
Pokemon! The real deal!

Meet Kai, A Pokemon fan who got a little more than he bargained for when he loaded up his old save file from Heart gold. Finding that he had been sucked into the game its self, waking up in the world of Pokemon to begin his adventure and become the very best! If you enjoy my work and want more to do with Pokemon, check out my Patreon channel! https://www.patreon.com/lavalord115

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 8: The Pokemon centre!

After Kai's battle with Jim the bug catcher, Kai and his Pokemon made their way through the countryside walking for another few hours as they headed towards the Pokemon centre.

So far Kai had come across only a handful of wild Pokemon, seeing more Rattata scurrying around the grassy areas. A handful of Pidgey had also flown past, not seeming to pay him any interest being too high up in the sky.

The world was starting to come alive as Kai marvelled at every Pokemon he saw, be it a simple Rattata, or a powerful Charizard. Kai wanted to see them all, growing more and more excited at the prospect of being able to do so.

Kai had forgotten all about the pain in his feet, seeming to have gone past it now while he and Sandshrew continued to walk through the trees before they came to the clearing, seeing the Pokemon centre in the distance.

"We made it... We really made it, Sandshrew!" Kai said, growing excited.

"Shrew!" Sandshrew said, looking at Kai before it rolled around.

"Come on, buddy. Let's get moving!" He then yelled, running off towards the Pokemon centre in the distance, forcing Sandshrew to roll faster to catch up to him.

Kai and Sandshrew got closer and closer to the Pokemon centre, seeing that it was surrounded by hand-planted flowers, with what looked like a small park filled with Pokemon trainers and Pokemon who had stopped off on their journey to take a rest.

"Wow, look at all the Pokemon, Sandshrew," Kai said, taking in the sights.

Kai couldn't believe how each of them acted and behaved differently depending on what it was, knowing that there were well over 700 different Pokemon by now, having lost track after sword and shield had been released.

Still, Kai shook off his excitement and headed towards the blue doors of the Pokemon centre, heading inside once they opened automatically.

Inside the Pokemon centre was almost as big as the outside, seeing that it had plenty of sitting room, with what looked like a coffee and eating area. Kai could also see the accommodation that was built into the side of the Pokemon centre, remembering what Lyra had told him about being able to stay for free if you had a trainer card.

Kai walked over towards the main counter, seeing that Nurse Joy was standing there talking to another trainer.

"First thing is first, let's get you all healed up," Kai said, looking at Sandshrew who nodded back to him.

"Why hello there, how can I help you today?" Nurse Joy asked as Kai approached the desk.

"Hey, I would like to get my Pokemon healed please," Kai asked.

"Of course, please place your Pokeballs onto this tray and we will take them in for healing." Nurse Joy said with a smile on her face.

Kai nodded as he took both Rattata and Snubbull's Pokeball placing them onto the tray.

"Ok, Sanshrew it's your turn," Kai said, looking at the small Pokemon while holding its Pokeball.

"Shrew," Sandshrew said, nodding its head.

With that Kai withdrew Sandshrew back to its Pokeball before he placed it onto the tray.

"That's a cute Sandshrew you have there." Nurse Joy said.

"Thanks," Kai replied.

"Do you have a trainer card, young man?" Nurse Joy asked.

"Yeah," Kai said.

"Well, if you would be so kind to hand it to me, I will have it updated for you." Nurse Joy asked kindly.

"Yeah, no worries," Kai said, taking it out of the inside of his jacket, having kept it safe in the small zip pocket by his chest.

"Perfect." She said, placing it into the card reader and the tray into the healing machine.

The Pokeballs started to glow, showing that the machine was starting to do its job, only taking but a minute before it chimed.

"There we are, all done." Nurse Joy said as she played the tray back in front of Kai, allowing him to take his Pokemon back.

"And here is your trainer card back, it has also been updated for you." She said, handing Kai his trainer card back.

"Thank you," Kai said, taking his card.

"Your welcome young man, have a pleasant day." Nurse Joy then said, flashing one last smile before she headed off to do something else.

Kai also headed off taking his trainer card in hand so he could take a good look at it.

Looks like Lyra was right, the card is updated when you visit the Pokemon centre. Kai thought, studying his trainer card.

Updated trainer card information.

Current Pokemon:

Sandshrew - Move list: Scratch. Dig. Rollout. Defence curl. Poison sting. Sand attack. Rapid spin.

Ability: Sand rush.

Rattata - Move list: Tackle. Quick attack. Tail whip. Bite.

Ability: Guts.

Snubbull - Move list: Headbutt. Charm. Tail whip. Bite. Fire fang. Ice fang. Thunder fang. Scary face. Lick. Rage.

Ability: Intimidate.

Kai was so busy reading the information on his trainer card that he forgot to look where he was going, crashing right into the back of another trainer.

"Hey, watch where you're going!"

Kai bumped his face off of the guy's back, looking up in a daze as he shook it off.

"I'm sorry," Kai said, quickly rubbing the back of his head trying to apologize.

"Who the hell do you think you are, bumping into me like that?"

