
Pokemon: Invincible Me, Stunned Cynthia!

Traveling to the Pokémon world, Jimo became an ordinary Trainer, after a lot of painstaking training. He is invincible. As soon as he shot it, he shocked the whole world … Sinnoh champion Cynthia: Jimo is stronger than me, my Trump Card Garchomp is not his Rival! A Flying trainer who claims to be the dragon champion: Labor and management are dragon champions! It's not a dodo bird! An ideal brave man who did not want to be named: My ideal is not worth mentioning in front of him! This era belongs to Jimo's era! (''THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE , JUST UPLOAD FOR FUN'')

Spector_51 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 4 Scared To Pee

Chapter 4 Scared To Pee

Among all the bosses of the dark organization, Giovanni is a well-deserved choice in terms of ability, courage, and strength!In terms of ability, it can be seen from his ability to develop the Rockets to cover the Kanto Region like this, absolutely impeccable!In terms of courage, being able to resolutely launch a decisive battle against Kanto Alliance in Saffron City when the Rockets were at their strongest, we can also see that Giovanni is an extremely courageous person!The strength is even more outrageous. Giovanni is obviously one of the eight gymnasium owners in the Kanto Region, and he even has the title of the strongest gym owner in the dark.Giovanni called Earth!And this is only his apparent strength!Few people know that Giovanni's real Trump Card is a Beedrill!That's right!That's the bug pet Pokémon that can be seen everywhere on the roadside, and most Trainers don't even bother to look at it!But it is such a weak Pokémon, but Giovanni can forcibly temper it to the extreme!His Beedrill is like a god!Compared with Giovanni like this, the leaders of all other dark organizations in the Region are a bit eclipsed, even their Team Galactic is the same!Still, that's not too bad.Thinking of this, Jimo couldn't help but glance at Cyrus beside him.To be fair, if Cyrus is as impeccable as Giovanni in strength, courage and ability, then he really has no chance of winning Team Galactic from the opponent...So, it's better to be weak or weak, at least it's much easier for him to grab...Being despised by Jimo, Huo Xing and Sui Xing couldn't hold back before Zhen Xing said anything.Although the two of them don't get along very well with each other, they are equally loyal to Cyrus, and it is rare to stand on the same front now."Shut up! How dare you insult Lord Cyrus' ideals so contemptuously! He wants to create a whole new world!!!"The buddy and the old star gritted their teeth, Rage stared at Jimo and retorted, those burning eyes seemed to want to kill Jimo Swallow.The two of them are extremely loyal to Cyrus. In the original book, Cyrus was dragged into the world of destruction by Giratina, and they did not give up and wanted to find him.On the contrary, Zhenxing, after the downfall of Cyrus, ran away quite decisively...And what makes Jimo even more ridiculous is that.Huo Xing and Sui Xing are two people who are extremely loyal to Cyrus. Although they are the three executives of Team Galactic like Zhen Xing, their status is even a little lower than Zhen Xing.In other words, in the eyes of Cyrus, the loyalty of these two people is not as important as Zhen Xinglai...Jimo smiled contemptuously, with a mocking arc on the corner of his mouth, looked at the two and said."Great dreams? After all, they are just indulging in vain fantasies!""Cyrus, he is an empty and heartless man after all! Even your loyalty is worthless in his eyes!"There was a strong sarcasm in Jimo's tone, the two were so eager to show their loyalty to Cyrus.But as everyone knows, in the eyes of Cyrus, who is extremely rational and has no emotion, their so-called loyalty is worthless!Immediately, Jimo's face turned cold, and a terrible pressure pressed from him towards the two of them."besides!""Who allowed you two to be so rude to me!"He is not a difficult person to get along with. Before, he did not hesitate to teach Zhenxing to solve his doubts and satisfy his thirst for knowledge.but!This does not mean that he can accept that the two of them are rude to him!Those who offend themselves by uttering wild words should bear the corresponding price!Just right, you can also use this to establish your own absolute authority!"Garchomp..."Just as Jimo said Normal, he suddenly raised his head without warning, and looked at the Soaring in the sky with Icirrus flying overhead.He could sense that in the distance of his line of sight, there was a powerful aura driving the blizzard of winter, galloping towards this side!That's a train!A very strong dragon!That undisguised domineering Longwei is wantonly venting his sense of existence in this icy world!But the companions and Sui Xing on the side didn't stop because of Jimo's sudden trance, a gleam flashed in their eyes, and they thought they had seized the opportunity.The two quickly threw a Poké Ball, staring at Jimo in front of him with excited faces.They will make this person who insulted Lord Cyrus pay the price he deserves!"Purugly! Shadow Claw!""Skuntank! Night Slash!"As for Zhen Xing on the side, he didn't make any sound from the beginning to the end, and he didn't even have the slightest plan to make a move!He just quietly watched all this with cold eyes.There was even a little mockery and pity in his calm eyes.That's a mockery of fellow stars and year stars!How stupid!How could a strong man like Jimo suddenly lose his mind in battle!This world is cruel!It's not like in the anime of the previous life, Pokémon's skills can't kill people no matter what.In this real world, Pikachu's Thunderbolt and Charizard's Flamethrower can really chop people into coke!And in such a real and cruel world, no one who can grow into a strong person is a fool without a heart!Something like a sudden trance during a battle will never happen!Because, the person who would do such a stupid thing has already died in some ravine!Sure enough, Purugly and Skuntank followed the command of their master and rushed forward.And just when their claws wrapped in Ghost and Dark Type energy are about to touch Jimo...White's Barrier rises suddenly without warning!The pure white Icirrus is like a curtain of Normal, completely engulfing the attacking Purugly and Skuntank figures, while also blocking the sight of their respective masters.In an instant, two muffled sounds came from the sweeping blizzard."Peng Peng!!"Immediately afterwards, two black shadows were seen flying backwards with lightning speed."Boom!!"It was too late to react, Huo Xing and Sui Xing only felt that two black shadows passed by their ears and crashed on the ground behind them.Great Earthquake trembles, Icirrus soars!The cold wind engulfing them made their cheeks hurt even more from the biting cold wind.Huo Xing and Sui Xing's eyes widened and their pupils constricted. It was obvious that they were in the snow and ice, but they were still covered in cold sweat from being frightened.The two of them were fighting, and the middle part was a little wet.When the cold wind blew, his stiff body shivered even more.They were completely terrified!There was never a moment when the two of them felt that death was so close to them!......