
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto

Being reborn was not part of the plan but neither was being killed in an accident. At least I have a second chance and a really sweet mom and an angel for a cousin and aunt now. It's not so bad I guess the only down side I was a woman now I'm a boy but I can get used to it. It helps I don't remember everything I suppose. Ah why are the names so familiar? Wait.... Pokemon are real now? Well at least it's not SnK or Death Note right? Hmmm Ah! Looks like the Pokemon world is a mix of anime, game and manga. Oh my! Holy macaroni they are twice as dangerous than what the anime, game or manga showed. I have been tricked! Trigger Warning for implied kidnapping, rape, murder and torture. Note: This is a work of leisure and completely self indulgent and a fanfic. I got inspiration from reading many reincarnation stories on fanfiction net. I just had to write one as well. As for the pairings, I'll think about it as the story progresses. Plus I write it during free time so I don't exactly have a schedule for updates. I'm writing this for my own amusement. And it is slow paced, like I can only put out one chapter per week. Pokemon is not mine. Trigger Warning people! Do people even read this? Enjoy fanfic lovers!

Ellora25 · Others
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285 Chs

Kanto - Indigo Plateau

Ash walked to the sitting area with Pikachu and Primeape as the arena started to get cleaned up before the change. He could see some of the trainers from the previous battles giving a hand on clean up. Helping out around the League was a quick way to get good money in a small amount of time. Ethan was talking to his Togepi who had an Everstone collar around him and had many battle scars, if those were battle scars. Ash remembered the manga, Togepi well Gold's Togepi was very strong and no nonsense type unlike the Togepi from the anime. He wandered what the story was for Ethan's Togepi, from the looks of the scarred face, definitely not sunshine and rainbows.

Primeape poked Ash's cheek, "Ape ape."

Pikachu inquired as well, "Pikapi?"

Ash, "Just wondering what the story for Togepi is. That little guy reminds me of Gary's Seviper."

Pikachu looked at the other side of the battle field and had to agree with Ash. That Togepi will be hard to beat, looks like he knows who he'll be battling in the end. Primeape realized it too and looked serious, if Togepi is anything like Seviper, it's going to be a tough battle for them. Survivors were always harder to take down simply because they refused to stay down.

Blue, "What's with the frown?"

Yellow, "Huh? Oh! Hi, Blue and don't worry, it's nothing."

Blue, "That won't work on me Y. Tell me."

Yellow looked at where Ash was sitting, "I got a feeling something is going to happen."

Blue raised his eyebrow, "I tightened the security last night."

Yellow, "Not that type of something... More like... I don't know how to explain it."

Blue, "Try!"

Yellow, "I think Ash's aura is gonna create trouble for him. Not intentionally of course, but it'll be trouble. I would have given him a suppressor belt but it's risky when aura is fluctuating. Instead of becoming docile it would instead strain Ash and cause more problems. I should have insisted on having two days off before this battle. One day is just not enough."

Blue put his hand on her shoulder, "Calm down Y. And you know that putting it off by one day was already pushing it."

Yellow sighed, "Yeah, guess we can only be prepared."

Announcer, "Welcome to the second stage."

The audience cheered as the field was now completely different from the previous one with long stalagmites. There was a pool in the middle of the field and a cool wind blowing away from it. It was designed like the insides of a cave and looking at the walls Ash guessed it was a copy of Cerulean cove, which was now blocked from public. You had to be a high level gym leader like Sabrina, Koga, Surge and Blue or a Champion to enter that cove. He supposed he could enter it, as the Orange League Champion he had that right but, he really doubts that will fly over well with Red. He was already lucky enough to get away with a few things already, especially his penchant to run into Team Rocket.

Ash sweatdropped, "Okay! Mind on the game, think about other stuff later."

Pikachu, "Pikapi pika?"

Ash, "Just thinking about Cerulean cove, buddy. This field reminds me of it."

Primeape nodded, "Ape, ape prim."

Ash, "You want to try it first? Alright."

Announcer, "The stage is ready! Trainers choose your Pokemon."

Primeape stood up and took his stance, "Ape!"

Ethan, "Alright then Poliwrath, let's show them what we have got."

Poliwrath, "Poli!"

Announcer, "Begin!"

Ash, "Bulk up followed by karate chop!"

Ethan, "Belly drum followed by dynamic punch."

Both Pokemon used bulk up and belly drum simultaneously before attacking with karate chop and dynamic punch. Pikachu winced hearing the attacks land on the opponent Pokemon, it sounded painful. Ash had started to get used to the sound of body being hit by attacks but it didn't make it any easier to hear or observe it. Now he was not soft, his run in with abusive trainees, Team Rocket and poachers ensured that but some things there are just no getting used to.

Pikachu, "Pika!"

Primeape had fallen but gotten up again, "Ape."

Ash, "Seismic toss when you get close till then use fire punch and thunder punch."

Ethan, "Use earth power to defend against the thunder punch followed by hydro pump."

