
Pokemon: Reborn as ash , Make up for your regrets and become stronger

On the first of his Pokemon journey, Ash/Satoshi awakened the memory of his past life and obtained A system will generate tasks and give all Pokemon related items. Knowing the trajectory of his future life, he decisively chose to make up for the regrets of his past life. Pokemon releaser? [You refused to release the pidgeot and received the reward: Potential Evolution Ribbon] [You refused to send the primape and received the reward: MewtwoX Mega Evolution Stone] Change the Region level and clear it? [You use Champion Pikachu to defeat Rookie Trip. The opponent doubts his life and gets the reward: full Mastery of Aura] Region competition companion runner? [You defeat the mystrious trainer Tobias and get the reward: One of three creation dragons dragon of antimatter giratina; title: Dragon Lord] Will you remain single* forever? [You have obtained the "harem protagonist aura", and the harmony of the harem +10] *Robbing Pokémon? [You break paul's leg and send him to a juvenile detention center and get the reward: "One ball into the soul" title (throwing a Poké Ball has a probability of directly recovering the mythical Pokémon) ] ... This is a Chinese translation fanfic I removed all the Chinese elements as mush as I can I fully rewrite the chapters with my own style if you like it please support

stromerthaha · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 37: In the Indigo Plateau Conference I Will make you Regret this!!!

Ash who left the aristocratic school received an unexpected reward for completing a hidden mission.

The best Miracle Seed*1

Increases the power of Grass Type Pokémon's grass-type skills by 50%.

The normal Miracle Seed is only 20% effective and is also highly sought after by Grass Type Pokémon Trainers.

If ash takes out this top quality Miracle Seed.

The value of it should be probably no worse than the top-quality Metal Coat which he got before after defeating Brock using only water type Pokemon Gyarados.

Of course it is also impossible to sell it like the metal coat!

Even ash felt that just one Miracle Seed was not enough.

In the future he will have Bulbasaur, Chikorita, and Sceptile this single miracle seed won't be enough.

It would be nice if such hidden tasks could be triggered more times.

Why don't he go back and single out all the students in the Academy?

See if he can trigger one or two more hidden tasks.

An idea popped up in ash's mind but he quickly shook it off.

Those little students who didn't even deserve to be named in the original plot probably won't give me much reward for defeating them.

For example the blue-haired hedgehog weirdo who blocked the road at the beginning.


In the Pokemon Academy Plaza Giselle's pride and self-esteem were shattered by Pikachu's thunder bolt strike that was like a divine punishment.

Dragging her deer like-legs she arrived at the deep pit left by Pikachu's Thunder Shock.

Graveler and Cubone with circled eyes bodies were charred and they had lost their ability to fight.

Her lips twitched and after a while she recalled her two Pokémon back into their respective pokeballs with a heavy heart.

Is this the true strength of Traveling Trainer?

The so-called attribute restraint is like a joke in the face of the opponent's absolute level suppression.

And the other person seemed to be just a Trainer who had just started traveling.

This Pikachu Trainer wearing a hat is he really a rookie trainer?

My name is Giselle I will remember your name until I pay you back for this humiliation.

See you at the Indigo Plateau Conference.

Giselle raised her face and wiped away the two tears which was rolling over her face.

"Chief Giselle don't be discouraged I don't think he is anything special.

That Pikachu might have been lent to him by his master Pokemon trainer for traveling. "

The blue-haired hedgehog came back to his senses from the shock of Pikachu instantly defeating Graveler and Cubone.

With a flattering expression he stepped forward to comfort Giselle while belittling Ash.

Giselle is the chief student of the lower grade and her family background is much better than his.

Not only that trainer proved the junior students but also the senior students.

Before he finished speaking Giselle looked at him coldly with her eyes.

"Why didn't you say this to him just now when he was moping the floor with you?"

"Uh this."

The blue-haired hedgehog weirdo hesitated.

Giselle snorted coldly and glanced at him contemptuously.

"You people bully the weak and fear the strong if you had a little backbone I would have respected younow shoooo go play with so lower grade students"

After saying that she stepped forward with her fair and slender legs and walked towards the Academic Affairs Office.


"Giselle are you going to graduate early and go on a trip?"

"Are you kidding me?"

The Teacher from the Academic Affairs Office looked very surprised when he looked at the beautiful girl in front of him.

This is the chief student of the junior grade Why is she leaving immediately?

"Teacher I have thought clearly the courses in the college are no longer suitable for me.

Various emergencies during the trip can help me focus better and achieve good results at the Indigo Plateau Conference. "

Giselle gave her own explanation for leaving the acedamy.

"Okay I'll handle the formalities for you I hope you have a smooth trip and successfully attend the Indigo Plateau Conference."

Seeing Giselle who was insisting he didn't say anything more because of her grandfather being the director of this school.

After all dropping out of school is just a family matter for them.

After completing the graduation procedures giselle couldn't wait to embark on a journey with the two Pokémon she had restored back to its health.

She must defeat that hat-wearing Pikachu trainer at the Indigo Plateau Conference!

Let humiliate that person and make him regret on insulting her today.

Make him cry and ask for forgiveness from her.

She saw that the other party was talented and sincere enough.

Reluctantly he raised his hand and agreed for his forgiveness.

Then he was forced to put down his pride as a genius and pinch her legs beat her back and wash her feet with a humiliating look on his face!

Like this our drama queen was having her own fantasy imagination about making Ash her servent and humiliating him. Let's go back to our trio and electric mouse gang.

..... ....

"Ash,brock I'm so hungry is there anything to eat?"

On the other side follow the direction Ajie pointed.

Ash and the two have walked out of the foggy area.

At this time Misty was so hungry that her chest pressed against her back and she weakly said to ash and brock.

"Brock make us something for lunch we are hungry bro"

" No problem let's set up for our lunch Ash you go prepare for firewoods misty please help me to arrange the table"

After leaving the acedamy area Brock once again became lively enough and Misty who was quite hungry asked for a healthy meal.

"No no I want to eat your freshly cooked meal Ash "

Ash rolled his eyes at her and looked Brock who was watching this scene with amusement.

" Misty if you want your boyfriends cooking I can teach him some recipes for what do you say hmm"

Brock wanted to tease the somber Misty who after hearing Brock's teasing her whole face become red due to angry and embarassment.

" Brock you are done for now take my galaxy impact fist "

Misty who was angry punched Brock with a galaxy impact fist from one-piece what am I seeing now Ash who was watching Misty using harp's move was quite dumbfounded.

After some time the trio started to prepare for lunch were who was helping the now bandaged Brock who quite understood not interfering with a couples life.

Brock aslo asked why Ash didn't know about cooking to which Ash replied his experience on outdoor cooking during Viridian forest.


Ash who was tired of eating fast food and dry food in Viridian Forest once cooked a pot of mushroom soup.

Because he didn't recognize a poisonous mushroom they almost got poisoned if it were not for Pikachu and other Pokemon's warning him they would have been poisoned.

End of flashback:-

Brock who heard the story of Ash's out door cooking felt a cold sweat rolling over his neck and made a note don't eat any future cooking of Ash with Pokemon's approval.

" Forget it Ash as a brother from another mother I will teach you how to cook and pass my legacy that to become the harem king of I didn't achieve it you will achieve it in my footsteps"

Brock wanted to teach Ash cooking skills and pass his legacy of making a harem to him.

Ash who heard Brock was like bruh are you and system long lost siblings wanted to make me a harem protagonist.
