led by the Lord yet' she would say. Oh, she was a worship leader in the church and she played the guitar too. An angel inside out. I enjoyed talking with her because for all my blunders in life, many of them are self-inflicted, she never judged me. Some of her advice were impossible but they rang true. She said she looked not to Hollywood, but the Holy Word.

"I booked a twin room, okay? Separate beds. Then again, you are right. I should bring some condoms. Just in case..." Some old wounds began to tear apart again. "In case, history repeats itself."

I took a long drag from the cigarette. The end burnt bright orange before forming a zone of pale ash. From the look on my face, Maya can tell that my mind was in the past, revisiting.

"Are you going to tell Cliff about it, Faye?"

"I might. I mean, I want to. I really like him. If I am brave enough. When I am brave enough."

Maya took my hand and gave it a squeeze. I squeezed back.

"Babe, the past is a teacher. If things appear to be moving too fast, it's ok to wait. I think you get what I mean."

"Mmm..." I heard you, Maya. Another bitter pill from her, one that I appreciate. I turned to Maya and she to me. "Thank you" I whispered with a smile.

We sat for a few more moments, although there was really nothing left to say. The conversation that took place in silence totally made sense, because the heart has its own language.