"Yeah, you dare push Butch like that?" Another of them said.

Kai could see that this guy wasn't alone, seeming to have two other friends with him as they quickly crowded around him.

"Lucky here, looks like we got a newbie on our hand's boys." The one Kai had bumped into said, trying to snatch Kai's trainer card from him.

Kai was too fast though, moving his hand out of the way, stopping him from snatching it.

"Looks like we have a smart guy on our hands." The trainer said, placing his hands on his hips.

"But don't think I'm gonna let you bumping into me slide." He then said, looking down at Kai.

Kai could see that he was a meathead, clearly a bully who thought he was big and strong.

"I said I was sorry, but if you are looking for trouble, I would rather not," Kai said, trying to calm down the situation.

"Sorry to tell you, but you're already in trouble boy." He then said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Kai knew things weren't looking good for him, seeing that he was outnumbered and surrounded.

"How about we settle this fair and square," Kai said.

"Or are you too chicken?" He then added, getting a bite from Butch.

"I'm not afraid of anything you brat, I accept your challenge!"

Everyone else in the Pokemon centre had overheard and now seen what was going on, knowing that the group Kai was dealing with was bad news.

Still, Kai knew he couldn't back down now, knowing if he did, they would most certainly have their way with him, stealing his things or worse.

The group frog marched Kai outside to the rear of the Pokemon centre where there was a battleground for training matches.

"This will do perfectly for me and my Pokemon to teach you a lesson." The man said, looking very confident.

Kai could see that a large group of the other trainers had also gathered around to watch, wondering what was going on.

"How about we make this even more interesting, eh? Let's put 1000PK$ on the match, winner takes all!" The bully said, catching Kai off guard.

Oh shit... I don't have anywhere close to that amount... Kai thought, knowing that he would have to call with a bluff.

"You got a deal," Kai said, putting on his best poker face.

"Alright then, we will each use three Pokemon, Are you cool with that, or does a loser like you even have three Pokemon!" He yelled, getting a loud laugh from the group he was with.

Kai bit his lip in anger, trying to keep calm and not let him get in his head, knowing if he lost his cool he would certainly lose the match.

"That's fine with me," Kai said, feeling a little uneasy about his choices now.

"Ok, let's take this punk down, go Machoke!"

The trainer threw his Pokeball onto the pitch, letting it burst open to reveal a large Machoke, covered in muscle.

"Choke!" It said, flexing its large chest and arms.

Wow, a Machoke right off the bat... Kai thought, knowing that it was a fighting-type Pokemon.

"In that case, I choose you, Snubbull!" Kai yelled, tossing his Pokeball to summon his own Pokemon.

"Snub!" Snubbull yelled, bursting free of the ball before it set its sights on the Machoke, getting an intimate off right away.

"Ha, look at that weak Pokemon!" Butch said picking on Snubbull for its size.

"This will be over quickly. Machoke, use karate chop!"

Kai smiled, realizing that Butch hadn't noticed that his Snubbull had already lowered the Machoke's attack with its ability.

"Snubbull use charm!" Kai yelled, going for another stat drop on Machoke.

I know that thing has serious attacking power, but it is also weak to Snubull's fairy type so why would he use a fighting-type move right off the bat? Kai asked himself, waiting to see what was going to happen.

"Choke!" The Machoke yelled as it ran toward Snubbull, getting ready to slam the knife of its hand down on the smaller Pokemon's head.

However, Snubbull jumped back while pulling a strange face at the Machoke, lowering its attack by an even greater amount before its karate chop landed, doing next to no damage.

"Now, Snubbull use headbutt!" Kai yelled.

"Snub!" Snubbull yelled as it slammed its head into the Machoke's face, knocking it back.

"What the hell are you doing Machoke? Don't let that puny Pokemon hit you like that, attack it with a low sweep!" Butch yelled, trying to get his Pokemon to attack again.

"It flinched, Snubull use another headbutt!" Kai yelled watching as Snubbull charged into the Machoke again, ramming its large head into Machoke's face again.

"Choke!" Machoke yelled in pain as it fell back again, holding its nose.

"What the hell are you doing! I told you to use low sweep!" Butch yelled, growing angry that his Machoke wasn't doing what it was told.

Kai could tell that the Machoke was hurt and that it wouldn't take much more to finish it with a few more attacks, deciding to play the offensive.

"Snubbull use lick!" Kai shouted, taking advantage of the Machoke's flinching.

Snubbull charged in before it jumped into the air at Machoke, sticking its large tongue out to attack with.

"Get out of the way Machoke!" Butch yelled, only to watch his Machoke get hit by the lick attack.

"What are you doing!" Butch yelled, growing more and more frustrated.

"Machoke, use revenge!" Butch shouted, causing Machoke to get a glimmer in its eye before it slammed a powerful uppercut into Snubbulls chin, knocking it flying back toward Kai.

"Snubbull!" Kai yelled, not sure how it would take that attack.

However, Snubbull flipped back in the air before it landed back on its feet, not seeming hurt at all by the attack.

