
Pokemon Wacky Adventure

[Beware of TRAP, No One Under 18 should read this Work, nor should those who thinks that Trap or Futanari Characters are not a taste on their palate, You have been Warned.] [Also, even though the Protagonist chooses to be a Cute Trap, there are only Girls in his Harem as the Author himself is an Anti Yaoi and Pro Yuri Gentleman.] [And Last but not Least, even though I love Girls x Girls Romance, I don't have a Hobby to cuck the Protagonist with his own Woman(s). Even though there may or may not be a Yuri Couple in His Harem, they will still have MC as their #1 and they are at best, "Sisters in Bed" to gang up on Him.] John Dickinson is a programmer who is sent to another world after he sacrificed his live to save his girlfriend from Truck-kun Isekai Express Service. After his death, he spend 3 Chapters in this Fanfic Novel to Create his own Character before he is sent to PokeWack, a wacky world that is made by a bored God who wants to get some amusements by making a World based on Pokemon franchises mixed with various other anime, manga and game as references. Will our protagonist serves his purpose for the amusement of the Readers, or will he do something out of expectations to break free from script of the World? Follow this story to know what this wacky world have in store for our Protagonist! ...... Cover Picture: The TRAP Protagonist drawn with AI (Just Ignore the Twin Coconuts on the Chest)

Viadhivan_Ranata · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

PWA 73 Collaboration Move


[Since Meowth loves coins so much, if you give it one, you can make friends with Meowth easily. But it is a fickle relationship that you can't count on to last for long. Highly intelligent and prideful, it is famously difficult to handle, but that is also a reason for its popularity. In combat, this Pokémon is keenly smart as it moves with cunning during battle and relentlessly attacks its enemy's weak points.]

[This Meowth have Technician ability, and it knows the move Thief, Fake Out, Growl, Feint, Scratch, Pay Day, Bite and Taunt.]



[Raticate, the Mouse Pokémon, is a Normal type Pokémon and the evolved form of a Rattata.]

[Raticate uses its whiskers to maintain its balance and they apparently slows down if the whiskers are cut off. As a result, no matter how friendly you are, it will get angry and bite you if you touch its whiskers. Its disposition is far more violent than its looks would suggest, so don't let your hand get too close to its face, as it could bite your hand clean off.]

[Raticate's sturdy fangs grow steadily, and to keep them grounded down, it gnaws on rocks and logs. It may even chew on the walls of houses. Its hind feet are webbed, so it is also a strong swimmer. It can cross rivers and sometimes even the seas when they are fleeing from their enemies]

[This Raticate have the hidden ability Hustle, and it knows the move Final Gambit (Egg Move), Revenge (Egg Move), Focus Energy, Quick Attack, Swords Dance, Scary Face, Tackle, Tail Whip, Bite, Laser Focus, Take Down and Assurance.


Wow, looking at the moveset it have, why do I have a feeling that this Raticate is an even more special breed than its companion Meowth?

"Wooxie, use Bullet Seed on the Meowth." I decided to take out the (seemingly) weaker Meowth first.

"Kasumi, assist her with Bubble Beam." Kotonoha followed suit to help my Pokémon deals with the Meowth.

*Clap* the blue cat man Jom only clapped his hands once until both of his palm met and making a 🙏 gesture.

The Meowth's figure instantly goes into a blur as it seems to fade out of existence before it suddenly appeared in front of my Wooxie, attacking it from both the left and right side with its clawed paws, surprising my Pokémon and making her flinched.

The Bullet Seeds that are about to be shot by Shion is cancelled as my Wood/Fairy Pokémon is flinched and the Meowth suddenly disappeared back to where it is standing before, dodging the Bubble Beam from Kasumi that is about to hit it on a point blank range when it is making a surprise attack to Shion.

Oh, is that a Fake Out? Interesting.

While his partner and the Meowth move out, the brown mouse man Terry is also making a waving gesture with his hands, similar to what a Pokémon doing a Metronome would do.

*Wave wave* the Raticate immediately waved its tail, whipping on both Shion and Kasumi as sickly green glow aura flown out from their bodies.

Oh no! That move should be a Tail Whip!

"Shion, use Vine Whip on the Meowth!"

"Kasumi, Confusion Ray on Raticate!"

We decided to attack the Meowth while making the Raticate fall into confusion to be dealt with later.

As for our opponents, Jom simply making a biting gesture with both of his paws on his cheeks with a clawing motion.

