
Pokemon:Trainer of Faires

SunShine City, a city filled with beautiful sites and countless people, but one Tye Milo wants to get out and explore, just as Tye was overcome with boredom, a surprise awaited him and every other Pokemon Trainer inside Sunshine City. Author loves discussion, theories and complaints. Any problem you have, you put in the comments and author will reply. (No Harem)

Melon_Night · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

The Fairy from Sunshine City

Sunshine City the largest residental area of the Sinidel region, from well built homes to large fields and all year sun.

Sunshine is a dream where many people want to live, but it is a different case from one resident.

Sitting back unto the couch that was covered with a blue covering with floral patterns, Tye and Hattrem beside him.

Both of them lazily lied down on the couch,

"My god there is nothing to do in this city, it's so boring here..." "hat..."

He complained as Hattrem agreed with him, although Sunshine City was seen as the greatest place to live, untruth there wasn't much to do in way of entertainment.

Most of the cities economy is taken by restaurants, street vendors and school of all ages.

It can be even worse in the way of Pokemon and their trainers, usually trainers who live here can only have a Battle between months of wait.

As Hattrem levitate the remote towards him and he turned on the television, the news channel automatically started and a surprise awaited him.

"Welcome to 8AM news in Sunshine city, and today we have a special surprise for all the Pokémon trainers in this wonderful city of ours later in the Pokémon News Section."

"But before that, information about the upcoming election is coming up and --

His attention was instantly caught, as well as Hattrem sat up from her slouch.

"I hope it's a tournament or something similar, it's been 5 years since the last one."

As the news went about its schedule programing of the weather, changes in the stock market, civilian talk sections and election season news, as that was finished it was tike for the second they were interested in.

"Welcome to Pokemon News at 8AM, today we have myself, Jim Scot and my assistant Yimmin Joan to talk about a special event that will take place on a later date."

"Pokemon Trainers, fans of pokemon battles, friends and family of said pokemon trainers, Mark your calenders for April 4th as the Sunshine Ultra Sun Double battle tournament is coming up!"


He immediately jumped up and scream from sheer excitement, movement sprouted from his body like a blade of grass in a hurricane.

No matter how much he tried, he couldn't stop the beaming smile from sprouting on his face.

"For this is the first Ultra Sun Double Batlle tournament that has been hosting in Sunshine City in 5 years, Pokemon trainers that have been strayed of battle can wait no longer and prepare for this opportunity,"

"But before you can participate in this tournament you have to these requirements, you can use a minimum and maximum of 4 Pokemon, for those with under its time to catch more and those with over you are covered."

"A offical form of identification, such as a passport, national ID, a driver's license or even two signed picture from a Justice of the Peace,"

"And finally and the most important, your own fighting spirit!"

"Taking place on April 4th in the grand battle stadium of Sunshine city, the address will be posted on the Ultra Sun social media accounts,"

"If you come in first, second or third, you can walk away with cash and physical prizes worth up thousands of dollars, prizes include an all expense paid trip to the Johto region, a fully kitted out trainer's bicycle from Devon Corp, and much more,"

"Signing in for the Ultra Sun Double Battle Tournament will begin on February 1st 10 AM and last until February 12th, so no procrastination, be there or you won't be able to battle in the tournament."

"Mr. Scott, the tournament Signing in starts on February 1st, isn't that tomorrow?"

"No worries, after the signing in the main tournament itself starts on April 4th, as for the preliminaries, that will be announced on social media."

"So remember folks, this event is a tournament you don't want to miss, see everyone again tomorrow at 8AM."

As the program finished, hundreds of Pokemon Trainers in Sunshine had new found motivation, dozens rushed out of their homes to reach the 4 Pokemon limits, dozens rekindled their training with a new found spark.

But one thing is for sure, this tournament lit a fire under everyone.

On a hill on the over side of mountain from Sunshine city.

*Ring Ring* *Ring Ring*

A tired hand picked up the phone and answered the phone with a monotonous dull answer.

"Yes, who is this?"

On the other side of the line, "Good Morning Aunty Tammy, sorry to wake you up so early, it's Tye, I'm visiting later today, around 10 o' clock and staying until the night."

Tamlin paused for a moment, as if searching through her head for something, before answering, her tone turned warm and kind,

"Alright sweety, see you later."

Tamlin hanged up without hesitation and went back to sleep.


Prolog Chapter, 816 Word.

Author loves Discussion, theories and complaints.

Any problem you have with the story, you can put it in comments, and author will see it, and address it.

(No Harem)

It's boring? Put it in the comments.

It too short? Put it in the comments.

It's bad descriptions? Put it in the comments.

Equall Put what you love in the comments so I can continue doing that.