
Pokemon: Reborn as a what!?

One day, a man woke up in cold sweat in confusion after he dreamed of being stuck in something that felt like a cage and it was blistering hot in it, confused and exhausted he went to the local convenience store.... I wonder what awaits him.

The_Demon_Child · Fantasy
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8 Chs

This is my new life.

So this is how I'm going to die this time? getting squeezed to death by a little girl. If she was a teenager I wouldn't really mind it but it's like a cutting board.....

Oh no.... She looks angry now. I have aggravated the issue of every woman, boob size.

"dad, where's Josh?" she said while pouting

'thank Rob, I'm fine"

"He had to go home..."


after that exchange, everyone went to go do their own thing, but the thing is the parents looked at me in surprise everytime they looked at me.

My mother put in the perch and went to sleep, so as any rational and smart reincarnated person does I left sneakily to get me some exp!

It was a nice day, birds were singing, flowers were blooming, you know on days like these, some Pokemon are going to hell.

my first target was some Caterpie,.I found some but I encountered a slight issue... it was in a Butterfree colony

So I decided to target a Rattata that was wondering alone.

I swooped in while using peck and managed to push it 2 meters away, right after it regained it's balance it started using quick attack repeatedly and I got knocked around like a bitch. After 2 minutes I decided to try and focus fire energy and started flying around quickly, resembling a certain firefighter from an anime about fighting fire demons with fire. the battle became one sided after that purely because of my speed, I also gained a new move and skill. I was exhausted but decided to hunt some more and I stumbled upon another Rattata and got 2 levels out of that entire hunt. I headed back home because I felt a disturbance in the force.

Thankfully my mother was still asleep when I got back but I met my father and he's apparently very.... Physical.... he checked me head to talon and picked me up and flew to the bed my mother was sleeping in and made me lie down to sleep.


The next day

Am I still alive?

All I see is darkness.

oh nevermind my dad is sleeping on me....


I tried to wrestle my way out, and I accidentally expelled fire again and-





-30 Minutes later-

"Listen I know you love that Pidgey but it just keeps causing destruction!" John, the father, yelled at his wife.

"John you know that's the child of my Pokemon!" Maria yelled back.

"but he broke my coffee machine..." cried the poor house husband.

"I'll just get a new one." Maria said while looking at her husband with a deadpan expression.

"But it was my favorite coffee machine."

"Shut up Honey."



-Later in the day-

* William PoV *

'Man it's great to just spread your wings and just glide, well for a bird at least.'

You see a lot of interesting stuff up high in the sky, for example that very fastly approaching Magnemite.




'Wait a damn minute.'


* Narrator PoV *

Magnemite charges at William like he took something personal. William jolts out of his stupor and attempts to fly high in the sky but unfortunately for our dear KFC, he is a noob.

Magnemite rams straight into William with static electricity bouncing around and striking William.

("The Gamer has been afflicted with the status debuff of 'paralysis'.")

'Great...' thought William

William tries to retaliate with the only thing he can.

'Alahu Akbar.' He thought as he converged ember into a single point causing blue fire to flicker into existence.

'Fuck Yea-'


- William PoV -

Well I'll never do that again, that hurt like hell.

if you're wondering I lost control of my fire and it went boom.

now I'm somewhere and my feathers look weird. I'm very tired and I'm gonna take a rest now.

("Luck has increased to B+")


name: William Arrin

Title:The Gamer,???????

age:6 months

species:Pidgey(????? Variant)

level: 3




Str: E

Vit: E+

End: E

Dex: E+

Agi: E+

Int: D

Wis: D-

Chr: E

Luck: B+


Lightning (Perfect)

Plasma (Perfect

Fire (perfect)

Wind (Advanced)

Normal/null (standard)


Inner world

Gamer's mind

Gamer's body

Keen eye

Big Pecks


Fire manipulation lvl 3


peck lvl 2

leer lvl 1

sand attack lvl 1

ember lvl 3

gust lvl 1

tackle lvl 2

Fire Jet lvl 4

Ejects fire energy from the user's feet effectively increasing speed by x3. Increases damage output after consecutive hits (x0.5 each hit)

Plasma Bullet lvl 1
