
Pokemon: Reborn as ash , Make up for your regrets and become stronger

On the first of his Pokemon journey, Ash/Satoshi awakened the memory of his past life and obtained A system will generate tasks and give all Pokemon related items. Knowing the trajectory of his future life, he decisively chose to make up for the regrets of his past life. Pokemon releaser? [You refused to release the pidgeot and received the reward: Potential Evolution Ribbon] [You refused to send the primape and received the reward: MewtwoX Mega Evolution Stone] Change the Region level and clear it? [You use Champion Pikachu to defeat Rookie Trip. The opponent doubts his life and gets the reward: full Mastery of Aura] Region competition companion runner? [You defeat the mystrious trainer Tobias and get the reward: One of three creation dragons dragon of antimatter giratina; title: Dragon Lord] Will you remain single* forever? [You have obtained the "harem protagonist aura", and the harmony of the harem +10] *Robbing Pokémon? [You break paul's leg and send him to a juvenile detention center and get the reward: "One ball into the soul" title (throwing a Poké Ball has a probability of directly recovering the mythical Pokémon) ] ... This is a Chinese translation fanfic I removed all the Chinese elements as mush as I can I fully rewrite the chapters with my own style if you like it please support

stromerthaha · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 39: Caught Bulbasaur


Not long after Ash gang found the Bulbasaur under the leadership of Melanie.

Because there is Melanie an acquaintance.

Bulbasaur's attitude is not as bad as when facing other human Trainers but it is still relatively cold towards others compared to Melanie.

" Don't get offended guys bulbasuar have some rough past that's why he is acting cautiously"

"Ash, Misty and Brock please wait here for a while I will have a quick chat with bulbasuar ."

Melanie said to ash, Brock and Misty in a gentle manner and then pulled Bulbasaur not far away without knowing what to say.

Ash and his gang patiently waiting for Melanie and bulbasuar.



When he came back again the hostility in Bulbasaur's eyes was much less.

There is more exploration and scrutiny in his eyes.

He learned from Melanie that no Pokemon under its protection actually wanted its talents to be wasted in this small place.

Thinking about it being able to go out and get on the stage to show itself.

This made bulbasuar to change his mind quietly.

Maybe it's time to find a trainer to take him out!

There was something relatable about the young man in front of him.

The Pikachu on his shoulder also has a very close relationship with him and it's obvious that he loves Pokémon.

Seems like a good choice.

But these alone are not enough the trainer want to catch him he need to defeat him head-on.

he would not choose to follow a Trainer who is weaker than himself!

"Ash bulbasaur has agreed to travel with you but only if you can defeat him and prove your strength."

At this time melanie stepped forward and said to ash.

"Thank you so much Miss Melanie."

Ash quickly thanked Melanie.

At this point Bulbasaur's entry into the team is already a certainty the difference is the method.

If possible Ash still hopes to avoid fighting.

Directly let Bulbasaur recognize him and be caught by him.

In this way you can get the magical speed potion as a reward from the mission.

After use it can increase the speed of Pokémon by 10%.

For most Pokémon the improvement is significant.

Ash is quite greedy for this reward.

Thinking of this Ash decided to try some method to gain bulbasuar's approval rather than just defeating him in a battle.

........ .

Pretending to take something from the backpack he actually opened the system space.

He took out the top-grade Miracle Seed that was awarded for completing the hidden mission of defeating Giselle.

Squatting down his eyes were level with Bulbasaur's.

Then the best Miracle Seed was displayed in front of Bulbasaur.

"Bulbasaur look at this as long as you enter my pokeball how about I give this to you?"

Misty who had been following ash couldn't help but take a step back.

Why does it feel like Ash now is a bit like those weird uncles who abducted her with a lollipop when she was out shopping when she was a child only to be sent to jail by Officer Jenny who was passing by?

Brock who saw this took a note titled how to seduce a girl 101 Ash edition wrote down the content of giving valuable items to strike the vulnerable maiden's heart.

Excellent Miracle Seed Captivate ability is indeed extraordinary for Grass Type Pokémon.

After seeing the Miracle Seed in ash's hand Bulbasaur couldn't take his eyes away from it.

Bulbasaur was drooling on seeing the miracle seed without knowing.

Subconsciously he wanted to nod in agreement but he still relied on his own will to overcome the temptation known as miracle seed.

Endure the Captivate of the best Miracle Seed and turn your head away.

Bulbasuar's attitude was like 'if you don't defeat me today you won't be able to catch me'.

When ash's plan A fails he tries another one.

The main thing of doing this is to not miss the mission reward.

Who knows if he miss this time there will be another chance to get the magical speed potion.

Ash put his hand on his waist and took out the pokeball belonging to Gyarados.

With a light press on the button the finger-sized pokeball suddenly becomes something that can only be covered with one hand.

Immediately after the Pokemon in the Pokeball got released a mighty and domineering figure appeared in front of everyone.

The huge body stood upright easily exceeding the height of trees.

Gyarados understood the hint of tactical intimidation.

He lowered his body and faced Bulbasaur with a ferocious face that was much larger than a normal human body.

Bruh do you still want to fight with me?

Even if he doesn't intimidate Ability his huge size and ferocious face have the effect.

He's not inferior to any Normal's Gyarados and he is even better than them.

Bulbasaur realized even with his entire might it won't be able to make the gaint infront of him flinch so he couldn't help but take two steps back.

Look at Ash who is holding a Pokéball in one hand and a Miracle Seed in the other.

It struggled to overcome Miracle Seed's temptation and wanted to fight ash.

Isn't it just wanted to explore ash's strength and see if he is qualified to catch him?

Being able to train this behemoth of Gyarados in front of him how bad could he be?

He have checked with his own eyes it's the trainer he was looking for!

With a slight jump he hit the Pokéball in ash's hand.

Then it turned into a red light and was absorbed by the Pokéball.

The Pokéball shook once or twice in ash's hand and then became quiet.

[Ding, the mission is completed and you get the reward: the magical speed potion. ]

After receiving the familiar system prompt Ash also had a smile on his face.

The intemidation worked!

scaring Bulbasaur doesn't count as fighting him.

After all Ash didn't do anything he just released his Gyarados in advance to say hello to his future companions.

"Ash congratulations on successfully catching bulbasaur."

"Please take good care of him in the future If you have time you can let him come back here to have a look.

Me and everyone else will be waiting for him. "

Seeing that Ash successfully catching bulbasaur Melanie looked at red Gyarados which was taller than the trees with some fear on her eyes.

Overcoming the instinctive fear in her heart she stepped forward and asked Ash.

"Yeah I will Miss Melanie bulbasaur's name will definitely shine in the Indigo Plateau Conference."

"This is my promise!"

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