
Pokemon:Trainer of Faires

SunShine City, a city filled with beautiful sites and countless people, but one Tye Milo wants to get out and explore, just as Tye was overcome with boredom, a surprise awaited him and every other Pokemon Trainer inside Sunshine City. Author loves discussion, theories and complaints. Any problem you have, you put in the comments and author will reply. (No Harem)

Melon_Night · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: To Reverse Summer Hill

Standing in a circle outside, Tye and his two Pokemon, Hatterz the Hattrem and Pen the Galarian Ponya.

One large bag and a small bag were beside them as Tye began speaking.

"I trust Hatterz has gotten you to speed?"

Pen the G.Ponyta nodded slightly before Tye continued,

"Alright, you see, I was already planning on catching a new teammate, but the tournament expedited that, and I'll have to catch another along with that, you guys alright with that?"

Hatterz seems hesitant about getting more people to be around them but agrees nonetheless as long they don't cause trouble.

And Pen didn't care as long as he got to stay around Tye.

"Good, I already had a plan on what mon I was aiming for, but we will need another."

Tye pulled out his phone and began tapping away,

"Hatterz already has an idea, but Pen I'll have to show you..."

Turning his phone flashlight to the ground, a light was projected onto the ground and his screen showed.

What showed was his self-made pokedex, from every hit of information he already knew and what he found on the internet and books, he made his own Pokédex.

The Pokémon on the ground projection had the appearance of a run-down Pikachu cloak, Mimikyu.

"This Pokemon here is Mimikyu, a Ghost and Fairy Type, the Pikachu look isn't its real self, as that's a self-made cloak to make it appear like Pikachu, they never reveal their real selves to anybody, on any condition, even if they die."

A slide show of pictures of Mimikyu in various positions was shown,

"They generally like to keep to themselves, and like to stay away from sunlight, so our best bet to finding one is in the night."

"They also mostly inhabit dark forests or fields of really tall grass,"

Pen looked intently at the pictures, making sure to memorize every single detail, while Hatterz passively looked.

"The next team member isn't so concrete, if we are really lucky, maybe I can manage to pull through with a Togepi, but that is completely unreasonable."

Both Hatterz and Pen agreed to that statement.

"So I looked around and found that in the Sinidel Region, there are only 5 species of Fairy types here, and 4 of them were imported from other regions to promote knowledge of the Fairy Type."

"The Galarian Rapidash Line, The Hatterene Line, Mimikyu, Sylveon, and The Primarina Line."

Flipping through imagine after imagine before showing a duel picture of Eevee and Popplio.

"Both Eevee and Popplio are equally impossible to get,"

"Popplio are either directly bred or in very dangerous areas outside of our level, so the more viable option is Eevee."

Tye pulled up the Pokémon Knowledge Test by the Sinidel Reigon Ministery of Education.

"From extensively searching around on the internet, I found that a Pokemon Trainer knowledge test is coming up, where trainers are tested and those who score above a certain score are rewarded a Pokemon, an included reward is an Eevee."

Turning off the projection and grabbing the bags,

"So we have a pretty busy next couple of months."

Hatterz jumped onto his head as Pen walked by his side.

"Well, all that is for later, all we know now is that we are getting a new teammate tonight."

----- (Reverse Summer Hill)

After taking several rounds of transportation and an hour of travel, Tye has reached Reverse Summer Hill.

His ancestral home, every member of the family he ever had, lived here at some point, well except those born in the current times.

Bought out by his great-great-great grandmother and ever since then they have lived there, with a population of 3000+, every single person here is blood-related to Tye.

Walking up the steep hill, Tye could see Pen struggling to walk from exhaustion, he recalled him and continued to walk after having a thought.

'I should come up here more and have them trained in their stamina, stair walking isn't so helpful to them anymore.'

After half an hour of walking, Tye reached a particular house.

The house was 3 stories tall and was wider than 95% of the houses in SunShine City, it was entirely blue, and the back of the house hung off the hill as it was supported by giant beams.

He took out his phone and called someone,

"Aunty Tammy, I'm here, just outside the door."

"Alright, I'm coming down now." The other person answered.

Although he had a key to the house, he considered it to be rude to just intrude on the personal space of the person living there.

After a few minutes of waiting, the front door opened to reveal a woman who looked aged.

This was Tamlin Yasia, Tye's 7th Aunt who was currently 56 years old, she lived in Reverse Summer Hill for the majority of her life and was currently renting the Mansion from Tye himself.

After greeting and catching up, Tye went to the topic at hand.

"Aunty, I'll be going into the forest looking for a specific Pokemon, and I won't be back before midnight or tomorrow."

As he said this, the vibrant atmosphere of the conversation disappeared as Tamlin looked straight into his eyes before answering,

"I see, I hope to see you back."

Was she answered before turning her back and walking away.

Hatterz who was on his head, looked at Tamlin with a sad expression before curling back up.

Releasing Pen from his Pokeball," Alright, let's set up and eat now before going out."

"Pon!" "Rem.."

Noticing Hatterz mood, he squatted down to her level before saying, "Don't worry about Tammy, the best way to cheer her up is to return here safe."

Hatterz nodded as Tye went to prepare food for all four of them, as he was memories flowed back into his mind.

------- (10 Years Prior)

It was the Winter of 2014, December 3rd, when Tye along with his Grandmother, Aunt Tammy, Her Husband, and their daughter sat around a table.

Tye's Grandmother began the conversation, "So, Bert what you gonna do about your upcoming rent collection, I assure you, you ain't got long til month's end."

Bery looked up from his meal and answered, "No worries Aunty, I'll have it sorted, and payment will be done."

"A recent client of mine ordered hide from a Pokemon in the forest over there, they are a researcher from UEI."

Tye's Grandmother looked shocked, "UEI? What they got to do with over here, aren't they other forests around with the same Pokemon?"

Their Daughter then answered, "They say that there is a Pokemon that can only be found here, something about a Ghost-type, they even gave Dad some ghost-type Pokemon bait."

"Bert, I'll be honest, you have no business in handling a Ghost-type, they can range from harmless pranks to intentionally killing you and eating your soul being the bare minimum they will do."

She then looked at his daughter and then to Tamlin, "Are you comfortable with that, leaving your wife and daughter alone permanently for some random person on the other side of the island you don't know."

Bert looked down in silence before answering, "They assured me that this Pokemon isn't hostile to humans, and won't bother with them unless something something traumatic happens to them."

His Grandmother's expression didn't change, but Tye could feel the pure disappointment she had for him.

It was a surprise to Tamlin and her daughter that later that week Bert was never heard from again, and his Grandmother was sad yet wasn't surprised in the least.


1271 Words

The author loves discussion, theories, and complaints.

Any problem you have, you put in the comments and the author will reply