So, is it a bite or a scratch? His Meowth can do both moves.

And Terry is doing.... A break dance? Whut da hail is he doing? Wait, I think he commanded his Raticate to do its Sword Dance move?

Kasumi's move is the first to be beautifully done, as a mesmerising ray with yellow and purple glow is sent to the Raricate and seems to be successful in making the Pokémon fall into confusion as I can see the swirl in its eyes.

The Raticate that falls into confusion make a random footwork like it is performing a drunken dance before it falls heavily on the ground as it misstepped and slipped by its own footwork, hurting itself in the process.

Ouch, that must hurt.

On the other side of the arena, Shion is whipping the Meowth with its vine, the Meowth in question just endured the whipping like a pro masochist before it scratched my Wooxie, bringing my Pokémon closer to it with both of its claw as it scratched her, and then continuing on with a big bite on Shion's head.


Is that... Is that a move combination?

It is a move combination, right? Of Scratch and Bite.

Fine then, since you used that kind of move, I can also play that game.

At first I thought my move combination to be something unique and I planned to use them as trump cards in desperate situation.

But it turns out I am just too naive.

Unlike in the game worlds where everyone else are just some brainless NPC or at most just some Artificial Intelligent with a scripted thought patterns, this wacky Pokémon world which is my new reality is filled with a real life and kicking, intelligent people with their own creative minds.

If I can think of combining my Pokémons moves, what make others can't?

"Shion, use Mach Seed!" Deciding to up my games, I commanded Shion to use her first combination move against the Meowth which have just done with its Scratch and Bite combination.

"Woo xie xie xie xie!!!!!" While crying out with her fighting spirit, Shion shot five bullet seeds that each have become significantly faster than a normal Bullet Seed thanks to being granted the speed from Quick Attack.

As the Meowth is on point blank range with Shion due to it having just making a contact move with the Pokémon, the bipedal cat didn't have time to even react, let alone dodge, the bullet seeds that peppered its face and body.

Needless to say, the Meowth is quickly down on the ground, fainted after receiving 3 of the Bullet Seeds, while the remaining 2 leave a pair of deep, smoking hole on the ground behind the fallen Meowth.

"Kasumi, protect Shion with Mist!"

Kotonoha immediately asked her Pokémon to fall back and spew out a puffy cloud of mist that obscured both of our Pokémons from sight.

Yeah, once again I reminds you all, the Ice type Move Mist in this PokeWack World can be used to produce a thick layer of white mist that can be used like a smokescreen, though it is not as thick as the black smokescreen but at least it is good enough to be used as a cover for a while.

Jom returned his Meowth to the pokeball, admitting his lose and thus only Terry's Raticate that is still standing in confusion in the battle arena.

Terry make an "I see you" gesture by pointing his own eyes with two of his fingers on his right hand before pointing the two fingers to our direction.

It didn't have any effect as the Raticate, who is still in confusion hurts itself once more as it looked at us with a look that you would get from a crazy drunken people when you snatched their glass of beer from their hands.



[ ] Author's Note [ ]

Actually, our protagonist Jovanna's move combination works a bit differently than the other people's move combination.

In this Wacky Pokémon World, the move combination made by the other people work similar to the link move from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series, where the Pokémon linked one move with the other to make a combo moves sequentially.

Like what the Meowth in this chapter do by using Scratch and bring the foe closer to it with its claws and then following it up immediately with using Bite.

However, the move combination that is thought up by Jovanna is a "True Combination" as it really combine two or more moves to become one, like when the speed granted by Quick Attack is incorporated with the seeds shot by using Bullet Seed, making each seed shot with an even higher speed than normal Bullet Seed and thus the bullets become even more harder to dodge and they hit with even greater power which is granted by the incredible momentum from their quicker speed compared to the normal Bullet Seed.

You could say that if a normal Bullet Seed hits 2 to 5 times with the power of 25, then the Mach Seed (Quick Attack + Bullet Seed) can shot 4 to 10 times in the same duration and each bullet have the power of at least 35.

Usually though, Jovanna would train Shion to concentrate and control her Mach Seed so that it will always shot 5 times and each times the power would be at least 50.


If you want to support me, throwing your stone here would greatly helps in motivating me to write this novel ~! 

You can also visit pâtrēõn.com/ranata (replace all vocal alphabet with normal a, e and o letters) to read up to Chapter 86.

Thank you very much for all the good people who have supported me so far!