
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto

Being reborn was not part of the plan but neither was being killed in an accident. At least I have a second chance and a really sweet mom and an angel for a cousin and aunt now. It's not so bad I guess the only down side I was a woman now I'm a boy but I can get used to it. It helps I don't remember everything I suppose. Ah why are the names so familiar? Wait.... Pokemon are real now? Well at least it's not SnK or Death Note right? Hmmm Ah! Looks like the Pokemon world is a mix of anime, game and manga. Oh my! Holy macaroni they are twice as dangerous than what the anime, game or manga showed. I have been tricked! Trigger Warning for implied kidnapping, rape, murder and torture. Note: This is a work of leisure and completely self indulgent and a fanfic. I got inspiration from reading many reincarnation stories on fanfiction net. I just had to write one as well. As for the pairings, I'll think about it as the story progresses. Plus I write it during free time so I don't exactly have a schedule for updates. I'm writing this for my own amusement. And it is slow paced, like I can only put out one chapter per week. Pokemon is not mine. Trigger Warning people! Do people even read this? Enjoy fanfic lovers!

Ellora25 · Others
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285 Chs


Ash joined the others after the awards ceremony was done, "Are the trainer's tournament still ongoing?"

Misty nodded, "Yeah, Gou and Chloe are currently there."

Delia, "You want to cheer Gary, don't you dear?"

Ash grinned, "Yeah, let's go!"

And with that Ash ran off with Lucario, Pikachu, Charmander and Bulbasaur in his arms leaving the other coordinators confused by his behavior. It was not a hidden fact that coordinators and trainers have a fierce rivalry between them which had turned sour a few years ago. In fact most coordinators and trainers avoided mingling with each other because things could go south and turn ugly very fast. Ash knew this but it didn't stop him from trying out both, in fact he found it really redundant especially with dangerous organisations to worry. Drew who had overheard their conversation decided to follow the group quietly, in case he had to support a fellow coordinator against the trainers.

Brock, "You know I can't wait for tomorrow."

Misty grinned fist pumping, "Me too! I'll be able to show the world how awesome water Pokemon are and hopefully get that one recommendation letter. I would have to worry about only two if I got this one."

Brock, "Yeah, if I get into the finals at least I'll be recognized as a capable Breeder. It'll be my first big step in reaching my goals."

Drew, 'Interesting group, a coordinator, a type specialist and a breeder. You have very interesting friends Ash.'

Roserade, "De?"

Drew, "I don't know him Ro but he's entering our rival territory, and as a fellow coordinator I can't in good conscience let him face them alone."

Roserade gave a nod, "Ro ro roserade!"

Drew smiled, "I'll be counting on you then."

Drew followed the group towards another hall that led to the trainer's battlefield. He saw them join another girl and boy by the seats, before he looked around and sat on a seat by the corner. He watched the battles and he could admit the power of the Pokemon belonging to trainers were very impressive, especially the one girl with Empoleon and the boy with the Haxorus. As he listened to the commentator, he realized that was the boy, Gary, was it? That his final opponent wanted to cheer for, he half wondered what their relationship was, best friends, lovers or siblings?

Ash, "You can do it Gary!"

Lucario, -Kick his ass Haxorus, or I will never let you live it down!-

Pikachu took the pompoms Ash had made for him a few days ago, "Pi pikachu!"

Charmander, "Char char!"

Bulbasaur was content with being held by Ash and didn't bother with cheering but instead observed the battle quietly. Some of the trainers were looking at Ash surprised by his presence and cheering but didn't comment on it. It was pretty clear, the two were close and they didn't want to face a pissed off Dragon, they had seen how powerful Haxorus was when he trounced the Granbull like no one's business. Haxorus seemed to get more invigorated after hearing the cheer and defeated his opponent quickly.

Referee, "Empoleon is unable to battle, Haxorus wins. Trainer Gary will be moving on to the semi finals after a half an hour lunch break."

Gary hugged Haxorus, "You were awesome."

Ash and the others joined Gary as he left the battlefield congratulating him and giving him and Haxorus a group hug making Gary laugh, "Thanks guys, though it was Haxorus who did the heavy lifting."

