
Pokemon! The real deal!

Meet Kai, A Pokemon fan who got a little more than he bargained for when he loaded up his old save file from Heart gold. Finding that he had been sucked into the game its self, waking up in the world of Pokemon to begin his adventure and become the very best! If you enjoy my work and want more to do with Pokemon, check out my Patreon channel! https://www.patreon.com/lavalord115

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 9: Enter Gold!

"Alright Sandrew, let's get it where Snubbull left off!" Kai yelled getting Sandshrew pumped up as it faced Graveler.

"You think your puny Sandshrew can do anything against my Graveler!" Butch shouted, once again insulting Kai's Pokemon.

"Allow us to show you, Sandshrew, use sand attack!" Kai shouted.

Sandshrew jumped into action using its claw to throw dirt at the Graveler.

"Graveler, use rollout!" Butch shouted, getting his Pokemon to tuck up into a ball, stopping the sand attack from having any effect as it covered its eyes and rolled toward Sandshrew.

"Sandshrew, use dig!" Kai shouted, countering the Graveler's attack.

Sandshrew quickly burrowed its way underground and avoided the Gravelers rollout attack, causing it to stop to search for its opponent.

"It's underneath you, Graveler get out of the way!" Butch shouted.

However, the Graveler was much too slow to avoid the Sandshrews attack, getting smashed with a powerful ground-type attack as the Sandshrew burst from the ground, hitting it with its dig attack.

"Grav!" The Graveler yelled out, taking a good amount of damage from Sandshrew's attack.

"Graveler, don't you dare lose to that thing!" Butch shouted, panicking as he tried to think what he could do.

"Don't let up Sandshrew, use sand attack!" Kai yelled, getting it to throw another claw full of dirt and dust at the Graveler, this time landing the attack.

Graveler couldn't see a thing being blinded by the sand attack as it stumbled back, trying to wipe the dust from its eyes.

"Now Sandshrew hit it with a rapid spin attack!" Kai shouted, taking advantage of the situation to grant Sandshrew a speed boost thanks to the rapid spin.

Sandshrew hit the Graveler knocking it back with its attack, however, not enough to do a large amount of damage as it wasn't very effective.

"Graveler, use rollout!" Butch shouted, getting Graveler to jump back into a ball and start rolling around trying to hit Sandshrew.

"Sandshrew jump back and use defence curl!" Kai shouted, this time getting his Sandshrew to boost its defence stat.

Graveler had seemed to lock on to Sandshrew, rolling right into it with its rollout attack. But, thanks to Snubbull dropping its attack with charm and now Sandshrew upping its own defence, Sandshrew was able to stop Graveler in its tracks, holding it in place while it was still rolling, kicking up dirt.

"What in the hell! Graveler!" Butch shouted, watching what was happening in disbelief.

"We have him now Sandshrew, counter him with rollout!" Kai shouted.

"What? No way!" Butch yelled.

Sandshrew rolled into a ball as it pushed back against the Graveler, each of them using rollout to try and attack the other as they clashed and bounced off one another.

"Don't you dare lose Graveler!"

"You can do it Sandshrew!" Kai yelled.

Both Pokemon rolled across the pitch before they turned towards each other, both picking up more speed as they smashed into one another again.

Both Pokemon slammed into each other, both of them fighting for dominance in their struggle with the rollout. However, Sandshrew quickly overpowered the Graveler thanks to the boost it had gotten from the defence curl, along with the drop in Graveler's attack.

Graveler was knocked out of its rollout attack, getting slammed into the ground, trying to pick itself up slowly as Sandshrew rolled across the ground, building up more speed for one final attack.

"Now finish it off Sandshrew!" Kai yelled, watching as Sandshrew smashed into the Graveler, slamming it into the floor one more time and knocking it unconscious.

"Graveler no!" Butch yelled, not believing his eyes.

"We did it Sandshrew!" Kai yelled, jumping into the air due to the adrenaline he felt from battling.

"Just one more to go and this match is ours!" Kai then said, getting a nod from his Sandshrew, who was also jumping around for joy.

Butch withdrew his Graveler seeing that it couldn't battle anymore, not looking impressed.

"Wow he beat another one of that guy's Pokemon, this kid sure is good." More people in the crowd said.

"You think this is over, do you?" Butch asked, not seeming bothered as he looked at Kai with a wicked smile.

"I still have one Pokemon left, and there is no way in hell you stand a chance against it!" He said, taking his last Pokeball in his hand.

"Let's teach this little shit a lesson he will never forget, go Ursaring!" Butch yelled, throwing the Pokeball casually.

"Ursaring!" The large bear-like Pokemon yelled, showing off its knife-like claws with a powerful roar.

"No way... That thing is huge." Kai said, not liking the look of it.

Everyone in the crowd also started to mutter, seeing that things were no longer looking good for Kai.

"Ok Ursaring, give it a taste of those claws, use fury swipes attack!" Butch yelled.

Ursaring didn't waste any time as it charged forwards, getting ready to attack with no mercy.

"Dodge it Sandshrew!" Kai yelled, seeing that Sandshrew was still faster thanks to its rapid spin before.

Still, it was going to take more than speed to survive this fight.

"Now use defence curl!"

"Shrew!" Sandshrew said, curling up into a ball to raise its defence again.

