
Pokemon Kingdom

Pokemon things. I wanted to write something so I could see where my imagination goes. Nothing too fancy, I repeat this is for fun.

BlameItOnTheKid · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Riolu Ability

After celebrating for a couple of minutes. Altair decided to focus on the Bunnelby that had fainted. Poor thing was the first stepping stone of Riolu so he should pay his respects.

But it was just to see if how long pokemon would recover. It is known that in every pokemon game or anime or movie the most important thing existing in the world is the pokemon center. Obviously to recover your pokemon faster and without drawbacks. But what Altair wanted to know is what those drawbacks would be, would they recover fast? or would have a debuff for some time? This is what made him curious and this was information that the earlier he knew the better. Let's be realistic no pokemon center would be built in this city anytime soon.

So he sat cross legged and looked at the fallen rabbit waiting. Riolu who was sitting in the middle of his legs too crossed its legs and closed its eyes.

Altair was actually curious about what Riolu was doing since he wouldn't know meditation that was a Psychic Type ability and Riolu wouldn't learn this ability so soon if it learned. I mean enlightenment is a thing but it could be slashed out. Not meditation so something related to the Aura sphere.

Aura sphere is a move that condenses a sphere of aura, and the aura will come from inside the body of the user. It is a move that deals Special Attack which would go with Riolus Timid nature pretty well. So the answer would be that Riolu was perceiving Aura and the energy inside him. It is like a mage uses Mana but martial artists can have inner energy and Aura would go with the latter.

So realizing and studying this energy early would obviously help Riolu in the long run, this made Altair quite happy.

Another thing that can be figured from the fight is that the change in Riolu, obviously its nature is Timid but what happened was it's Ability and it is not the same as moves or anything like that it was actually a passive skill, where depending on the ability different things would happen.

And Riolu's ability should be Inner Focus and the passive buff would be that it can't flinch, this actually made Altair confused since Riolu clearly flinched when he jumped in to take the first hit.

So it should mean that these passive abilities are hidden on the pokemon, and depending on the situation it will awaken one. But this actually will have other factors. Since Riolu flinched in the beginning and didn't have Steadfast ability that is the counterpart of Inner Focus and the passive of the ability is that when the pokemon that has this ability flinches there will be an increase of Speed. Just take it as a big ass muscular dude comes running at you to hit you, if you scared your adrenaline will pump and your reaction plus speed will be boosted momentarily and instinctively dodge.

And that is what Steadfast did. And although it as stat boost it can be arguable which one would suit Riolu more, Altair if he had to choose would choose Inner focus all day of the year. I mean if you are scared of something the damage you deal with that thing would be reduced on normal occasions, and he knew that this wasn't a game, so a moment of distraction can be fatal. Not everyone would end with just the fainted part and would maybe go for the kill for real. There are people for everything and it is something that he knew the best.

Leaving those thoughts and not making sound to make Riolu focus and not leave the state it was in focused on the rabbit fainted on the ground and looked at the watch he had in his wrist. A small kid watch that he found in the stuff thrown to the side in the house.

After two hours the Bunnelby woke up and looked around clearly tired. It saw both Riolu and Altair and decided to run to the forest. The thing is that there was a clear slow speed in the dash and the tired look and it sometimes limped.

So it answered Altair's question sure enough about two hours fainted and there would be debuffs and the pokemon would clearly be in the state to fight for a couple of days.

This actually made a lot of sense to Altair how would the world of pokemon not survive without the Pokemon center. But now the question would be for how long would it be in the battle inability state?

He didn't want to know. So he assumed to be between 2 weeks to 4 weeks without being able to fight.

Obviously, Riolu who was in his lap would recover fully after one or two days.

Picking Riolu and walking with it in his arm while it just stayed with its eyes closed. Altair began to trot back home. He came back and saw Saphie making breakfast with her maid outfit.

These twins actually enjoyed using maid clothes, they found the clothes from the Gramps collection as they told him. Well, Altair couldn't help but nod a man of culture.

He went to the living room and just laid on the sofa with Riolu cross legged on his stomach. He closed his eyes for a little and began to drift to Dream land.