Haxorus shook his head and nuzzled Gary, "Xo rus!"

Misty, "You both were amazing, Gary."

Ash nodded, "Don't sell yourself short."

Gou, "Yeah your team work was flawless."

Chloe, "Haxorus was dependant on you the same way you are dependant on him to win."

Drew relaxed, 'Guess I didn't have anything to worry about.'

Delia, "Let's go get lunch kids."

Rose, "We booked a private booth with your brothers."

Ash's eyes sparkled, "Really?"

Gary grinned, "What are we waiting for? Let's go."

Drew left as well, "Guess they are a close knit group of friends. I'm a little jealous."

Roserade, "Ro ro se ro."

Drew, "Are you suggesting I get to know them?"

Roserade nodded, "Ro."

Drew hummed, "Let's get you checked out first, then I will think about approaching them."

Roserade smiled satisfied, "Rade!"

Gary turned to Ash, "Looking at your satisfied smile, I'm guessing Charmander did really well."

Ash brightened like the sun looking at Charmander chattering with Haxorus, "He did, he and Bulbasaur won the ribbon together, in fact Bulbasaur here wants to stick to contest battles. Squirtle's not interested in contest however so I am putting him in the gym battle line up. Charmander is aiming for both."

Gou, "He really did his best out there."

Misty smiled, "We are all proud of how far he has come."

Brock grinned, "Damien was such a fool, bet he is regretting it now."

Chloe frowned, "I am not sure someone like Damien would actually feel regret. From what you told us, he sounds way to arrogant to accept his mistakes."

Delia sighed sadly, "Unfortunately you will run into such people from time to time. It is more important to make sure they don't cross the line. At the end of the day, you are not responsible for them, they are responsible for their own actions."

They nodded in agreement as they entered the private booth, dining room in Ash's humble opinion, and were greeted by Blue and Red. Ash and Gary hugged them in greeting while the others verbally greeted them. They enjoyed their lunch together after making sure the Pokemon were comfortable at their table filled with top of the notch pokefeed. Gou was replaying and telling them about Ash and Gary's battles and performance, after making sure his egg was okay. Red ruffled Ash's hair when he showed them the ribbon he had won in the contest. It looked different from the previous ribbons he had, the Viridian contest ribbon was a deep green with lighter shades on green at the ends, while the Cerulean contest ribbon was a deep blue with light blue in the endings. The third ribbon was different as it had two completely different colours on it, yellow and orange.

Gary, "I'm more envious of the pokeballs you won. They are seriously pricey in the market."

Misty nodded, "Yeah!"

Brock, "I wonder what I will win, they didn't announce the prize for breeders yet."

Chloe, "Something to do with healing or maybe if you are lucky, a Pokemon egg."

Brock sighed daydreaming, "That would be something."

Blue laughed, "Don't look at me, we were not told either as they wanted it to be a surprise for everyone. This is the first time we are having a Breeder competition."

Rose smiled at Red as they talked about what they did and ate lunch, Ash wondered where Jessilina and Jameson had disappeared to after the contest. They had cheered him on from the audience with their embarrassing banners but after that had left. They were probably relaxing somewhere like they said they would Ash mused as he talked with Gary about his battle with Sabrina. He was hoping to reach Saffron city one week before the contest there and challenge Sabrina after taking part in the contest. Gary warned Ash and Misty about Sabrina's strength and abilities, she was a powerful Gym leader and she'll no doubt be one of the hardest battles for every Kanto trainer.

Misty grinned, "I'm planning on using Butterfree and Cloyster as my main battlers for my fourth battle."

Ash, "I promised Butterfree and Beedrill a chance to battle and of course Squirtle. He was adamant about it."

Gary nodded, "Good choice. What will Jessilina use?"

Ash hummed, "Knowing her, probably Wobbuffet and I think she said something about a Dustox."

Blue, "You know I'm quite happy you found people to travel with together."

Ash laughed, "Me too."

Red teased, "And here I was planning on shadowing you."

Ash sweatdropped, "Please don't Red. I love you, big brother truly I do but this is my journey."

Brock laughed, "I may or may not want to do the same thing when my siblings start their journey."

