
Pokemon: Chronicles of Darkness

For Cain, the promised land of the Pokémon World was not the idyllic paradise he had hoped for. Instead, he found himself cast into the depths of darkness, a captive of the nefarious Team Rocket on the infamous Purgatory Island. But even in the darkest of times, fate is not always so cruel as to deny a glimmer of hope. Through a twist of destiny, Cain finds himself back where everything began. Armed with the knowledge and experiences of his previous life, he now has the opportunity to make the most of his second chance and forge his own path in the exciting world of Pokémon. -------------------------------------------------- Support me and get early access to chapters: www.patreon.com/jeezu -------------------------------------------------- #Transmigration #Regression/Time Travel #Second Chance -------------------------------------------------- Original Author: Hibiscus Hibiscus Website: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/95449

Jeezu · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

Chapter 137:

In the heart of the battlefield, the two opposing factions were poised for action.

On one side, the Team Rocket contingent was led by a fiery red-haired woman dressed in a white robe. She reached out to caress the Houndoom standing beside her, her face dark and foreboding.

Facing her was a spry, white-haired old man from the Pokémon Association. Leaning on his walking stick, he was accompanied by a seemingly harmless Swinub. But no one dared to underestimate the unassuming creature by his side.

This elderly man from the Association was none other than Pryce, the Gym Leader of Mahogany Town. He was exceptionally skilled in the use of Ice-type Pokémon, and he had taken the Swinub species to new heights by breaking the limitations of its kind.

The Team Rocket leader in charge of Mahogany Town, Ariana, was one of the four Team Rocket Executives. Gritting her teeth, she addressed Pryce, "What did those Association politicians promise you to make you take action, old man?"

Her reputation was at stake. If the Association succeeded in breaking through, she would bear the primary responsibility, even if it wasn't her fault. In Giovanni's eyes, it would be a dereliction of duty.

"Heh, young lady, don't be so agitated. You know very well what you're doing," Pryce chuckled, rubbing his walking stick's handle. "I'm only following orders this time. If you continue to stand in my way, don't blame me for overpowering you."

Pryce's words only soured Ariana's expression further. She was self-aware enough to know that, although both she and her opponent were Elite Four-level trainers, there was a vast difference in strength among those at that level. Facing a seasoned Elite Four powerhouse like Pryce, she didn't stand a chance.

However, she couldn't just let him pass. At the very least, she had to stall until her operatives managed to secure the data they needed, minimizing their losses. Otherwise, she would have a hard time explaining herself to Giovanni.

Ariana unclipped several Poké Balls from her belt—a total of eight, to be precise.

With a swift motion, she threw them all out, and one by one, imposing Pokémon materialized on the battlefield.

Observing Ariana's actions, Pryce chuckled, shook his head, and then summoned four Pokémon of his own.

A fierce battle was about to erupt. But the gap between Ariana and Pryce was painfully obvious. Including the Houndoom she already had by her side, Ariana fielded nine Pokémon in total, while Pryce only employed five, including his Swinub. Yet they fought on equal footing, making it clear who was the stronger trainer.

As the two leaders clashed, the remaining members of the Pokémon Association and Team Rocket plunged into battle.

It quickly became apparent that the Association trainers, unaccustomed to the brutality of real combat, were struggling against their ruthless adversaries. A single determined Team Rocket member could often hold off two Association trainers of equal level, and if an Association trainer made a misstep, death wasn't off the tables.

Pryce, taking in the scene, furrowed his brow. He summoned three more powerful Pokémon, either at the Elite Four or close to that level, and only then did the tide begin to turn in the Association's favor.

Snow began to fall from the sky as Pryce demonstrated his true strength. Ariana gritted her teeth, watching helplessly as her side was decimated by the old man's Pokémon. She had to give her all just to hold him off, unable to spare a thought for anyone else.

The battle grew increasingly chaotic.

From a distance, Cain watched silently, lying low on the ground, not daring to move. He couldn't see the battle between Ariana and Pryce clearly, but from the snowflakes as large as thumbnails that appeared above his head—despite being almost two kilometers away from the battlefield—he could tell that Pryce was incredibly powerful. His ability to manipulate snowfall and change the environment in a radius of over two kilometers was no mere Pokémon move; it was akin to altering the weather in an entire region.

The might of a veteran Elite Four member was truly terrifying.

Only when Cain saw the Association members breach Team Rocket's defenses did he quietly summon Slowpoke. He switched his mask for one he'd never used before and placed his hand on Slowpoke's back, waiting for the perfect opportunity.

Ariana's battle with Pryce was at a stalemate, but it was clear that she was at a disadvantage. Even though she had more Pokémon, quantity didn't equate to quality.

Each time she launched a surprise attack aimed directly at Pryce, his Swinub would block it. Its sole purpose was to control the snowfall and protect Pryce's safety.

In reality, Ariana's battle against Pryce was nine against four, and she was still losing ground.

Cain waited until the Association's battlefront had completely pushed Team Rocket back to the entrance before he prepared to act. By now, quite a few people had already broken into the underground base, with the first wave of intruders likely having already penetrated deep inside.

"Slowpoke, use Teleport to the coordinates we marked earlier," Cain said, touching Slowpoke's back and connecting with it through telepathy.

Slowpoke's eyes lit up, and since the distance wasn't too great, it quickly located the previously marked coordinates. Wrapped in psychic energy, they vanished from their original spot in an instant.

As Slowpoke activated Teleport, a Pokémon Association psychic trainer furrowed his brow. He approached Pryce and whispered, "Pryce, someone just used Teleport, and it seems they're headed into the base."

Upon hearing this, Pryce squinted, a glint in his eyes. "No matter," he said. "Keep sensing. When they reappear, try to detect which direction they're Teleporting to. If possible, intercept them with a spatial distortion!" His tone carried a hint of coldness.

He wouldn't let anyone take advantage of their hard-fought efforts. True to his nature, he would make sure to track down the intruder.

"Yes, sir!" the psychic trainer responded. The Association had many psychic trainers within their ranks, and this individual was just one of many.

"Quicken our attack! Break through!" Pryce's voice was low, but it carried across the entire battlefield.

The previously defensive Pryce finally began directing his Pokémon to go on the offensive. As he changed the tempo, Ariana's pressure increased significantly.

However, she was waiting—waiting for her subordinates to transfer all the data.

At that moment, Cain, with the help of Slowpoke's Teleport, re-entered the middle-aged man's deserted office.