
Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto

Being reborn was not part of the plan but neither was being killed in an accident. At least I have a second chance and a really sweet mom and an angel for a cousin and aunt now. It's not so bad I guess the only down side I was a woman now I'm a boy but I can get used to it. It helps I don't remember everything I suppose. Ah why are the names so familiar? Wait.... Pokemon are real now? Well at least it's not SnK or Death Note right? Hmmm Ah! Looks like the Pokemon world is a mix of anime, game and manga. Oh my! Holy macaroni they are twice as dangerous than what the anime, game or manga showed. I have been tricked! Trigger Warning for implied kidnapping, rape, murder and torture. Note: This is a work of leisure and completely self indulgent and a fanfic. I got inspiration from reading many reincarnation stories on fanfiction net. I just had to write one as well. As for the pairings, I'll think about it as the story progresses. Plus I write it during free time so I don't exactly have a schedule for updates. I'm writing this for my own amusement. And it is slow paced, like I can only put out one chapter per week. Pokemon is not mine. Trigger Warning people! Do people even read this? Enjoy fanfic lovers!

Ellora25 · Others
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285 Chs


Ash and the group stayed the night sharing dinner with the large clan sharing their own adventures while hearing stories about the past Aura users. It was nice to just relax and enjoy, Ash's youngest Pokemon were running around as well playing with other young Pokemon. Tyrantrum, Snorlax and Wigglytuff who had fully healed by dinner enjoyed the feast while Tyrantrum ignored the fanatical looks thrown at him. Meema had already warned him about it, but he did not care, he only cared about what his Meema thought and Ash said he was very proud of him. He could see his Elders well, only Venasaur and Charizard mingle with the crowd, Blastoise was in Kanto working with his team.

Gou, Casey and Max had noticed while Ash and Lance had become closer, so had Brock and Lady Kohoko. But, they figured it was a good thing, they needed people especially adult figures they could rely on without any worry of being a burden. Ash, Misty and Brock were more alike than they thought, all of them tended to care for others more than themselves and even tended to keep their problems to themselves. It was hard to get those three to open up though they always managed to help others simply by talking. It was a good thing they could openly talk to other people even if those people were not them.

Gou remembered Brock would talk with Jameson and Misty was pretty close to Jessilina while Ash was close to both adults. Thinking back Gou did not have a doubt the older couple acted like a good sounding board to the three of them. He wondered how Misty was doing, truly doing, he knows James is with her so she was probably fine. Though from the complains he received from Melody, Chloe and Serena, it seems being the one to carry all the responsibility is an Aura Guardian trait. The next day they left Blackthorn City early in the morning to avoid any fuss or problems.

Ash, "I think I will return again in the future to visit."

Meowth, "It's a nice City, all things considered."

Lokoko, -Indeed, I enjoyed the local cuisine.-

Max, "Me too. It's an awesome place."

Brock, "I agree, I want my own personal healing chambers in the future."

Casey, "I am sure you will have your own soon Brock. You are an amazing healer."

Gou was focused on Ash, "Are you okay?"

Ash, "That obvious, huh?"

Gou looked back, "Not to Casey and Max but I have known you since camp days."

Ash smiled, "It's just what Hunter J did and what Lance said. Now that we are away from the situation it is weighing on my shoulder."

Gou, "You are not sure if it is safe for Tyrantrum to travel."

Ash looked over at where Tyrantrum was matching Charizard's speed, "I would not say unsure because if I send him to the lab I know people will know and go after him."

Gou, "But you are not sure you can protect him either, am I right?"

Ash, "I cannot hide anything from you, Chloe, Gary or Misty, can I? One of you always notice if something is bothering me."

Gou, "Well, we have known you the longest among us. So, of course we notice."

Ash laughed, "Yeah, I just hope things turn out better."

Gou, "Do not worry too much Ash, it will be okay."

Ash smiled and then started to talk about what Lance had told him earlier before they had left the City. According to the Dragon Master, the Silver Conference would be in four months while the Grand Festival would be in two months. It would be held at a place called Altomare, which was a Port City. Ash had tensed up a bit at that which Lance's sharp eyes had picked up and he had asked him what was wrong. Ash had contemplated a bit before deciding to tall Lance about what he knew transpired in the movie with Latias and Latios. Ash had informed him about Team Rocket's plan for the ancient weapon in the City and Lance had stiffened.

Of course, Lance knew about the weapon and where it was located, he did not realize Team Rocket was interested too. Ash murmured he had seen the plan when his aura skimmed close to Oakley from Team Rocket back at Greenfield. Lance nodded and assured him the weapon would be safe and kept away from those who wishes to misuse it. Ash had smiled in relief making the red haired man ruffle his hair before shooing him off. Ash smiled as he thought about using the Jhoto starters during the Grand Festival. Brock then called for a lunch break after a while and took out lunch for all of them to eat.

Ash, "Claire sent some cookies for us."

Casey, "I love the cookies she makes."

Lokoko -I think I like her cookies more than the bakeries in Blackthorn City.-

Max, "Hey, which Pokemon is that?"

Brock, "Hm? Oh, that is a Wynaut."

Meowth, "Weird, what is it doing here?"

Ash, "Maybe it is hungry."

Abra, -I will go ask Meema.-

They watched as Abra talked to Wynaut and then coaxed her to join them for lunch instead of just watching them eat. Abra introduced the female psychic type and said she was hungry. Brock smiled and offered her a plate of poke food making Wynaut look at him in wonder. Ash stifled a laugh it looks like another Pokemon is smitten by Brock's cooking. Casey muttered under her breath about how Brock can easily take over the world with his cooking. Ash had to drink water to calm himself down, on the other hand, it looks like Brock got himself a new Pokemon.