Poliwrath used earth power just as Primeape reached him using fire punch. Primeape narrowed his eyes at the wall of earth before hitting it again using thunder punch before backing off. Poliwrath then jumped up and attacked using hydro pump hitting Primeape and pushing him towards one of the rock pillars. Seeing as he was going to hit the pillar Primeape grunted before using U - turn to return to his pokeball and Wigglytuff came out.

Wigglytuff, "Wiggly!"

Announcer, "And in a turn of events, Primeape used U - turn and returned to his pokeball."

Ash took Primeape's pokeball out and frowned, 'I don't know if I should use Primeape anymore. He was hit really bad.'

Ash blinked when the pokeball light turned red, "Guess that's that. My Primeape's out."

Announcer, "Sorry?"

Ash showed the pokeball, "My Primeape is out, he used his last remaining energy on U - turn. He is out cold inside."

Ethan sweatdropped, "Seeing how confidently he stood on the arena. I wouldn't even have guessed he was that low on strength."

Ash, "That's Primeape for you. Never shows a weakness no matter what till the end."

Announcer, "Well folks with this Ethan has two wins and Ash leads with three wins. Let's continue with the match."

Ethan, "Poliwrath hydro pump again."

Ash, "Gyro ball!"

Wigglytuff rolled away from the attack before jumping on the water and rushing towards Poliwrath. Poliwrath narrowed his eyes and made a fist and brought it up to hit gyro ball with dynamic punch. Wigglytuff grunted but did not back down instead rolling away a not before attacking again.

Ethan, "Whirlpool."

Ash, "Disarming voice."

Poliwrath grunted as the attack didn't form and hissed, "Rath!"

Wigglytuff stopped singing and smirked, "Wigglytuff."

Ethan, "It's okay, use hail instead. Full power!"

Ash, "Metronome full power!"

Both Pokemon glowered at each other sizing the other up before they glowed with the strength of their attack. Wigglytuff unleashed metronome which was a powerful shadow ball while Poliwrath brought down powerful hail storm. The shadow ball hit Poliwrath and the hail fell on Wigglytuff knocking both Pokemon out.

Announcer, "Wigglytuff and Poliwrath are unable to battle. Ash leads by four wins while Ethan has three wins. Choose your next Pokemon."

Ethan, "Return Poliwrath. You not only forced Primeape to back down but you also beat Wigglytuff. Thank you. Now I choose Nidoqueen."

Ash, "Return Wigglytuff, you were awesome girl. Let's go Snorlax."

Announcer, "Begin!"

Ethan, "Fury swipes!"

Ash, "Yawn!"

Nidoqueen attacked only to stagger back and shake her head to get rid of the effect, "Ni nido."

Ethan, "Tail whip yourself quick."

Nidoqueen used tail whip on herself waking up, "Nidoqueen!"

Ethan, "Good job waking up. Now use hyper beam."

Ash, "Solar beam Snorlax."

The two beams powered up and were shot at the other opponent. Snorlax then jumped into the pool in the middle and charged towards Nidoqueen who did the same. The two Pokemon were soon in an all out brawl and Ethan's Togepi was egging them on, pun intended.

Pikachu sweat dropped, "Pika pika.... "

Ash, "They are enjoying themselves. Snorlax icy wind."

Ethan, "Use icy wind as well."

The arena temperature started to go down making it really cold. Ash rubbed his hands, he was tempted to use aura to regulate his temperature but decided not to. Yellow forbade it and he still had to prepare for the Kanto Grand Festival after the League was done. Ash sighed as he focused on the battle, Nidoqueen and Snorlax were similar and equal in strength. It might be a battle of stamina rather than strength.

Ash, "Yawn!"

Ethan, "Again? Use toxic quick."

Nidoqueen attacked with poison just as Snorlax yawned and made her sleepy once again. Snorlax was hit by toxic just as Nidoqueen was hit by yawn.

Ash, "Snorlax body slam."

Ethan, "Nidoqueen move quick, use tail whip on yourself."

Nidoqueen tried to tail whip herself awake but Snorlax had jumped and come down on her with a powerful body slam. Snorlax moved away from the fallen opponent staggering a bit due to the poison but stood tall.

Announcer, "Nidoqueen is unable to battle, Snorlax is the winner."

Snorlax panted as he stood up, "Lax!"

Ethan, "Return, let's go Togepi!"

Announcer, "Begin!"

Ash, "Snorlax last resort!"

Ethan, "Togepi shield!"

Togepi raised a thick shield as Snorlax used all the moves he had used earlier as a last resort. Togepi resisted all the attacks Snorlax threw at him like it did not affect him at all, Ash noticed Snorlax was still affected by the poison. Ash noticed Snorlax was getting weaker but there was not much he could do at the moment. Togepi noticed that too and gave a grin before his hand started to glow and the egg Pokemon punched Snorlax knocking him out.

Announcer, "Snorlax is unable to battle, Togepi won the match."

Ash, "Return Snorlax! Thank you buddy! Now then I got you and Miltank, Pikachu. So you want to go first or should Miltank fight first?"

Pikachu hummed before pointing towards Miltank's pokeball, "Pika pikapi pika."

Ash, "Alright then, Miltank your turn."

Announcer, "Begin!"

Ash, "Roll out!"

