
Pokemon! The real deal!

Meet Kai, A Pokemon fan who got a little more than he bargained for when he loaded up his old save file from Heart gold. Finding that he had been sucked into the game its self, waking up in the world of Pokemon to begin his adventure and become the very best! If you enjoy my work and want more to do with Pokemon, check out my Patreon channel! https://www.patreon.com/lavalord115

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 15: Rematch with silver!

Kai found himself face to face with Silver, who already had his Totodile out and ready for action, proving as much having already blasted Ethan with a water gun attack to keep him back and away from their battle.

"I won't let you escape this time," Kai said, taking one of his Pokeballs from his belt before he threw it.

"Go, Snubbull!" Kai yelled.

The Pokeball burst open and revealed his Snubbull who was raring to go, pulling off an intimidate right off the bat, staring down the Totodile with its frightening features.

"Go, Totodile, use water gun!" Silver said, not wasting any time in getting started.

Dodge it Snubbull!" Kai yelled, watching as the torrent of water blasted through the air toward Snubbull.

"Get close and use your thunder fang Snubbull!" Kai then shouted, watching as Snubull started to run toward the Totodile to attack it.

"Don't let it get close, use water gun again!" Silver yelled, having his Totodile keep blasting it's water gun attack, proving too much for Snubbull to get passed before getting hit by one of them, being knocked back.

"Snubbull!" Kai yelled watching as it got back up, growling toward the Totodile not being able to close the distance thanks to the Totodile's long-range attacks.

"Don't let it rest Totodile, finish it off already!" Silver yelled, getting impatient.

Kai could see that Snubull wasn't fast enough to dodge the Totodile's attacks and get close, meaning that he wouldn't be able to do any damage to it, watching as another water gun attack shot toward Snubbull.

How are we surrpossed to close the gap... Snubbull just isn't fast enough... Kai thought before the solution popped back into his head.

"Snubbull dodge it and use scary face!" Kai shouted, knowing if he could drop the Totodile's speed he might stand a chance.

Snubbull did just that, moving to the side before pulling a terrifying face at the Totodile, causing its speed to drop.

That should do the trick. Kai thought to himself, seeing that the Totodile had been affected by the move, giving Snubbull a chance to press forward.

"What the hell are you doing you useless Pokemon!" Silver yelled.

"Now Snubbull use thunder fang!" Kai yelled, taking advantage of the Totodile's speed drop.

"Totodile stop it with water gun!" Silver yelled.

However, thanks to the speed difference, this time Snubbull was able to avoid the barrage of water gun attacks, coming at him much slower than before, allowing Snubbull to create the thunder fang attack around its face before closing the jaws of lightning on the helpless Totodile.

"Dile!" Totodile cried out in pain, being blasted back by the super-effective attack.

"No way!" Silver yelled, not looking impressed as his Totodile hit the ground.

"You had better now lose again! Now get up and use water gun!" He yelled, watching as the small water Pokemon climbed to its feet, still shaking from the thunder fang attack, having flinched.

Kai didn't like the way he was talking to Totodile, even if he was currently battling against it. Still, he had to press on the attack and finish this battle before things got any worse.

"Snubbull hit it with a headbutt!" Kai yelled, taking advantage of the flinch from its previous attack, hoping to do even more damage with this next attack and take it out.

Snubbull rushed forwards making it over to Totodile before it could even see straight, taking it by surprise before slamming its large head into the Totodile's face, knocking it back onto the ground with a mighty thud.

"I've had it with you, I don't see why I ever wasted my time stealing you in the first place!" Silver yelled, enraged that the small Pokemon had let him down again, walking over to it before he kicked it in the back as it tried its best to get up, crying out in pain.


"Stop it!" Ethan yelled, rushing forward in anger at Silvers's actions.

However, Kai beat him to it and rushed over toward Silver with his fist clenched, punching him in the face and landing a great right hook on his jaw that knocked him down onto his ass.

Both Ethan and the Totodile were shocked by Kai's actions, leaving Silver stunned on the ground before he slowly climbed back up to his feet, wiping the blood from his lip.

"You're going to pay for that," Silver said, having a dangerous look in his eye.

"You don't deserve to be a Pokemon trainer if that's how you treat your Pokemon!" Ethan yelled, moving toward the Totodile to check on it, only to have the Totodile run back toward Silver, who simply looked away from it.

"I've had enough of the three of you," Silver said, reaching behind his back as he grabbed another Pokeball.

"Kai look out!" Ethan yelled watching as Silver threw the ball, revealing his next Pokemon.

"Nidorino!" The purple-spiked Pokemon growled as it came forth from its Pokeball.

"I'm through playing games with you," Silver said standing behind his new Pokemon, glaring at both Kai and Ethan, who had backed off to a safe distance.

"Attack with poison sting!" Silver yelled.

Kai watched as the Nidorino rushed towards his Snubbull too fast for him to react, slamming into its body with its horn.

"Snubbull!" Kai yelled as he watched his Pokemon get tossed through the air like a ragdoll, clearly hurt badly by the poison sting attack with it being super effective.

"Return!" Kai said, returning the small bulldog Pokemon to its Pokeball, knowing it wouldn't be able to battle anymore after that hit.

"Good job Snubbull, now make sure you get some rest," Kai said before looking at the Nidorino.

"Kai be careful, that thing looks strong," Ethan said, taking a good look at the Nidorino while trying to access its battle power.

