
Pokemon Hellfire(Dropped)

In the world where pokemon and humans coexist, main character found an opportunity to go back in time to fix his life and decided to live to become the strongest. This story is inspired by novel Rise of the Dark Pokemon and other realistic pokemon novels. Some of the basic information is still same as those but the plot line is different. P.s: The first few chapters are like narrative explanation to help readers better understanding with only small interacting between characters.

Hein_Nay_Zaw · Video Games
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32 Chs

Chapter 25

Seeing that guy almost shit his pants, Jack no longer bothers him. At this moment, a person walks up to him and said, "You sure looks pretty confident, what level is your pokemon now?"

Jack only smiled and replied, "Whats the rush, you will get it know it when the trial starts."

"Hump, I won't lose to you this time." said Alex and walks away.

Mary who is standing beside of Jack the whole time saw all of this and asked, " Do you know that guy? He does not seem like an enemy to you."

"Yeah, he is the type guy who likes to challenge. Be careful when you meets him in the trial. He is probably one of the strongest guy present." Jack warned Mary. As both of them are from same orphanage their relationship has become quite close.

"Don't worry about me, I am pretty strong myself." Mary while raising her chest proudly. Seeing this Jack laugh softly and said, "Sure, if you say so." Jack no longer warns her because it is best for her to witness the difference herself. So that she can put more effort in becoming stronger.

Otherwise, this girl has become too confident during this month because she is strongest in her girl group. The girls naturally stick together especially in this kind of environment so it is not very surprising. Although confident is good, over confidence can lead her downfall. This trial will become eye opener for her. Knowing your limit and overcoming is necessary in order to grow.

This trial is very important for girls because during the first month, the boys does not provoke other girls because nobody knows each other strength yet. This is to not mess with the wrong person but after this trial, each and everyone strength will be as clear as day. So a lot of weak girls have worries on their faces and depend on Mary to give them a strong foothold.

After drawing the lots, Jack got the number 1. His battle is first. Jack is not sure it is intentionally set up like this because he is rank first in previous trial. But Jack does not care who his opponent is, nobody in this trial poses a threat to him not even Alex and Luke unless they join together which will not happen. But Jack still recognise his opponent, he is one of the stronger ones originally from team rocket and his pokemon is spearow.

That guy gives Jack a provocative looks. Jack does not even bother to check its level after seeing the light green aptitude but Jack ignores it. Jack does not need to take seriously against this kind of opponent. When Cobra sends a signal to start a trial, both of them goes into the open space.

"Lets the battle begin!" shouted Cobra.

"Go spearow."

"Come out, zubat. Lets finish this quick."

As soon as zubat comes out, it uses supersonic without waiting for the commend of his trainer. This cause many people to stiffen their expression. Even cobra shows surprise expression on his face.

"Shit, spearow snap out if it and use pursuit."

"Zubat, show everyone your strength and solve it directly." Jack said.

This makes the audience shocked again, "What kind of commend is this?".

This kind of command is only used when the two people are not at the same level. This indicates either Jack is clearly underestimating the opponent and overestimate its own capabilities or he is at the totally difference level from everyone.

On the battlefield, zubat directly uses quick attack to approach the confused spearow and use wing attack on its head. Being hit on the head, spearow directly fell down from the air to the ground. Without waiting for it to get up, zubat uses swift. Spearow who has not even got up, has not way to avoid the coming stars and lost combat ability.

The battle does not even take 1 minute from the start to finish. The trainer of spearow does not even know how he lost until spearow is lying on the ground without moving. The rest are all shocked by this result except for one person, which is Alex.

Alex laugh and said, "As expected, this guy is indeed abnormal."Even Mary who is somewhat close to Jack does not believe what she saw. After finishing off spearow Jack calls back his zubat and left, without taking a second look at his opponent.

"What a domineering performance." said Cobra. "He is arrogant but he has enough strength to back up for it. This is a good seed." Cobra thought silently. This is what Jack wanted, because this will cause more attention to him from higher ups.

"Next" said Cobra.

As expected, the next battle is Alex. They must have made this so that the stronger ones do not meet each other. This can give enough momentum when they meet each other in the later trials.

The opponent of Alex is from not very strong. He is from the orphanage but his pokemon Nincada which is a bit rare. Its evolution is special because it can evolve into two pokemon and both can be really strong depending on situation.

Jack like both of the evolve forms but it is not to an extent that he wants to catch and train. After looking at the aptitude and level of both pokemon, Jack knows the other guy has no chance. The level of Alex mareep has reached 19 while nincada is only 14 and the aptitude is only yellow. Although the level difference in early stages does not mean much for trainers like Jack, they can be deciding factor for beginner trainers.

After battling with Jack, Alex command has also improved a lot. He uses thunder wave first and cotton spore a few times until nincada cannot move anymore. Then he uses thunder shock from a far to solve it. "What a disgusting way to beat an opponent. It must be very frustrating for the other guy." said Jack while sympathising other guy. If before Alex will most likely face him directly but after suffering a defeat from Jack, he learnt a valuable lesson.