
Pokemon Kingdom

Pokemon things. I wanted to write something so I could see where my imagination goes. Nothing too fancy, I repeat this is for fun.

BlameItOnTheKid · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Strange place

While eating Altair was asking himself if he should tell his sisters or not, if he decided not to tell them and got found out it would place him in the spot especially when everyone in the Village knew him but then again there must not be danger around the village since nothing came close to it and this is something that could work in his favor, besides he didn't like to be outside and not warn them.

Even in his last life when he had to go out he would warn his parents, and most of his independence came from these little actions.

So he just took a deep breath and voice out.

''Hey, sisters I want to ask you girls if I could explore the forest a little and it should be okay I won't go too far and from what we can see there shouldn't be anything dangerous around here. So can I please?''

And to add up his probabilities he decided to make puppy eyes and use his cuteness to his favor. After all, just his eyes would make people's defenses down, big round rainbow colored eyes, and people even said that his eyes shined from time to time which added to the charm.

The sisters looked at him with concern but after some time Anna after slowly placing some stray strand of hair from her face to her ears sighed and said with a serious look in her eyes.

''I really don't want to make you go you are still too young, people on the outside normally explore when they are 12 years old. But since you want to explore just do it, I knew you would be curious about the forest and It's better to know that you're going there than to later worry if you disappear from the village. Although we will worry we shouldn't hinder your growth and as you said around town isn't dangerous since father already roughly saw around, but there may be surprises since he only roughly had a watch so be careful.''

Listening to her words Altair smiled brightly and the triplets just sighed, they knew that he would say that and already spoke beforehand about this, but what could they do? But they would pass the day in worry.

Altair before leaving the house saw the 4 girls looking at him in concern, he sighed and should make this a routine so they wouldn't worry too much.

So his plan began in the first week he would just around sneakily and saw the 1st stage pokemon around like Rattatas, Weedles, Caterpies and rarely saw Bunnelby's he saw a single Yungoos.

He didn't go too far and saw so many pokemon and they never had even the slight curiosity to step into the village? Although it was good there should be a reason, and Altair wanted to get to the bottom of this.

But Altair didn't think much of it and got it to the back of his head since it wouldn't do him right to think of these things.

Today Altair decided to explore a little deeper since the sisters got used to him being in the forest, although he deliberately came home later and later so they wouldn't get used to him coming back at a set time.

And with what he explored most pokemon were between levels 4 to level 13 and it made him curious after all his Riolu reached Level 20 pretty fast. But then again most pokemon had actually Green potential and sometimes there could be seen some with Blue potential. So Altair just gave it to the unfairness of the world.

His shiny Riolu was getting used to the wilderness, after all a shy pokemon like it in new situations would shrink a little and would stay in his arms most of the time. Although by the 4th day she would walk alone from time to time it wouldn't be more than 3 steps from him, it was good to Altair tho since having an energetic pokemon who walked and jumped around would complicate matters since he wouldn't focus on exploring but in the pokemon.

'Ai, my Riolu is the best and the cutest.' Altair thought while looking at his little partner who would only take a step when he took.

After exploring a bit he found that the density of plants in the forest became to become bigger, nothing too major and that would hinder his walking speed but that's a thing since pokemon would hide in places you less expect sometimes.

Walking cautiously and looking around he saw just how many fruits were around many types of fruit scattered here and there and he saw an opening ahead this is the first time faced this situation so he just walked forwards.

At the entrance of the opening, he saw a wide circle with only small grass and in the middle, he saw 3 trees with red fruits, around the trees he saw roughly around 10/15 of the pokemon roughly around 10/15 he saw already and analyzing 2 of them he just assumed they would be around that strength

Pokemon Name: Rattata

Sex: Male

Level: 10

Nature: Relaxed

Ability: Run Away

Friendship: 0 ( No interaction)

Potential: Green

Aptitude: 1/5 ★

Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Quick Attack

and the second pokemon was a Rattata on the other side of this unknown place and had 1 less level and had only 1★ which was the usual he saw.

The pokemon were around 3 trees with the nurtured the same type of red fruit. Focusing on the fruit he recognized it, it was actually Red Apricorns and although it wasn't quite usual to find them outside it was actually the first time he saw them here in the forest.

Actually, besides a source of food at least for pokemon to humans, it could be used to make Pokeballs, and depending on the color and mixing them you could make different types of Pokeballs.

Talking about pokeballs, in the village there were no pokeballs which was quite sad since he has a pokemon lover who would appreciate seeing the round object that had the ability to store pokemon. but since they didn't have materials or the method to make pokeballs he decided to make note of the direction to this place and keep exploring.

After exploring for a little more he didn't see anything unusual anymore and decided to go back to the village since it was actually quite late already.

By the way people, I am not a busy person so ill be writing a little bit (I ain't a pro so leave it) and I will be posting when i finish the chapter and read and see nothing wrong, there might be errors and mistakes like the ( twin thing and people warned about those mistakes and I changed) this to ask you guys if you guys see a mistake just write there and when I come and see ill be changing. Thanks In advance!

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