"We've got you now, use fury swipes!" Butch shouted, having his Ursaring close the distance on Sandshrew and attack with its large claws.

Sandshrew stayed tucked in its ball, using its body's natural defences to take the attacks, one after the other, but thanks to the added defence boost, the attacks didn't do much to it either.

"Counter with a rollout!" Kai shouted, watching as Sandshrew suddenly pushed forward, hitting the Ursaring right in the body, knocking it back a little.

"Why you, don't let it get away!" Butch shouted.

Sandshrew was able to slip out of the Ursaring's hold thanks to its rollout, rolling along the ground as it picked up more speed getting ready to attack the Ursaring again.

"Stop that thing Ursaring, use Slash!" Butch yelled.

Kai couldn't help but worry, knowing that Slash was a strong attack and that Ursaring was quite the powerful Pokemon.

Sandshrew bounced off the ground as it rolled heading right for the Ursaring with another attack.

But the Ursaring's slash attack was too strong, hitting the Sandshrew and knocking it across the pitch.

Don't give up Sandshrew, keep rolling and gather more speed!" Kai yelled, seeing that Sandshrew had been able to stay curled up with its defence holding out.

"I've had enough of this, Ursaring finish it with fury swipes and cut that thing in half!" Butch shouted, wanting to finish the Sandshrew off.

Sandshrew rolled along the ground picking up even more speed now that it had spent time using its rollout, making it stronger and stronger with each hit.

This time Sandshrew rolled right into the Ursaring, breaking through its attack before it slammed into the Ursaring's face with a mighty blow.

Everyone in the crowd gasped at the sight, not believing their eyes as the Ursaring was knocked to the ground after taking a full power rollout attack.

"Nooo!" This can't be happening!" Butch yelled, watching as his Ursaring failed to get up.

"We did it!" Kai yelled, running over to his Sandshrew, and allowing Sandshrew to jump into his arms.

"Shrew!" It yelled, also happy that it had won.

"No! No! No!" Butch said as he dropped to his knees.

"Wow, well-done kid!"

"Yeah, that was some really great battling!" People from the crowd cheered, praising his skill.

"No, I won't accept this. It can't be happening!" Butch said, returning his Ursaring as he stood up, fixing an intense glare on Kai.

"You brat, I'll break your face for this!" He yelled, suddenly charging over to Kai with his fist raised, enraged at the fact he had lost.

"Hey look out!"

"What is he doing!" Others yelled, seeing that Butch was about to attack Kai himself, seeming to have lost it.

"I don't think so, Cyndaquil, use ember!"

Suddenly a small Pokemon with a powerful flame on its back jumped in front of Kai, shooting a fire attack from its mouth at Butch.

"Argh!" Bytch yelled, getting blasted onto his backside, being made to look a fool.

"I don't think so, you lost fair and square now pack it in!"

Kai turned around to get a look at whomever it was that had just stepped in to help him.

Kai got a good look at the boy, seeing that he was wearing a mustard yellow and black backwards cap, a red and white hoodie with a black T-shirt underneath, and yellow shorts with black sides.

"And if I'm not mistaken, you bet 1000PK$ on this match, so I suggest you honour that. Unless you wanna look like an even bigger fool." The boy said.

Butch wasn't happy about it, but the look and stairs from the rest of the crowd had caused him to calm down, realizing what he had done.

"Fine, take it!" He yelled, throwing the money onto the ground before he scrambled up to his feet.

"Don't think I will forget about this, you little shits," Butch said, quickly turning around and running off, being joined by his friends before they disappeared.

"Hey, I hope you are alright. That was some amazing battle you just showed off." The boy then said, turning back to Kai as he handed the money from Butch to him.

"Thanks," Kai said, trying to place where he had seen this guy before.

"The names Ethan, and this is my Cyndaquil." The boy said, introducing himself and his Pokemon.

"Quil!" The Cyndaquil said, letting its flames burst for a second before letting them go out again.

Suddenly it clicked in Kai's head, feeling as if the lightbulb had finally turned on.

No way... This is Gold, the main character from the game... Kai thought.

"Nice to meet you, Ethan, my name is Kai," Kai said nodding his head.

"And this is Sandshrew." Kai then said.

"Shrew!" Sandshrew said, nodding its head to Ethan.

"How long have you had that Sandshrew, you two look as if you have been travelling and battling for some time with the way you worked together," Ethan asked.

"Actually, I got Sandshrew here from Professor Elm not two days ago," Kai said.

"Wait, hold on... You got a Pokemon from professor elm too!" Ethan suddenly yelled.

"We did too! I mean man, we must have just missed you." Ethan said, seeming excited.

"Me and Cyndaquil are going to challenge the gyms and take on the Pokemon league," Ethan said, rubbing his nose with his thumb, looking confident as he said it.

"I guess that makes us classmates since we both got Pokemon from the professor. So, how about a battle!" Ethan said, getting pumped.

Kai could see his love for Pokemon and could feel himself also getting excited about having a battle with him too.

"Well, that is what I would like to say." Ethan then said, rubbing the back of his head with a small laugh.

"But, you had better heal your Pokemon first." Ethan then said.

"Yeah," Kai said, agreeing with him.

"Well come on, nurse Joy will have them back to full health in no time." Ethan then said, leading the way back into the Pokemon Centre.


That's the end of this chapter! If you are enjoying the story so far, ease leave a review for me. Thank you.