
Pokemon Wacky Adventure

[Beware of TRAP, No One Under 18 should read this Work, nor should those who thinks that Trap or Futanari Characters are not a taste on their palate, You have been Warned.] [Also, even though the Protagonist chooses to be a Cute Trap, there are only Girls in his Harem as the Author himself is an Anti Yaoi and Pro Yuri Gentleman.] [And Last but not Least, even though I love Girls x Girls Romance, I don't have a Hobby to cuck the Protagonist with his own Woman(s). Even though there may or may not be a Yuri Couple in His Harem, they will still have MC as their #1 and they are at best, "Sisters in Bed" to gang up on Him.] John Dickinson is a programmer who is sent to another world after he sacrificed his live to save his girlfriend from Truck-kun Isekai Express Service. After his death, he spend 3 Chapters in this Fanfic Novel to Create his own Character before he is sent to PokeWack, a wacky world that is made by a bored God who wants to get some amusements by making a World based on Pokemon franchises mixed with various other anime, manga and game as references. Will our protagonist serves his purpose for the amusement of the Readers, or will he do something out of expectations to break free from script of the World? Follow this story to know what this wacky world have in store for our Protagonist! ...... Cover Picture: The TRAP Protagonist drawn with AI (Just Ignore the Twin Coconuts on the Chest)

Viadhivan_Ranata · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

PWA 74 The Devil's Temptation [R18+]

Meanwhile under the cover of the Mist, Shion took her time to recover from using the exhausting move combination while Kasumi is floating on guard in the front of her, ready to intercept any attacks should the Raticate managed to snap out from its confusion.


Terry feel perplexed right now.

His partner Jom and his Meowth has been out of commission and his instructions to his Raticate has been failed twice due to it succumbing to confusion.

"Should I just use attack moves, then? My Swords Dance and Laser Focus are all failed." Thought Terry as he sees his rat Pokémon flailing around in confusion.

"Let's try it then." Terry thought as he ordered his Pokémon to do Revenge by making a menacing gesture with his right hand striking on his left palm.

Fortunately, this time the Raticate managed to execute the move despite still being in confusion.

The Raticate furiously charged towards the opponent's side of the field and disappeared amidst the thick cloud of white mist.


Shion is still recovering from using her move combination as she felt something heavy rushing towards her.

"Woo xie....." (Ugh.... I am still exhausted....") Shion murmured as she clearly felt that the enemy has been approaching them in the middle of the mist.

"Ghos ghos steam~" ("Don't worry, leave that to me. You just focus on recovering.") The Ghosteam assured the Wooxie to just rest and leave everything to her.

The enemy Raticate comes out from the thick layer of mist, its fighting spirit is high as it furiously do a Fighting type move Revenge, the move is fueled not only by its raw power but also by its desire to avenge its partner and to make its enemies pay for its humiliation from hurting itself in confusion.

Sadly though, Kasumi has quickly moved in-between the Raticate and the Wooxie, intercepting the Fighting type attacks that deals absolutely zero damage to her part Ghost type body.

The female Ghosteam then shot out her STAB moves Bubble Beam that successfully decreased her enemy's speed as the Raticate's body gives out a rosy pink glow.

Feeling that it is not enough, Kasumi throws the sand to the Raticate's eyes, inflicting a small amount of damage while also decreasing its accuracy.

So, with a confusion still in effect, plus a speed reduction, and now even its accuracy has also been decreased, the Raticate despite with all the power that it have is now no different than a fish in a chopping block.

"Kasumi, get ready to use Disable if you felt it utilizing a Dark type energy." Jovanna reminded Kotonoha's Pokémon as he remembered that there are two Dark type moves Bite and Assurance on the Raticate's moveset.

"Tch." Terry clicked his tongue as he heard Jovanna reminding the Pokémon in his team. He himself is about to instruct the Raticate to use the Dark type move Bite that would be super effective to the part Ghost type Pokémon.

("Ah, well, it's still better than nothing.") Thought Terry as he decided to just use Bite and then Assurance after the Bite is Disabled by the Ghosteam.

Terry instructed his Pokémon by making a biting gesture first and then followed by hammering the palm of his left hand with his right fist.

The Raticate which sees his hand gesture make a nod with its head as it brandished its oversized fang.... And then bite himself as his mind is still being muddled due to confusion.


Kasumi didn't let this chance go and she shot out another barrage of Bubble Beam, hoping that her enemy's speed can be reduced even further.