Ethan, "Be careful Togepi, use safeguard."

Miltank hit Togepi using roll out but Togepi held his ground against Miltank before both Pokemon separated. Togepi narrowed his eyes and prepared his focus punch again ready to hit Miltank just like he hit Snorlax earlier. Miltank however changed her attack style and attacked from other sides making Togepi look at her irritated.

Ethan, "Calm mind Togepi, don't let your frustration get the better of you."

Togepi nodded, "Ge!"

Ash, "Miltank use Zen headbutt."

Ethan, "Pound!"

Miltank and Togepi attacked at the same time and there was a large wham that went through the arena. The Zen headbutt and pound attacked had connected and caused a large sound. Pikachu grumbled about it and Ash got worried, he noticed Ethan was too and the two Pokemon wellll... Togepi and Miltank were both battle crazy and fought not backing down. Zen headbutt, pound, focus punch and roll out were exchanged between the two without the trainers prompting.

Pikachu pointed at them, "Pika pikapi?"

Ash, "They are very battle obsessed, aren't they? Miltank thunder wave."

Ethan, "Togepi draining kiss!"

Togepi used draining kiss just as thunder wave was released and took some of the energy from Miltank. Miltank gave a tch as she felt some of her strength get stolen and she jumped away.

Ethan, "Now Metronome!"

Ash, "Roll out! Don't let yourself be hit."

Miltank used roll out to move around Togepi and Togepi used metronome which turned out to be a powerful mystical fire. The fire surrounded Miltank before hitting her and making her shout in pain before she rolled out from there. Togepi was waiting for it and hit her with focus punch knocking her out.

Announcer, "Miltank is unable to battle, Togepi won the match. Now both sides are at equal wins. The winner will be decided by the final match but, a reminder. You must win the battle to be considered a winner if you end up in a draw then it's considered a loss."

Ash, "Return Miltank, thank you girl. Ready buddy?"

Pikachu jumped off Ash's shoulder and took a battle stance, "Pika!"

Announcer, "Looks we are going to have a battle between two adorable Pokemon for the finale! Begin!"

Ash, "Agility and iron tail."

Ethan, "Metronome!"

Pikachu used agility to criss cross through the field and get closer to Togepi just as he released metronome. Iron tail clashed with shadow ball that came out from the metronome and both Pokemon pushed their attacks creating an explosion. Pikachu landed out of the dirt cloud waiting for another attack with iron tail ready to attack or defend. Out of the cloud Togepi charged at Pikachu with aerial ace and Pikachu greeted it with iron tail.

Ash, "Use thunder!"

Ethan, "Togepi!"

Pikachu attacked using thunder before Ethan could say anything else and Togepi was shocked by electricity. Pikachu stood back watching his opponent warily and true to his suspicions Togepi got up.

Ash gave a smile, "A stubborn survivor indeed, but I'm not into hurting unnecessarily, so mega punch. Now!"

Ethan, "Togepi use rest, Togepi."

Ash, "Togepi is paralyzed, sorry Ethan."

Ethan, "Huh? Ah shit!"

Pikachu had run up to Togepi and landed a strong hit against Togepi's skull knocking him out. The electric mouse gave a sigh as he fell unconscious from the hit, dealing with one survival run Seviper was enough. Of course he couldn't blame them for it though but still, he rather not deal with more than one. And just imagining their Togekiss acting this way made a shiver run through his spine.

Announcer, "Togepi is unable to battle, the winner of the Conference is Ash Ketchum. Congratulations to the winner."

Ash ran out to the field to hug Pikachu as the yellow mouse jumped on Ash, "Great job buddy. You all deserve a treat after this."

Pikachu, "Pikachu!"

Lucario joined him, -You did it, Meema.-

Ash, "We did it together Lucario."

Ethan, "That was awesome. Next time I'll win."

Ash grinned, "Of course. I wouldn't expect anything less."

Yellow sighed upstairs, "Thank goodness, his aura didn't work up."

Blue, "We could have covered him if it did, I already got am excuse ready."

Sabrina sweat dropped but shook her head, "He is an interesting child."

Lt Surge, "His Pokemon are doing well too."

Blaine, "I wonder if he'll challenge the Elite four."

Red sighed, "He won't, he has other plans."

Lorelei, "Really? That's a shame, I was hoping for an heir soon."

Agatha, "Don't cut him off yet. I believe he'll come to challenge us one day."

Bruno, "Just not right now, am I right?"

Lance, "True Elite battles are different from League battles. More brutal, not to forget the missions we do can be quiet bloody."

Agatha sighed, "I had help from him during a mission and he kept a level head. It's after the mission was over I believe he broke down?"

Sabrina nodded, "He wrote quite a disturbing horror story to cope. Well... It's better than going berserk I suppose."

Yellow, "What? Why wasn't I told about this?"

Red, "Sorry Yellow but it's part of high priority mission so... "

Yellow grumbled, "Fine but I need a copy of his health during the mission."

[A. N.: Kanto League is over!

And for those who are curious, yes, Yellow is Ash's official Doctor.

Next Kanto Grand Festival.]