Ash, "Having a psychic type would be a good way to communicate with Pokemon."

Brock, "You guys do not mind if I take her?"

Casey, "Hands full preparing for the Elite test. It is just three months away. One month before the Conference."

Ash, "I am still raising this cutie here."

Abra giggled, -I love you too, Meema.-

Gou, "She obviously like you better so I think we should listen to what she wants first."

Max, "Limit, a full slot for non - beginner."

Meowth drawled, "Pokemon do not catch other Pokemon."

Lokoko laughed, -What he said.-

Brock, "So then. Do you want to join me?"

Wynaut, "Wy wynaut."

Brock laughed as Wynaut joined him and the others congratulated him for getting a new psychic Pokemon. It was a very calming few days of traveling with them rotating the Pokemon and training hard for their upcoming challenges. They had a few months before their respective challenges and Casey and Ash were going all out using different styles and strategies to battle. It was fun then they came across the beach and saw a board for synchronized swimming. From what the board said it looked like there was a school of kids learning how to synchronize swim along with their water Pokemon.

Max, "Can we watch?"

Ash, "I don't see why not."

Gou, "It looks really fun."

Casey, "It's in two hours."

Brock, "How about a beach picnic lunch till then?"

Meowth, "Sounds fun."

Lokoko, -I am in. The beach looks lovely too.-

Lucario was already going through Ash's item box, -We still got our large picnic blankets so let's use them.-

Lunch was a fun affair and thankfully the beach was really nice especially with the cool breeze coming. There were not many people around and so Tyrantrum was able to run around and have fun with the other Pokemon. Eevee and Abra really had fun jumping around and riding on top of the Dragon Pokemon while Absol had decided to commandeer Ash's lap. Ash was patting Absol, then Lucario and Pikachu while keeping an eye on the Pokemon who were running around. As they were relaxing they were approached by a man in a full body swim suit, he was looking at them all curiously.

The dark haired man introduced himself, "Hello there, I am Dorian the head of this school."

Ash, "Nice to meet you Mr Dorian."

Casey, "You are the head? You look so young."

Brock nodded, "You don't look much older than me."

Max, "You are pretty cool."

Gou, "Understatement."

Dorian's face was red, "Thank you. That is really nice of you guys. Do you want to join my school?"

Max, "I want to travel more first but I know a few others who are interested. Got a flyer I can send home?"

Dorian, "Back in school yeah. It's not as large as other Academies but it's a decent size."

Ash, "Cool!"

Meowth, 'He is a young Headmaster.'

Dorian invited them to show them his school and explained how he and a few friends of his actually opened it together a few months ago. Before that he was the one doing synchronized swimming with his Pokemon to bring in money and raise interest in water Pokemon. It was very interesting to learn about the starting of the Academy and they could still see some of the construction going on. Ash sent a flyer to Pallet town and the others soon followed suit sending the flyer alongside explanations for it. Dorian even invited them to a free show where five of his students were performing with their water Pokemon partners.

It was really adorable to watch and they left with good memories while Dorian told them to visit anytime they wanted. A few days later they were at a Pokemon center informing Professor Elm on what their status was and at the same time checking in on Leaf and Wigglytuff that had woken up a few days ago. Leaf looked better and with Green by her side again she was smiling even more now. Ash was relieved to see them happy and smiling again, he was worried they would lose their smiles forever. He would have to thank Jessie later on when they see her next time.

Elm, "Oh, before I forget. Could you pick an egg from a nearby lab and bring it here?"

Ash, "Sure, we are heading your way anyway. We will pick up the pokemon egg and deliver it."

They went to the lab but found no one in front of the lab and decided to look around the lab for someone. As they were looking around a Lady appeared in a lab coat, she was ordering the other girls and boys to set up the things necessary. She greeted and welcomed them and then turned to greet Nurse Joy who was very familiar and Gou remembered her as the strict Nurse Joy. The Lady in charge introduced herself as Naomi as she called for everyone's attention telling them about the Lapras migration pattern. Ash then remembered one episode where the og trio met with Lapras and his school in Jhoto.

Ash, "Really? I have a Lapras too. Maybe it is the same group."

Naomi blinked, "Well, there is only one way to find out. Call your Lapras, it will even help us with our data collection and the understanding of the species."

Ash, "Lapras, come out buddy."

Lapras cooed at him as Ask explained what was going on and the water Pokemon's eyes lit up. Lapras would love to meet his old family again and show them everything that they have learned over the months. Naomi guided them and told them where the Lapras school would be and the young Lapras was very excited and wanted Ash to go with him. After a bit of contemplation Naomi agreed to let the two go ahead and find out if it was the same school Lapras was a part of. Lapras cooed and the two went to greet the Lapras group who were wary in the beginning but after a while we're friendly.

Ash laughed, "Hello to you all as well. I see some new young ones."

Abra, -They are like me Meema?-

Ash, "Yes, they are young like you."

Lucario, -I am just happy they are healthy and doing well.-

Meowth, "I think we need to find a way to protect you instead, kit."

Ash, "I can take care of myself."

Meowth, "Kit, you don't get it. Your Aura attracts Pokemon. Especially Pokemon like Lapras. Do you have any idea how much people like Hunter J would want to capture people like you to use?"

Ash, "I know, Meowth I know better than anyone how cruel humans can be. It's the reason I use disguises."

Meowth sighed, "I am sorry kit. I should have known you would figure it out."

Ash gave a tired smile, "We will figure it out together. I will not allow anyone to take advantage of me."

Lucario held him close, -Good! Or I swear I will kill them.-

Puja celebrations is from this weekend. I am excited to spend time with my friends.

Hope you all are having a fun October too.

Ellora25creators' thoughts