
Pokemon: Invincible Me, Stunned Cynthia!

Traveling to the Pokémon world, Jimo became an ordinary Trainer, after a lot of painstaking training. He is invincible. As soon as he shot it, he shocked the whole world … Sinnoh champion Cynthia: Jimo is stronger than me, my Trump Card Garchomp is not his Rival! A Flying trainer who claims to be the dragon champion: Labor and management are dragon champions! It's not a dodo bird! An ideal brave man who did not want to be named: My ideal is not worth mentioning in front of him! This era belongs to Jimo's era! (''THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE , JUST UPLOAD FOR FUN'')

Spector_51 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 3 The Layout Of The Rockets Is Much Bigger Than Your Team Galactic!

Chapter 3 The Layout Of The Rockets Is Much Bigger Than Your Team Galactic!

"Ha ha ha ha..."Wanton laughter reverberated in this space, making Zhenxing even more puzzled.He thought there was nothing wrong with his guess, so he couldn't understand what Jimo was laughing at.Finally, the dissatisfaction in his heart overwhelmed Zhen Xing's fear of Jimo."what are you laughing at!"Under Zhenxing's increasingly dissatisfied gaze, Jimo finally stopped his wanton laughter."I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Because your guess deviated too far, I couldn't help but burst out laughing."He wiped away the non-existent tears from the corner of his eyes, and looked at Zhen Xing with a smile."Then can you tell me? What is the reason that made you make such a self-righteous and extremely biased guess?"Big fire, really hot!Zhen Xing glared dissatisfiedly at Jimo, clenching his teeth, what this guy said was really annoying!That's right!What Jimo said is really owed!Even though Jimo has a pretty handsome face and strong strength, Zhen Xing still wants to punch him in the face.To be reasonable, his guess is obviously very logical!After hearing Zhen Xing's explanation, Jimo nodded slightly and said in a compliment."So, based on the information you have, this is indeed the most likely answer!""But unfortunately, your guess is wrong after all. I am not a Rockets person, and Giovanni of the Rockets has no interest in crossing oceans to set foot in Sinnoh.""Now he is probably thinking about how to deal with Kanto Alliance!"Zhenxing, who was dissatisfied again because of Jimo's slightly mocking words, was quickly overwhelmed by the heavier information contained in Jimo's words.He stared at Jimo with wide-eyed eyes, and exclaimed in disbelief."What did you say? The leader of Team Rocket is Giovanni? Is it the Giovanni from the Viking Gym?"In the Pokémon world, almost every Region has a corresponding dark organization. They are Team Galactic in Sinnoh, Water Fleet and Fire Rock in Hoenn Region, Team Plasma in Unova Region, Team Flare Skeleton and so on.And among all these dark organizations, if you want to choose the strongest one, it is undoubtedly the Rockets of Kanto Region!On this point, even if Zhen Xing had many dissatisfaction in his heart, he had to admit it.Their Team Galactic is far inferior to the Rockets!And as the most powerful dark organization in the world, there are naturally many people who are curious about the helm behind it.But no matter who it is, no matter what methods they use, they can't find any news about the real controller of the Rockets!And now, the person in front of him said it so lightly!The Rockets and Giovanni, they all know the two names Zhenxing, after all, they are quite famous figures in this world.But even if they think about it, they will definitely not be able to connect these two nouns together!Because that is too unbelievable!"Huh? Is it possible that there are still so many people named Giovanni in this world?"Jimo asked back with a faint smile, his lips parted slightly, and his voice with a bit of evil taste was extremely clear in this icy world."That's right! It's the Giovanni you're thinking of! One of the eight gymnasiums in the Kanto Region, the owner of the Viking Gymnasium, the man called Giovanni of the Earth!"For a moment, the three top Executives of Team Galactic were all in deep shock because of the amount of terrifying information contained in Jimo's plain words.It turned out to be true!The leader of Team Rocket, a dark organization that opposes the Kanto Region Pokémon Alliance, is actually the owner of Viridian Gym, one of the eight gyms in the Kanto Region!What a shocking fact!"So that's it! The leader of Team Rocket is the owner of Changpan Gym. No wonder they can't find any clues no matter how much they investigate! Because these two identities are completely irrelevant on the surface!""That's right! Who would have thought that the boss of Team Rocket, the dark organization that makes the Kanto Alliance a headache, is the high-level of their Alliance? And he is also the owner of the gymnasium!""Because the identity of the owner of the Viking Gym is the best cover!"The three of Zhenxing murmured in disbelief, they finally knew why no one could find the boss of the Rockets!Jimo on the side looked at the three people who were in shock and looked a little dazed.The corner of his mouth curled into a malicious arc, he reminded "kindly"."Compared to Giovanni's identity, I think the second news should be more shocking, right?""Second message?"Because he had received too much shocking news just now, Zhen Xing and the others had lost their minds, he said in a daze.And the next moment, when he reacted, his eyes widened immediately."You mean the Rockets are going to take on the Kanto Alliance?"The current Kanto Region has not yet been split, so it is undoubtedly the largest Region in the Pokémon world!At the same time, the Kanto Region is also the birthplace of the Pokémon Alliance. The Kanto Alliance standing on the Indigo Plateau is the headquarters of the Pokémon Alliance!Occupying a huge Region with rich resources and a combination of other conditions, Kanto Alliance is undoubtedly the recognized No. 1 Alliance!In the past, the Rockets have always been against this first Alliance.Of course, Zhen Xing knows that the things that can be specifically mentioned by Jimo will definitely not be the usual trivial matters as before.The "deal with" he said must have a deeper meaning!maybe...Topple the entire Pokémon Alliance!Zhenxing's face was horrified, and he quickly guessed the deep meaning of Jimo's words.And it was precisely because the information contained in it was so shocking that he couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of this news."Is this true?"These dark organizations sound like they are against the Alliance, but in fact they are just lingering in the shadow of the Pokémon Alliance!They don't have the strength to confront the Pokémon Alliance head-on!This is exactly why Zhen Xing felt so incredible about Jimo's words."nature."Jimo didn't seem to realize how shocking news he had said, and his expression was still extremely flat."Whether it is strength or structure, the Rockets are much stronger than you!""It's not like Team Galactic, indulging in the illusory [big dream] of creating a new world all day long!"......