
Pokemon AU : A Dangerous World

The world is a dangerous, deadly place, and mankind vies for its very existence on a planet prowled by terrifying monsters and powerful creatures. Ash of Pallet Town, a talented trainer who knows this all too well sets out to change everything. Along the way he meets colorful characters, makes potent allies and wicked enemies, and crashes into a plot spanning all Kanto.

Imu_D_Boss · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter no.22

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Misty questioned, "What is it?" Ash cast a quick glance in Misty's direction and managed to hide his surprise. He was caught off guard when she started talking, much less when she addressed the officer. "What are they doing up there?"

Jennifer examined the ice that had accumulated at the bottom of her cup as she held it in her hand. She responded with, "Hell if I know." It is completely beyond my comprehension why anyone would even consider going anywhere near that hellish cave. Around the entrance, Team Rocket has placed a variety of different kinds of defensive measures, and they have posted guards all around the perimeter. They claim that it is to protect the local community, but according to what the Cerulean Police are reporting, all of the barricades are facing outwards, away from the cave, and Team Rocket is regularly sending heavy equipment and armed envoys down into the cave. "

Ash could only mutter, "Wow." My grandfather is the source of the tales I've heard about Cerulean Cave, but even I am aware that venturing into the cave is a surefire way to meet an untimely end.

The officer was of the same mind. Jennifer moved to the edge of the booth and stood up before continuing her sentence. "Anyway, I think I've eaten up enough of your time," she said. And I really ought to be making my way back to the station. If either of you discovers anything, kindly let me know or inform a member of the law enforcement agency.

Ash nodded. If we come across anything that could be of use to you, we will make it a point to let you know about it.

Jennifer gave the other trainers a quick salute and then walked out of the room while keeping a low profile. After she had already left, Ash finally turned to look at Misty, but she avoided making eye contact with him. Misty broke the silence before Ash had the chance to ask her what was bothering her, much to his chagrin.

She questioned whether or not it was likely that her Fearow would be ready to go tonight.

The head was shook by Ash. He responded with "I have my doubts." "The nurse made it abundantly clear to me that the procedure for Fearow was going to take the entire night. They informed me that they should be finished tomorrow before noon, which is most likely the case.

Misty responded with a "alright." "Nevertheless, I would like to go back to the room and check to see if anyone has left us a note or anything else... just to be on the safe side."

Ash nodded in agreement while trying to hide his uncertainty by saying, "Right, just to be on the safe side."


Jennifer made a hasty journey along the pavement in the direction of the police station. She wasn't in a rush, but her years of experience on the force had given her a strong desire to get where she was going in the most effective and expedient manner possible. She was unaware of the eyes that were watching her from one of the high hotel windows across the street as she walked down the sidewalk, scanning through the faces of those who passed her on the sidewalk and automatically recording distinguishing features until she arrived at the station and disappeared inside. She was unaware of the presence of the eyes.

Jesse and James were able to comfortably survey all of the main roads between the Pokémon Center, the Police Station, and even as far as the Viridian Gym from the apartment that they rented in the building's corner. Within the room, there was only a single twin bed located in one corner, a simple table located in the corner opposite the bed, and a refrigerator located next to the table. The room was furnished in a manner that was more reminiscent of a barracks than a hotel suite.

"What the hell are we doing, waiting around like this?" Jesse scowled as she paced from one end of the room to the other, never allowing her gaze to turn inwards but instead constantly looking outside through the wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling windows that provided her with such a picture-perfect view of the city. "We are aware of her location, we are aware that she is on to us, and we are aware that she has communicated with Ketchum and Misty. We should just go ahead and put an end to the whore right now and be done with it. As Jesse continued to speak, the red hair on the back of her neck began to stand on end.

James let out a contented sigh while relaxing in the chair by the table. He had one leg comfortably crossed over the knee of the opposite leg. He took a drink from the crystal wine glass. With his eyes closed, he gave the impression of being asleep. He spoke to me in a tone devoid of feeling and assured me, "You'll get your chance." He did so in a casual manner. "However, for the time being, the commander requests that we simply observe the current situation. In addition, James continued, "Besides, killing a police officer in the middle of her own city would only draw attention that we don't want." He did this while continuing to take sips from the glass without opening his eyes. "Besides," he said. "We have men inside the Pokémon Center, and the Police Station has been bugged by our team. There is no way that anyone in either location could even use the lavatory without us knowing about it, so there shouldn't be a problem.

Jesse remarked, "I despise it, and that's the crux of the matter." It makes no difference if we are able to consistently remain one step ahead of the police as long as there are officers working for the police who are suspicious of us. It would be best if we just put an end to this harlot and went about our business as usual. Nobody would have any reason to suspect us."

James suggested that they could if the person in question let Arboc run free as they normally would. "The presence of dismembered bodies, pools of acid, and venom and blood splattered across the walls are typically enough to arouse suspicion. It is irrelevant to the discussion anyway. Because Command will eventually give us the order to get rid of Jennifer, each of you will eventually have the opportunity to kill her. The commander asks that we hold off on making any further plans until then.

Jesse responded with, "I know, I know." She continued to pace while keeping her arms crossed over her chest. She gave herself a sly grin and said, "When I do get to kill her though," while thinking to herself. I'm going to instruct Arboc to only bite her in the ankles or somewhere else on her body that won't cause her to bleed to death. I want to poison her so that the job can be done, and then I want to watch as her little body becomes paralysed and her life slowly drains away. It's possible that I'll even start by allowing my lovely Arboc to toy around with her, like a cat and a mouse... I absolutely adore it when other people are having a good time with my pet.

James opened his eyes and looked at Jesse while staring across the top of his wine glass at him. "Again, just be patient until we receive the kill order," he said. "Be patient." As James continued to speak, the brunette couldn't help but tense up just a little bit more. She ceased her fidgeting and gave him her undivided attention while she waited for him to speak. "We do not require our impeccable track record to be sullied by your zealousness."

Jesse nodded, and then he unwound his shoulders as he watched James close his eyes once more and finish the glass of wine. She gave a tiniest smile before making her way across the room and sitting down on the bed. She responded with "Fine, fine." "But in the meantime, while we wait for the orders, how about we kill some time?"

James stood up and placed the empty glass on the table before continuing. "Jesse, my dear," he greeted her. "You are reading my thoughts."