Red nodded, "Yes, they grow up so fast."

Blue, "Too fast."

Gary, "Please stop, you sound so old. Anyways time for the next round which is the semi finals."

Ash, "I'll join you, once I have changed from my contest dress."

Delia, "But you look so handsome Ash."

Ash, "Well I don't want to ruin it, during celebrations so."

Gou, "We'll keep a seat."

Ash went to his room and changed into the new journey outfit his mother had made for him. He put on the black T-shirt followed by the dark blue jacket and pants, he even got new running shoes. He thanked his mom mentally for it as he could now change outfits between this one and his older one which had been fixed. Lucario, Pikachu, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Pidgeotto looked him over and nodded making him smile. He soon joined the others as the referee started the battle between Gary and much to Ash's surprise Morrison. He remembered Morrison as Ash's opponent in the Hoenn league, and didn't expect to see him here, looking at the board he was surprised to see another familiar face.

Ash, "Next time Lucario, we are taking part in the tournament. We already won the ribbon."

Lucario nodded, -Agreed!-

Morrison and his Pokemon gave Gary a really good battle, Swampert, Arcanine and Metang fought against Gary's Wartotle, Arcanine and Haxorus. It was a very close battle of strength between the two, and kept the audience on the edge of the seats as the six Pokemon duked it out to win. Their rivals had won in their contest, they were not going to loose to them and if they had to go all out, they would do it. At the end Gary's Wartotle had evolved into a Blastoise making Gary very proud and delighted.

Ash, "Congratulations Gary!"

Misty, "Looking great Blastoise!"

Gou, "That was so cool, two evolutions in one day!"

Chloe, "It's a record I think."

Gary grinned as he waved at his friends, "Why thanks guys!"

Paul looked at his opponent who he would be facing next, "Not bad!"

Ash, "You better win or I'll never let you live this down!"

Gary almost faceplanted, "Really Ash?"

Ash grinned, "Yep!"

Referee, "We will now be having our last battle to decide the winner. Battlers choose your first Pokemon."

Gary, "Blastoise!"

Paul, "Elevtivire!"

Referee, "Begin!"

Paul, "Thundershock!"

Gary, "Withdraw defense!"

Blastoise withdrew and activated iron defense allowing the attack to pass harmlessly through to the ground. Paul was annoyed and yet quietly impressed by the younger kid infront of him, he decided to change tactics and used physical combat to battle him while Gary moved to elemental. Blastoise and Elevtivire duked it out and Ash and Misty's Squirtles were watching with awe as the two fought. Electric types were a water types main weakness and to see a water type Pokemon go toe to toe with a fully evolved electric Pokemon was simply put inspirational. They cheered their comrade on as the two fully evolved Pokemon fought, till they both fainted resulting the first match to be a draw.

Referee, "Blastoise and Elevtivire are unable to battle. Battlers choose your next Pokemon."

Paul, "Hariyama!"

Gary, "Let's play Nidoqueen!"

Referee, "Begin!"

Paul, "Hariyama force palm! Don't get close!"

Gary smirked, "Attract followed by thunder punch and shadow claw."

Nidoqueen used attract on Hariyama which made him blush and dazed before she hit him with a thunder punch. Hariyama got pushed back before he shook his head.

Paul, "You okay Hariyama. Do not fall for that again, you hear? Now force palm"

Hariyama nodded as he attacked and countered shadow claw with force palm and glared at the smirking female. The two pushed at each other before separating and standing on opposite sides watching the other.

Gary, "Poison sting!"

Paul, "Dodge and use brine!"

Gary, "Follow up icy wind!"

Hariyama dodged the poison sting and attacked using brine while Nidoqueen retaliated with icy wind freezing the water before using poison sting again poisoning the fighting type.

Paul, "Hariyama finish this quickly stomping tantrum followed by focus punch."

Gary, "Use iron tail to jump and come down hard with fire punch and toxic."

Nidoqueen jumped much to the shock of the audience as she avoided the tantrum and came down hard hitting on Hariyama answering his focus punch with fire punch before attacking him with another poison attack that knocked him out.