Kai felt his concern fade away, being replaced by a burning desire to win as he shouted for Snubbull to press back on the attack.

"Snubbull hit it with another headbutt!" Kai yelled.

"Snub!" Snubbull yelled, jumping back into action and going for the attack.

"Dodge it and use seismic toss Machoke!" Butch yelled, the name of his attack ringing in Kai's ears.

Snubbull ran across the battleground before it jumped into the air, attacking once more with its head.

However, Machoke sidestepped before it grabbed the Snubbull in a vice-like grip, jumping into the air to spin Snubbull around.

"Oh no, Snubbull!" Kai yelled, feeling helpless as Machoke slammed Snubbull into the ground with a powerful throw.

"Snub!" Snubbull cried out, bouncing off the ground towards Kai's feet.

Seismic toss doesn't use a Pokemon's attack to do damage, rather calculating the damage based on the Pokemon's level. Kai thought.

"Snubbull, are you ok?" Kai asked, watching as his Snubbull slowly got back to its feet.

"Snub..." It said, clearly having been hurt by that last move.

Snubbull won't be able to take another one of those attacks... We have to end it and quickly. Kai thought, biting his lip and trying to think of a strategy.

Even if I lower Machoke's attack it will still be able to do a lot of damage with that move... Kai thought, seeing that Butch had a confident smile on his face.

"Looks like you underestimated us punk, my Machoke won't go down so easily! Machoke, use seismic toss again!"

"Snubbull, we gotta take this thing down with our next attack, use fire fang!" Kai said, knowing he would need a bigger-scale attack than a headbutt so the Machoke couldn't dodge it.

"What, that thing knows fire fang?" Butch asked, seeming surprised.

"For someone so willing to battle, you don't seem to know a lot about Pokemon battles!" Kai shouted, watching as his Snubbull created flaming fangs around its mouth and face, running towards Machoke for the attack.

"What did you say you brat? Machoke finish it off!" He yelled, getting angry.

"Do it Snubbull!" Kai yelled.

Machoke ran towards Snubbull, hoping to be able to grab it, however, it didn't expect the Snubbulls fire fang to be so wide, being unable to get out of the way as it took a direct hit, being blown back where it slammed into the ground by Butches feet.

"No way..." Butch said, not believing that his Machoke had lost.

"You did it Snubbull! Great job." Kai said, feeling proud of his new Pokemon.

"Wow, that kid's not bad." Someone in the crowd said, watching their battle, with others talking about it too, causing Butch to get angry.

"Return Machoke," Butch said, putting the Pokeball back onto his belt.

"Looks like it's your turn, Graveler!" Butch shouted, throwing his next Pokeball onto the pitch.

"Graveler!" The large rock Pokemon with arms said, flexing around as it fixed its attention on Snubbull.

Not good, that thing has a powerful defence. kai thought, trying to think of another plan.

"Let's kick things off with a mega punch Graveler!" Butch yelled.


"Snubbull use charm!" Kai shouted, hoping to lower the Graveler's attack like he had done with Machoke.

Snubbull used its charm attack managing to lower the Graveler's attack just before it smashed its mega punch into Snubbull's face, sending it flying across the pitch.

"Snubbull!" Kai yelled, seeing that Snubbull was barely holding on now, struggling to get back onto its feet as it refused to give up.

"That's enough Snubbull, you did a great job," Kai said, taking its Pokeball out.

"Snub! Snub, Snubbull!" Snubbull yelled, not wanting to give up the fight just yet.

"No Snubbull, you can't fight like that," Kai said, seeing how badly it wanted it.

"Snubbull." The Pokemon said, looking at Kai in the eye.

"Ok then... Let's keep going.

"That puny thing is still standing? Graveler, what the hell do you think you're doing, finish it off with rock blast!" Butch shouted.

"Oh crap, Snubbull dodge it and use Ice fang!" Kai shouted, knowing that was the only super-effective move he could use against the Graveler.

Graveler dug its hands into the ground to pull out a small chunk of rock that it used to throw, tossing one after the other.

Snubbull dodged to the side, creating ice fangs around its mouth as it chomped them into the rock Pokemon. The Graveler was blasted back, clearly feeling the attack as it was super effective leaving some ice around its body where it had been hit. However, it didn't waste any time in throwing another rock, this time hitting Snubbull in the face.

"Oh no, Snubbull get out of the way!" Kai yelled.

But it was too late, as Graveler continued to throw more rock blasts hitting Snubbull again in the chest and once more in the face, knocking Snubbull to the ground.

"That's enough Snubbull, you fought amazingly!" Kai yelled, this time withdrawing Snubbull and taking a moment to think.

"Man this is tougher than I thought," Kai said to himself, not having realised just how tough it was having a real Pokemon battle against tougher Pokemon one after the other.

Rattata won't be any good against a rock-type Pokemon...

"So, looks like it's your turn, Sandshrew!" Kai said as he tossed Sandshrew's Pokeball onto the pitch.

"Let's start round two and carry on where Snubbull left off!"



Ok that's the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it!