Behind her, Shion have finished her recovery as she blew a Fairy Wind that is being integrated very well with Kasumi's Bubble Beam.

The Bubbles goes even faster with the Fairy Wind propelling them from behind, making them hits harder with the momentum of their speed.

The barrage of Bubble Beam imbued with Fairy Wind popped up furiously on the Raticate's body rattling the rat Pokémon with Water type and Fairy type energy rampaging on its entire body.

This Water and Fairy type move combination from Shion and Kasumi is called Fairy Soapland by Jovanna.

The Raticate which have just drawn its own blood with its fang have snapped out from confusion and attempted to retaliate by using Assurance.

"Shion, tanked that move and counter with Disarming Voice!" Jovanna asked his Wooxie to tank the Dark type offensive move with her part Fairy type body and counter with a never missed STAB move on the point blank range.

"Kasumi, evade and use Disable!" Kotonoha also asked her Pokémon to evade and disable the dark type attack from the enemy.

Kasumi immediately steer clear from the Raticate's path to evade the attack that would be super effective on her while Shion also goes in the front to block the enemy with her body that can resist the Dark type energy from Assurance.

As Shion tanked the Raticate's Assurance, she let out a deafening Disarming Voice right on the ear of that big fat rat.

The Raticate shrieked out in a painful cry as Kasumi also used Disable and sealed away the Dark type move which it had used before with a swirl of purplish black energy that hit the Raticate's head and make it unable to use the move anymore.

After successfully sealed up her enemy's move, Kasumi followed it up with another barrage of Bubble Beam.

Shion also followed suit with her Fairy Wind, blowing up the Bubbles again in even greater speed and momentum beforw they hit the Raticate.

Still feeling dizzy from the the Disarming Voice that hits it directly on its ear, the big bulky body of the Raticate is thrown back as the rat is barraged by the collaboration move between Shion and Kasumi.

The Raticate that have been felled by the Fairy Soapland didn't get up anymore as it have been fainted from receiving all that STAB Moves consecutively.

Terry bitterly returned the Raticate to the pokeball, effectively admitting his defeat.

With that, our second Tag Team Tournament in Jelly Bean Town ends up with me and Kotonoha as the champions!


[ ] Author's Note [ ]

The Next Part is Rated Ara - Ara~


After getting the prize money, both me and Kotonoha return to the hotel to dine in and then go back to our room to take a bath together.

Yes, Together.

Me and Kotonoha will be bathing together.

With our Pokémon too, of course.

All except Phinia who choose to cozy up in her pokeball, I guess the pidgey prefer a sand bath more than a water bath just like pidgeons in my former world.

I entered the bathroom wearing a swimming trunk along with Zozo and Shion.

Kotonoha entered later with Kasumi, my girlfriend wear a green bikini on her bombastic body.

After I am done bathing and scrubbing Zozo and Shion, the two Pokémons left the bathroom after I dried them off with a towel, followed by Kasumi who is taking her time dipping herself in the bathtub along with Kotonoha.

Now, it is only the two of us wearing our swimsuit in the bathroom.

I took a dip in the bathtub that perfectly fit for two people, I guess whoever build this hotel already thought so far to designed the bathtub in the double room to be used comfortably by couples like us when we are taking a bath together.

I come close to Kotonoha on my left, then put my left hand on her left shoulder to bring her body to get even closer with me in the bathtub.

My girlfriend's reaction is twitching her body spontaneously upon the touch of my left hand on her naked shoulder.

But as time goes on, Kotonoha slowly and surely getting herself comfortable as I ruubed her naked shoulder intimately in a circling motion with my palm and fingers, soothing and relaxes her for what will comes next.

Without any hesitation for a moment, I started to bring Kotonoha in my embrace, my girlfriend also seems to have accepted my advances as she shyly closed her eyes and she leaned her head in my shoulder.

Gradually, our position started to change little by little.

In the next five minutes, Kotonoha ends up being hugged by Jovanna in his chest, the girl comfortably snuggles her head on her boyfriend's broad chest that is as flat as plains totally unlike her bountiful breasts.


[ ] Author's Note [ ]

Fun Fact: In Generation I of Pokémon games, using the move Haze can cures confusion for both active Pokémons in battle. I don't know why that effect is removed in the latter generation of the games.


If you want to support me, throwing your stone here would greatly helps in motivating me to write this novel ~! 

You can also visit pâtrēõn.com/ranata (replace all vocal alphabet with normal a, e and o letters) to read up to Chapter 88.

Thank you very much for all the good people who have supported me so far!