
Pokemon Drifters!

The pokemon world has evolved over the years when it came to pokemon battling, Gymleaders were no longer a thing and in this world, in order to be the best trainer there ever was. you need to climb the ranks, but for some people. ..... They can't climb without getting their hands dirty

Theothegiant · Video Games
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Little League!

"And here he is, ladies and gentlemen!! Katsu Hira and his partner Pikachu!!"

The crowd went wild hearing our names called to the stands.

As we walked up onto the field. A pop-up screen appeared in front of my face.

"Which item do you wanna use on Pikachu?"

It gave me a list of items. From the massive list, I picked the good old light ball.

The Item from the list appeared out of thin air, going into my Pikachu almost like a driver extension.

The other kid had a Piplup on the field. He had a confident look on his face and so did I.

"Welcome everyone to the pokemon world Torni Little league Finals! Whoever wins this match will be able to move on!"

"Let the battle begin!!"

"Pikachu, use thundershock!" I commanded.

"Dodge it!" The other trainer commanded.

Pikachu tried to carry out my commands which landed causing Piplup to get hit back on the verge of fainting.

"Woah! It seems like Piplup is down for the count already!?"

Piplup tried to get up but I wasn't going to let that happen.

"Pikachu! quick attack!"

And just as I commanded, Pikachu charged at the Piplup with neck-breaking speeds, hitting it straight into the stands.


The trainer ran for his pokemon and I high-fived Pikachu.

"That was just too quick!! Katsu and Pikachu will be moving on to the bronze league!!"


The pokemon world evolved, drastically when it came to pokemon battles.

Gymleaders were a thing in the past and now the only way to prove your worth as a trainer is to duke it out in a tournament of wits, climbing the ranks to reach number 1!

Ever since I was a kid I wanted to Join the Torni and catch up with my sister!

And now my chance is here!

This is the story of how I became the best pokemon trainer in the world!

note this isn't little league as in the battle format. It's just their rank

Theothegiantcreators' thoughts