
Pokemon Master of Marvel (MCU)

A man's life is tragically cut short, but in death, he is given an incredible power. Reincarnated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he discovers that he has the ability to summon Pokemon. But this power is not without its consequences, and as he harnesses his newfound abilities, he must also grapple with the weight of his own mortality. With the added ability to use Aura and his emerging psychic prowess, he embarks on a dangerous journey through the perilous world of superheroes and villains, facing unimaginable challenges and making life-altering decisions along the way. Will he be able to navigate this new world and harness his powers for good, or will the darkness hiding beneath the surface consume him? Only time will tell. Join Sam in his Journey to become the Pokemon Master of Marvel.

GJCaesar · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 23

Going through the week had been pretty mundane so far, nothing out of the ordinary, the usual goons lurking around causing trouble and the odd car chase that I was able to put a stop to. The only thing though that had changed it up a bit was a noticeable increase in the number of undercover 'agents', I think they were.

Using my aura sense, I could feel that they were different from those around them, something about the way they seemed more alert yet also interested and focused when they had seen some of the criminals running away from Gastly's antics. They didn't have the same reaction to the majority of people which really set them apart, thinking about the situation I thought it would probably have to do with a particular one eyed paranoid spy.

I would have to start being a bit more careful about my surroundings when I am operating around Brooklyn and really mix up my area of operations so they can't lock me down. I'm not ready for any kind of confrontation with them yet, it looks like I'll have to speed up my progress if they are already targeting us.

Meanwhile in an undisclosed location

"Coulson, what the status with our mystery man? I need some answers, the council is breathing down my neck."

'Director Fury we have managed to get more sightings of him out and about, some more solid pictures from cameras around the area. Though we have been getting reports of another entity assisting our man."

"I don't care who is helping him, he is a liability and its only a matter of time before he pisses off one of the larger gangs. I don't want a fire fight in the streets due to his meddling endangering civilians." The man answered back his tone under laced with anger

"I understand Director, its hard to lock him down, it seems every time we get close to an encounter he disappears as if he knew we were coming. We originally thought that he was previously trained, but if he has powers himself it could throw off any leads we have got so far. Though we aren't discounting the fact that it could be due to these creatures that he is able to avoid us.

It may be worth getting Romanov involved and we can look at setting up a trap to draw him in."

"I don't care how you do it, I just need some results god damnit. If you need to get Romanov involved, you have approval to use her and Barton if it means I get something quicker. Just get me something so I can get those motherf$%#@rs from the council off my back."

"Yes Director I'll get right on it" turning around he left the office.

As Coulson made his way to the entrance he dialled a number on his phone.

"What is it Coulson?" a cold female voice answered the phone.

"The Director has given me approval to use you for an operation to capture the man that's running around Brooklyn, he wants him brought in before he causes anything more serious to occur.

I'll get a hold of Barton, meet me at the Brooklyn Bridge in 2 days at 1700 and I'll brief you on the operation."

"Acknowledged", answering and ending the call abruptly.

Dialling a second number it picked up after a few rings,

"Yes Coulson?." A males voice answered the phone.

"Meet me at the Brooklyn bridge in 2 days at 1700 for a mission."

"Affirmative." Again, a one word answer and the call ending quickly.

~ 2 Days later – 1700, Location Brooklyn Bridge ~

A meeting was underway between 3 individuals that concealed themselves to ensure they wouldn't be noticed by any civilians; the two men and women were holding a conversation away from the main thoroughfare to ensure there were no eavesdroppers.

The older middle aged man faced the two others talking in an serious tone conveying the seriousness of the situation.

"Our missing is to track down this man," passing over a picture of a tallish man dressed in black entering the alley between two buildings.

"He has been operating around the area taking down local gangs and criminals assaulting civilians. We have reason to believe that he was the cause behind the arrest of a local crime boss down at the waterfront last month.

He is reported to be operating with some creature, mainly a flaming lizard and some kind of entity. We are unsure if he is an enhanced individual as our previous attempts to track him down end in failure due to his ability to avoid our agents. This could be due to the creature or the possibility of powers, regardless we have evidence supporting the creatures with him having abilities that could be lethal to the targets. So be careful if he approaches or you approach him.