"Yeah, I can see that," Kai said, knowing he would have to use his Sandshrew's ground attacks against it, hoping he could land a super effective attack.

"Go Sandshrew!" Kai yelled, throwing his next Pokeball and revealing the small ground Pokemon.

"Shrew!" Sandshrew said, looking over at Silver and his Nidorino.

"You may have won last time, but I won't let that happen again. Nidorino use fury attack!"

"Sandshrew lets start things off with a rapid spin!" Kai shouted, wanting to grab that speed boost right off the bat.

However, Nidorino was so fast that it charged right at Sandshrew before it could curl up into a ball, slamming its horn into the middle of its belly and knocking it back before attacking again and again.

"Oh no! Sandshrew!" Kai yelled, not sure what had just happened.

"Now Nidorino, use poison sting!" Silver said.

"Kai look out for that poison sting attack!" Ethan yelled trying to warn him.

"Sandshrew, use defence curl!" Kai shouted, hoping that it would be able to defend itself from the Nidorino's attack in time, not knowing what else to do.

Nidorino's horn glowed purple as it readied its poison sting, about to jab Sandshrew with it dead centre.

However, Sandshrew was able to get its witts about it and quickly curled up into a ball, countering the attack with the back of its hard shell being able to tank the attack and get a defence boost all while doing so.

"That's more like it, now let's put that to use and hit it with a rollout!"

Sandshrew did as Kai said, curling back into a ball before it rolled toward the Nidorino at speed, looking like a wrecking ball coming toward it.

"Counter it with a horn attack!" Silver said, not wanting to lose.

Both Nidorino and Sandshrew clashed in a test of strength and endurance as both Pokemon tried their best to overpower the other, neither of them wanting to give any room whatsoever.

But, thanks to the defence curl that Sandshrew had been able to pull off, its rollout attack was more powerful resulting in Sandshrew being able to overpower the Nidorino, crashing through its attack and knocking it into the air.

"Damn it, Nidorino get yourself together and focus!" Silver yelled.

Nidorino did just that and flipped in the air before it focused its energy, landing back onto the ground and watching carfully as Sandshrew rolled around for another and more powerful attack having gained more momentum.

"Now Nidorino!" Silver yelled, waiting for the perfect moment, watching his Nidorino dive down with another horn attack, only this time using it to flip Sandshrew into the air.

"No way!" Kai said, watching his Sandshrew get thrown into the air by an extremely well-timed counter move.

"Sandshrew use rapid spin to regain your balance!" Kai shouted.

Sandshrew spun around before opening its body like a starfish, getting a speed boost from the rapid spin before it started to free-fall down toward Nidorino.

"Now charge at it Nidorino!" Silver yelled, knowing that there was nothing Kai's Sandshrew could do to stop it in mid-air.

Oh no, Sandshrew won't be able to counter while falling... Kai thought, trying to think of anything he could do.

"Only one thing left. Sandshrew, use magnitude!" Kai shouted, knowing that if Sandshrew could hit the ground before Nidorino could hit it, maybe he would have a chance.

Sandshrew did its best quickly starting to spin around in the air, flipping around so it was falling head first with its arm extended, trying to reach for the ground before the Nidorino reached it.

Both Kai and Silver watched in slow motion as Nidorino jumped into the air, trying to slam its attack into Sandshrew who was still falling, each of them doing their best to perform their trainer's wishes.

"DO IT!!!"


Kai and Ethan watched in horror as Silvers Nidorino had beaten Sandshrew to the punch, quite literally. Slamming its horn attack into Sandshrews belly and landing a critical hit, sending Sandshrew flying back before it hit the ground and slid along the grass to Kai's feet.

"Sandshrew!" Kai yelled, rushing over to it while skidding to his knees across the mud.

"Say something, little guy!" Kai said, seeing that Sandshrew was out cold, clearly having taken a powerful blow.

"Oh no..." Ethan said, being able to see that Kai's Sandshrew was hurt badly, also knowing that it was his strongest Pokemon.

"That is how it's done!" Silver said, complementing his Nidorino before he looked over at his Totodile who was still sitting quietly on the floor, waiting for its master command.

"Unlike you." Silver then said, glaring at the poor Pokemon, causing the Totodile to look down at the ground feeling like a failure.

"Sandshrew return..." Kai said, knowing he only had one Pokemon left to face Silvers Nidorino.

"Darn it, if only I could get to my Pokeballs!" Ethan said, seeing that his bag was still on the other side of the mere, behind Silver and his Nidorino, meaning he was currently helpless in the battle.

"This is our last chance..." Kai said as he stood up, taking his last Pokeball out from his belt before looking at it.

"We are counting on you, Rattata." He said before throwing the ball, letting his Rattata out onto the battlefield.


"Rattata!" The small mouse Pokemon cried, feeling pumped seeing how the others had lost.

"You really think a pathetic Pokemon like that is going to be able to defeat my Nidorino!" Silver yelled, almost taking offence that Kai would even bother to challenge him with it.

"Nidorino!" Silvers Pokemon also roared, scuffing his leg against the ground, looking like it couldn't wait to crush Kai's Rattata.

"Don't underestimate us!" Kai shouted, trying to think of a plan, knowing this was a bad match-up.

"Whatever, it is time for us to finish this once and for all! Let's go Nidorino!"


That's the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it!