
Pokemon Hellfire(Dropped)

In the world where pokemon and humans coexist, main character found an opportunity to go back in time to fix his life and decided to live to become the strongest. This story is inspired by novel Rise of the Dark Pokemon and other realistic pokemon novels. Some of the basic information is still same as those but the plot line is different. P.s: The first few chapters are like narrative explanation to help readers better understanding with only small interacting between characters.

Hein_Nay_Zaw · Video Games
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32 Chs

Chapter 24

Jack bought protect for 10,000, rest for 25,000 and sleep talk for 15,000. Marvel scale is the characteristic that up defense by 50% if the pokemon is suffering from status conditions. This pair great with rest and sleep talk. Rest can cure the pokemon while sleeping which can be called a status condition and sleep talk can use one of random basic abilities while sleeping.

This makes Jake thought of a great tactic . Before the fight, if zubat were to inject a mild poison on Milotic so that she can use rest to cure it, the effect of Marvel scale will get double and will improve the defense by two folds. The defense is one of the weakness that Milotic has, but with this tactic this can become into greatest weapon for milotic.

After using for 50,000 points to buy TMs, Jack has still over 170,000 left which are a lot for normal people but not enough for Jack. Now he is left is two choices, the first option is to buy all poison sacs and the second option is to buy some flying type energy to prepare for zubat to absorb them during evolving. After giving a lot of thought, Jack decides to go with first option. It is better to wait for zubat to reach light blue before evolving to Golbat. Another reason is evolving too soon is not always good it can even limit the physical quality of a pokemon.

Unsurprisingly there are a lot of poison sacs for sale in the store of team rocket. For the poison sacs, it does not have to be of good aptitude so the prices are affordable. Only some poison sacs of rarer species are expensive. Jack bought two of each poison sacs he needs. It cost all of his current points to bought poison sacs of Stunky, Skorupi and Croagunk. Although there is a poison sacs of skerlp it is too expensive. Even the poison sacs of red skerlp cost 100,000 points which is the same value as intermediate evolution stone.

Jack can't afford it yet but he will get it in the future without doubt. The only problem is to find poison sacs of Salandit which has corrosion characteristic. In order to develop the poison that can even effects steel and other poison types, this poison sacs is the main component. But just as expected Jack can't find any of those in the market. He can only choose to go to Hunter guild for information later.

After buying all the thing he needs and becomes broke again, it is already at night. So first, Jack let zubat eats the poison sacs he bought. When eating all of those poison sacs, Jack can see the significant changes in body and aptitude of zubat. The body of zubat does not grow any larger but it is a lot harder and denser. Jack can no longer carry zubat on his shoulder. As for the aptitude it has become cyan on the verge of breaking through into light blue. It will most likely becomes light blue after absorbing poison sac of skerlp, there even a dragon bloodline in skerlp so it is very beneficial for zubat.

When zubat finished eating, Jack goes straight to report Cobra for his arrival for second trial. Cobra even gives permission to let Jack spend a night in the headquarters. The second trial is not a concern for Jack but this can help zubat breakthrough from level 20 so that he can go get that egg he has been dragging so long. It is already a month so the egg is probably in the same place right now. The reward will probably be some integral points. Although it is not enticing, he still needs to get the reward to buy food and pokeblock for both pokemons as well as training material for Feebas.

In the next morning, it is time for second trial to begin. Cobra ordered everyone to gather in the square explain the rules. The rules are very simple, everyone will draw lots and fight one battle. In that battle the winners will be rated by their performance and pokemon levels. So there will be 75 winners but the unfortunate losers who meet stronger ones are given a chance. But only the strongest 5 among losers will be chosen. The rest will become agents directly and are send off from this island.

Only the top ten will be rewarded, the 1st place will get 30,000 points, top 5 will get 10,000 and top ten will get 5,000 points each. If you are unsatisfied with ranking provided, you can still have one more chance challenge the higher ranking. If you win, you can get that ranking. This loser will not have any disadvantage so they can challenge without worries.

"The price are not too high for me but even a mosquito meat is still a meat." Jack said in his mind after hearing the top rewards. Right now nobody knows the strength of Jack's zubat so many are eyeing him thinking that they have a chance. Seeing this Jack only smirked, it happens because he lets zubat rest in his luxury ball. This is not because to hide his strength, it is simply because he can't carry zubat anymore on his shoulder.

Among the people who eyes him, he saw a familiar face. Jack smiled at him and said, "What a surprise to see you here. I thought you would run away or hide after what happen last time." Hearing this the face of the guy sunk to bottom and clenched his fists. He has no way to retort and only looked away avoiding his eyes. He has no idea how strong Jack is but he has a feeling nobody here has a chance against him. After the last incident, Jack has becomes his nightmare and even right now he shakes in fear if he thinks about what happen in that incident. Right now he has no intention for revenge he only wants to silently pass the second trial without catching Jack attention.