
Pokemon: Adventures

Surprisingly, Ash has a big brother.

justimagine · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Johto- Beginning

New Bark Town, Elm laboratory

By the time Vidal and Elm reached the laboratory, two people were waiting for them.

Nurse Joy and a girl with striped yellow jacket and a bolt marked cap were waiting by the lab.

"Professor Elm, you are late. New Pokemon trainer has been waiting from the very morning. You are getting more and more irresponsible leaving the lab for three days…" Nurse Joy started reprimanding Elm.

"Vidal let's go. You can stay on the lab tonight." Elm completely ignored Nurse Joy, "Oh, and you must be Casey… follow me and get your starter Pokemon."

Casey chooses Chikorita as her starter and left the lab happily.

"Vidal, why don't you choose one as well?"

"Professor, thank you for the offer, but I am not thinking of taking any new Pokemon for the time being." Vidal said.

"Ok then… You take good rest for now…"

Next morning,

"Vidal, I have already talked with the Pokemarkets all over Jhoto. They will provide you with required Pokeballs." Professor Elm handed him the Pokedex after updating to the region and even registering for the league.

"Thank you professor… Be prepared for the Pokemon you will be receiving. You will be getting quite busy from now on." Vidal left the lab waving hand at Elm.

For the Jhoto region, Vidal had some specific plans; some specific Pokemons to add to his party, and few other matters.

The only thing that was going to eat most of his time was catching the Pokemons from all over the region. Although he can fly around the place easily, he would have to search for each Pokemon.

'Let's start with the area around the new bark town. Everyone come out… Except for the three…'

His Pokemons after getting out started to look around finding themselves in a new area.

"Guys, can I get your attention here… Ok now look at these photos." Vidal used his Pokedex to find some Pokemons pictures and showed them to his Pokemons.

"Like always, you know how to choose the Pokemons right? If they are hard to control catch them. If they look dumb catch them. Understood… Now disperse."

When his Pokemons were out to search for Pokemons, Vidal pulled out a book and while reading it started to crush different berries and mixed them with the Pokemon food.

'Brook is genius… I should ask him for more recipes next time…'

After some time, his Pokemon gathered around and Vidal followed them one by one to catch Pokemons located by them.

Hoothoot, Spinark, Exeggcute, Pineco, were the new Pokemon in the area and others were common Pokemon like rattata, oddish, etc. he caught few of each Pokemons.

[Route 29]

Standing on the intersection, while his Pokemons were looking for new Pokemons, Vidal was contemplating whether she should go to Cherrygrove city or Blackthorn city.

At last Vidal choose to take the path of Cherrygrove city and move forward, while still catching different Pokemon on the way.

Encountering Minun and Plusle, he couldn't help but think of getting an electric type Pokemon to add to his party. Zapdos was out of question to use in normal battles.

Cherrygrove city,

A city filled with flower smell and occasional sea breeze; best place for vacation.

Vidal refilled his Pokeballs and picked up a fishing rod as well. Vidal wasn't planning to spend too much time on the city, but still spent one whole night to prepare new foods for his Pokemon.

In the Cherrygrove city, Vidal stumbled upon a famous personality and an old friend of Professor Oak; Mr. Pokemon.

It just so happens, Mr. Pokemon was searching for Vidal.

"You are Vidal… Then here take this… Professor Elm told me to hand this egg to you." Mr. Pokemon handed a glass container with a white egg.

"Is this for me to keep or to deliver it to Professor Elm?" already having an egg, which was taking quite a long time to hatch, 'You need to give it some time…" is what both Professor Oak and Elm said after inspecting Eevee egg.

"It's for you; just take good care of it. It was supposed to be for a good Pokemon trainer. Then you appear so..." Mr. Pokemon said, "And my house is by route 30, Professor Elm asked me to help you in case you passed by there."

With that said Mr. Pokemon said his farewell and left the Pokecenter.

[Route 30]

Vidal journey has clearly slowed down, searching for Pokemon on land and fishing on water and sometimes waiting for long time, he spent two days in route 30.

Finally reaching Mr. Pokemon house, Vidal got one night of comfortable sleep and again on his way.

Ledyba, Whismur, Polywhirl, etc were caught as well.

In between the violet city and route 30, Vidal came across blasted off Team Rocket.

Vidal took the initiative to meet them like a good fan, "Hello, are you guys ok? Do you need help?"

"No… NO… we are perfectly fine…" the trio said in unison.

"Let me get to the point. Have you guys found anything about the team shadow? Maybe I will be able to help you solve this problem for you."

The trio stared in each other face coming into a conclusion of something.

"We enter this region chasing after them, but suddenly we lost track of them." Meowth spilled the beans.

"Ok, then… I will look for some information on them as well…" Vidal left them in the road.

"Meowth… why did you have to open that mouth?" *Smack* *bam*

'So they are already here… tracking them will help me get the location of the Legendary in this region quite easily too…'

Having spent most of the time catching Pokemon was quite boring. And the three legendary would disappear time to time but still returned at the end of the day.

Vidal tried his best to get to the Violet city as soon as possible.

Violet city, Pokemon center,

Vidal checked up on his Pokemons and made a call to Professor Elm to check upon the Pokemon that were sent.

"Hello… Are you Vidal?" a muscular person called him.

"Yes… And you are?"

"I am Primo. Professor Elm asked me to hand something to you," Promo took out three Pokemon eggs, "You can choose any one of them…"

'Eggs, again. What's wrong with Professor Elm? Is this because I didn't take Pokemon?'

"Can you tell which Pokemon eggs they are?"

"Here… This one is…." Prime gave the name of three Pokemon.

'These are pretty easy to catch Pokemon but this one is quite good to add to my team…' Vidal gave some thought and took one of the eggs.

"Oh, and these eggs are going to hatch pretty soon. So keep your eyes on them…" Primo reminded.

"That's even better…"

Somewhere in Jhoto,

A floating airship was hiding among the clouds.

"Zeph, Vega, I am very disappointed in both of you. You aren't able to locate not a single Legendary Pokemon, and even lost that was captured," A crisp female sound reverted in the room. Because of the red strip in the right elbow, it was evident her position was higher than both Zeph and Vega.

"Ivory, I am telling you there is someone intentionally targeting us and that trainer in the mountain; if we catch him we will be able to find everything about the legendary Pokemon…" Zeph kept repeating…

"Enough… We don't have time to search for some half-ass kid. It is more embarrassing to know you are defeated by some kid." The female said harshly.

"Vega, you lead the mission for the Jhoto region. I don't want to hear any more complaints from you Zeph. The faster you complete the mission the better."

After getting few more details, both Zeph and Vega left the cabin.

'If those two even get scent of why the leader is searching for legendary Pokemon, they definitely won't be able to bear the consequences…" a smile appeared in the Ivory face looking at the leaving air ship.