What our objective is, is to bring him in for questioning, he is on the verge of pissing off some of the larger gangs around the area and the Director doesn't want a firefight in the streets endangering civilians.

If we are unable to do that, then at least if we can open a line of dialogue with him then that would be best. We don't want to spook him hence the small size of the operation, with that out of the way what we are going to do is set a trap for our man. He is able to track down crimes in progress efficiently and put an end to them so in that matter we are going to use you Romanov to see like the victim and get him to come save you."

"Sigh, fine if that the way you want to play it Coulson." Romanov sighed dejectedly.

"And what is my role here," The man asked.

"Barton, I want you as my eyes up high, keep an eye on Romanov and keep my updated in case you see our mystery man, try not to get too close, let's try to test out the range of the sensing that they have."

"Sure thing."

"Alright let's separate and start the mission at 1900, good luck."

~ Meanwhile back with Sam ~

With it getting later in the day and us winding up our training before we set out for the night, we all sat down to have some food to refuel. Cinder and Gastly seem happy with how we are progressing, and I can tell that they are excited at the prospects of another Pokémon joining us soon.

I can't shake the feeling though that tonight is going to be different from the rest of them, there's something in the air that makes it seem much more serious and not quite dangerous but that I need to show some caution. I haven't had any feeling like this before and I'm thinking it may be due to my aura ability or psionics being stronger.

I put it to the back of my mind and we make our way out to the alley behind the building, travelling for around an hour or so before I start sensing for anything around us I quickly narrow down some targets with a malevolent aura that really jumped out. There were about 3 or 4 of them approaching another individual the radiated fear and anguish, turning to Cinder and Gastly I told them and we quickly ran to the scene to stop whatever they were doing.

Coming around the corner we saw three large men bearing down on another shorted thinner man dressed in rags, he was bleeding quite profusely from his side being unable to stop the flow of blood with him hand. The leader was a large thick set individual who was covered in tattoos with a shaved head and what I could see was a swastika poking out above his collar.

"You thought you could take our money and get away? No one steals from us, it's time we made an example so no one else stupid enough thinks they can take advantage of us."

"NO, I swear I didn't know it was yours, it was just sitting there and thought it had been left behind, I swear I wouldn't have taken it if I knew it was yours."

"I don't care what you say, you're going to be our example to everyone else."

"NO, no no no please don't." Backing up against the wall with fear covering his face.

Having seen enough and stepping in before it's too late,

"Gastly, use 'lick' on the boss and then 'confuse ray' on the other two. Stop them in their tracks."

"Gas, Gastly Gas." Disappearing into the ground.

"Cinder when Gastly has used 'confuse ray' use 'growl' to disorient them even more and knock them down, I'll move in and tie them up after that."

With a nod and watching on we waited for Gastly to make his move; seeing Gastly's disembodied form float out of the wall behind the smaller man he shot over to the leader and stopped him with a big tongue that moved up his body. I could see his skin turn a pale colour and he body freeze up.

Looking to the two goons behind as they were starting to back up in fear, seeing what had transpired he eyes glowed for a moment before they were stumbling around dazed and confused.

Cinder seeing this moved forward and with a loud 'GROWL' that distorted the air itself, knocked the two goons to the ground. I ran forward with that and taking the boss out at the knees, hitting his head on the ground when he fell, I rolled him over and tied him up. Then moving to the two others I did the same.

Suddenly feeling people converging on our position I quickly recalled my Pokémon and ran down the alley avoiding those individuals as I felt them enter the alley, we were just in.

Hey everyone thanks for reading my story so far, sorry about the delay, have been a bit busy at work so have been short on time. I plan to get into a bit more of a standard schedule for the story now that it's starting to ramp up.

If you wish to support the work then i have a p@treon where you can follow me, i have an advanced chapter and will probably add more soon.

p@treon dot com/GJCaesar

Otherwise send me some stones, if the story gets in the top 30 i'll write 2 more chapters and if in the top 20 i'll get 3 more out there.

GJCaesarcreators' thoughts