Referee, "Hariyama is unable to battle Nidoqueen is the winner. Battler Paul choose your final Pokemon."

Paul, "Let's go Torterra!"

Gary, "Want to watch or rest!"

Nidoqueen sat behind Gary making him smile, "Alright then watch it is. Haxorus let's play!"

Referee, "Begin!"

Paul, "Sunny day!"

Gary, "Dragon dance!"

Paul, "Solar beam!"

Gary, "Agility to dodge and dragon claw!"

Haxorus ran towards Torterra and used his agility to propel himself upwards dodging the beam before coming down with a dragon claw on his back. The impact made Torterra's knees bend a bit and shook the ship.

Blue, "Oh my!"

Red smirked, "That's our baby sibling."

Lance who was next to the gave them an exasperated look, "They are going to give me headaches too, aren't they?"

They two young adults shrugged before watching the battle. Haxorus and Gary were giving the continent Pokemon a run for his money although Paul and Torterra were not easy to beat and gave back as good as they got. The two final evolution Pokemon fought with different attacks and power moves.

Paul, "Leaf storm!"

Gary, "Dragon rage!"

The two attacks collided making the entire ship vibrate and when the smoke cleared both Pokemon were down and out for the count.

Referee, "Torterra and Haxorus are unable to battle, however since battler Gary still has one Pokemon remaining he is the winner of the tournament."

Paul sighed as he returned Torterra, and Gary returned Haxorus before approaching him, "Hey Paul, that was a great battle."

Paul nodded, "I'll beat you next time."

Gary grinned, "Looking forward to it."

The award ceremony soon started and Gary was given the prize money, a set of six evolution stones as well as an egg of unknown origin. Ash and the others congratulated him before they went together to the celebratory feast being held on the ship for the winners. Ash and Gary sat together chatting much to the relief of the organisers of the party. They had been worried they would act like the previous contest and tournament winner and refuse to talk to each other making the entire celebrations a little awkward. The friendship and easy camaraderie between the two winners surprised a lot of people who didn't know them. After the dinner celebration however Ash was unable to sleep and spent the time looking out to the ocean leaning on the railings.

Lucario, -Are you okay?-

Ash, "I'm fine, just unable to sleep, despite the exhaustion."

Gary, "Can't sleep? Me neither! The adrenaline from earlier is still going."

Ash turned, "Gary, hey!"

Gary stood beside him, "Hey yourself! You good?"

Ash bit his lip, "I think so."

Red joined them, "Ash? Gary? It's almost midnight."

Ash turned to Red and saw Blue, Gold, Lance, Steven, Cynthia, Diantha and Leon beside him, "Did you come from a meeting? And yeah it's like back at Viridian cit....."

Ash turned to the front and saw mist coming towards the boat. Red grabbed his hand and brought him towards them slowly and Blue did the same with Gary as they watched the strange mist warily. Out of the mist came out a figure and approached them getting wide eyes from everyone. The figure stopped infront of Lucario who was infront of Ash who was looking at them speechless before they bent down to give something to Ash.

Ash looked at what was on his hand, "Wait! This is the second feather I'm receiving, the first from Ho oh! Is there a reason why?"

Articuno looked back at Ash, -All will be explained soon, little one.-

Lance's breath hitched, "Psychic!"

Gary commented after the Ice phoenix Pokemon left just as it came suddenly, "Well that happened!"

Blue spoke slowly looking at the others with them, "Yeah! It did."

Ash, "I'm a little terrified about what this means. And isn't your Articuno female Red? That one was definitely male!"

Red hugged Ash tight, "You are right about that Articuno. He's not mine!"

Red looked at the silver feather in trepidation, the only times Ho oh or Lugia was known to appear were during troubled times. And no one had seen Lugia literally for hundred years now. He wondered what sort of trouble the two Legendary Pokemon foresaw, that they found it prudent for Ash to have one each of their prized feathers. The other Champions meanwhile was staring at the young boy in Red's arms in consideration. Having one feather from a Legendary was a big deal in itself, to be gifted with another one from a different Legendary from a different region was unheard of. They made a point to keep an eye out for the trainer should he decide to journey in their region.