
Pokemon: Alain Reborn

A man was reborn as Alain, the rival of Ash during the Kalos region. Watch as he rises above all others to become the greatest trainer of all time.

SovereignOfMany · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Settling In

My Flying Cab drove above Lumiose City for another moment, before diving down, towards my destination.

The cab touched down in front of my destination. I got out with my bags, and the cabs lifted off, never to be seen again.

I was in front of the campus of my new school, the Lumiose Trainer School. The campus was huge, and I could see the main building from here. It was a huge building for a huge campus. I certainly made the right call for my school.

I grabbed all my bags, and walked into the campus. I saw all the other aspiring trainers with me. I wondered if I would see any characters I recognize. I didn't really know the ages of all the other characters since it was a different universe.

I got assigned my dorm room through my computer during the summer. I knew my dorm room but however, I didn't know my roommate. I hope he's not noisy, messy or overall annoying.

After a long walk, I finally made it to my dorm. Ok Alain, whoever was in the dorm will probably be your dorm roommate for my whole Trainer School experience, or at least for one semester.

I opened the door but it was locked. That was not a good sign from my roommate, and this is just the start . I knocked on the door and after 5 minutes of straight knocking, some of the knocks kind of loud, the door opened.

"I'm so sorry. I dozed off and I accidentally left the door locked", the male voice said as soon as the door opened. I was shocked by the outburst.

The boy that was in front of me was pretty fashionable. The boy in front of me has dark skin, black hair and grayish eyes. He wore a black button up shirt with grey pants.

His most distinguishable feature though was the stones in his hair. They were colored with the three primary colors, that being red, blue, yellow. It was a pretty cool fashion choice, to be honest.

I recognized the character, even though he was significantly younger. It was none other than the future Cyllage City Gym Leader....

"Grant. My name is Grant. You must be my dorm mate", he said to me, offering his hand. I shook his hand before walking in my dorm.

"The one and only Alain. Nice to meet you Grant", I responded to Grant, before observing my dorm room.

It was a spacious room with two sides to it. One side was Grant's bed, which all around it was decorated in what I could describe as a "Mineral Aesthetic".

He had decorated his side of the room with gemstones and all the other cool ores and minerals you could find in a cave.

On the other side, my side of the room with my bed was blank. I would need to fix that by the end of the day. I also knew the perfect person who could help.

"If you want me to forgive you for your mishap, help me set up my room. I'll tell you where things need to go", I said to Grant, the future rock type Gym Leader.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to rectify his sin and help me set up my room. In the process of this, we began to talk.

"So Grant, where do you hail from", I said to Grant.

"Oh. I come from Cyllage. My dad has a big mining company so I have to stay close to the caves", Grant answered. "It doesn't really mattered though, as I love all colorful ores and minerals".

He then asked me the same question. "I come from the small town of Aquacorde. The population of the town is under 50, that's how small it is".

Grant laughed at this, as he continued helping settle in.

As the next hour passed, we talked about lots of things. Favorite food, Pokemon and everything under the sun.

After such an hour, my room was finally finished. My room was decorated with Pokemon merchandise, as I was still an avid Pokemon fan from my last life.

The most prominent thing I had with me was a Pokemon poster. On the wall, on the side of my bed, I had a poster of a Charzird.

The Charzird in the picture was a famous Charzird, famous for being the biggest recorded Charzird ever. He was 5 times bigger than his fellow species members. He was at the pinnacle for his species.

I was tired from all that flying with the cab, so I just decided to sleep in for the rest of the day.


The week had passed by pretty quickly, as it was now time for the orientation. I put on my normal outfit, which Grant had some opinions.

"Geez Alain. I need to teach you about fashion", He said , chuckling at my normal fashion choices. The lesson was sometimes, you need to keep your opinion to yourself.

The orientation was alright. It was just me meeting my uture teachers, getting fammiliar with the campus, all that. That was until we got called to the school's auditorium.

It was giant, no, massive! Me and Grant sat together, as we only knew each other here at this school.

Grant and I were kind of confused until we saw who walked out of the side of the stage, the entrance to the side covered by curtains.

"Greetings, you lumps of unrefined talents", the man said, his voice being amplified by a headset microphones, his voice reaching all.

Who was the man? It was none other than the most respected alumni in these halls, Professor Sycamore. I guess he came to give us all a welcome.

"That's Professor Augustine Sycamore! I never seen him in person before", Grant whispered to me.

"I'm sure you're all asking. Why am I here? The answers is to give you future elite trainers some advice!", Professor shouted to all of us.

Professor Sycamore then began to talk about several topics, including what our mindset be to any hardships. It was "Never back down, Never give up". Simple but there was a reason why it was a classic.

As he left backstage, and all of the future students dispersed outside of the auditorium, Grant decided to go a different direction

"Where are you going?", I asked Grant. He then responded. "I'm going backstage to meet Professor Sycamore. You can come".

I showed confusion at this, before he responded." Sometimes, you got to go past your comfort zones for opportunities".

Hearing this, I suddenly got motivated. I went backstage with Grant, and there was Professor Sycamore talking with the principal.

Once the principal saw us approach , he styarted to tell us off. "You students are not permitted here. Lea-".

"Don't worry, boss man. These are just future trainers wanting to get to know me more. You've seen it thousands of times". He then looked at us." What do you students want to talk about?".

Me and Grant went through a multitude of questions. Grant was mostly talking about evolutionary stones, while I was mostly talking about evolution.

Professor Sycamore seemed to be pretty stunned by this. "My whole life as an allumni and I have never seen two more eager students than you. Come with me, and we'll talk in private.

We followed Sycamore before and we began to ask away. Grant really did open my eyes for me. I was too scared to put myself out there, and I needed to stop that.