
Pokemon: Reborn as a what!?

One day, a man woke up in cold sweat in confusion after he dreamed of being stuck in something that felt like a cage and it was blistering hot in it, confused and exhausted he went to the local convenience store.... I wonder what awaits him.

The_Demon_Child · Fantasy
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8 Chs

What In The Fuck Is That?

'What in the fuck?'

"Honey the egg hatched!"The tall man said

while still getting oriented to my surroundings after fail to condense my ember 5x over.... ow, a Pidgeot flew right up to me and started checking me all over and nudging me with it's beak towards my egg shells. She probably wants me to eat it so down the hatch.

-You ate Fire energy soaked egg shell. 5 exp gained- x7

It tasted like jalapenos on tortilla chips.

anyways my mother is a normal Pidgeot, no indication of being a variant so either I got it from my dad or I got really lucky.

-Luck increased to B-

enough said.

"um hey little buddy" said the tall man as he slowly approached me

'hey fucko'

"you okay"

'do I look okay?'

"let's get you a bath and a potion"

'how bout no'. I thought as I tried using ember but very weakly towards him

"Oh Shit!" he yelled as he dodged but he dodged towards the wall, in a diving position...


That's gonna leave a mark....

"Honey are you okay?" the melodic voice asked

'he passed da fuck out'

A slim and curvy-



A red haired woman with blue eyes came out and saw her husband I assume. She then looked at her porch that's scorched with multiple plants broken and burned.....


Her hair started rising like a certain hot habareno, My mother layed an egg(unfertilized) in fear. I could tell because she was shaking a lot.

("after the ass whoopin")

Never. Fuck. With. A. Independent. Housewife.

that is my lesson today.....

well after all that the black haired guy woke up, saying

"I feel a disturbance in the force."


"Mom, I'm home with my friends and Josh"

both of them ran towards the front while my mother picked me up....

wait where is my dad, did he leave to get the moomoo milk?

anyways We went to the front of the house and what I saw was the red haired woman leading a little girl with red hair and 2 more girls into the house while black haired man staring very intensely at a blonde haired kid wearing a hat and sunglasses. You know, normal white family shit.

My mother took me into the house and put me on a small perch in the living room where the girls were talking with the lady. all of sudden the red haired girl snapped her head to look at me, I have a bad feeling about this.

("2 seconds later")

She's hugging me...



name: William Arrin

Title:The Gamer,???????

age:6 months

species:Pidgey(Fire Variant)

level: 1




Str: E-

Vit: E

End: E-

Dex: E

Agi: E

Int: D-

Wis: E+

Chr: E

Luck: B-






Inner world

Gamer's mind

Gamer's body

Keen eye

Big Pecks



peck lvl 1

leer lvl 1

sand attack lvl 1

ember lvl 1

gust lvl 1

tackle lvl 1
