
Pokemon! The real deal!

Meet Kai, A Pokemon fan who got a little more than he bargained for when he loaded up his old save file from Heart gold. Finding that he had been sucked into the game its self, waking up in the world of Pokemon to begin his adventure and become the very best! If you enjoy my work and want more to do with Pokemon, check out my Patreon channel! https://www.patreon.com/lavalord115

Lavalord115 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 14: The hidden waterfall!

Both Kai and Ethan had finally made it back to their camp after fighting off the unwanted attention of the Gastly and Haunter that had been feeding them their worst nightmares. Thankfully, Ethan had caught a Hoothoot that was able to use foresight to see through the ghost Pokemon's tricks, allowing them to fight them off once and for all.

With that, the two had been able to return to their camp, only with the help of Kai's Snubull, who without its excellent sense of smell, they would never have found their way back through the trees.

The hour had grown late now with the stars filling the night sky above them. Finally, Ethan had gotten the fire going and the two of them sat down with their Pokemon, eating a well-deserved supper.

"Man, I'm stuffed!" Ethan yelled as he placed his bowl down and slapped his stomach.

"I'm not surprised, you must have eaten at least four packets of those noodles," Kai said, wondering how he was able to do it.

Kai placed his own bowl down, having only needed to eat one pack of the noodles himself, feeling that was plenty for him.

Both of them had also let all of their Pokemon out to eat, glad to have the company of their ever-growing team, now consisting of Sandshrew, Snubbull and Rattata for Kai, while Ethan now had Cyndaquil, Weedle and Hoothoot.

That night everyone went to sleep with full bellies and peace of mind, knowing that thanks to Hoothoot, there would be no more nonsense from the Gastly or Haunter that seemed to haunt these woods.

The night went by rather quickly for Kai and before he knew it he was already being woken up to the sounds of birds chirping and sunlight shining in through his tent's open door.

"Arggg..." Kai moaned as he stretched high up into the sky, feeling his spine lengthen and his body start to wake up.

I have to say, being a kid again sure does come with its perks. No lower back pain is still number one though. Kai thought to himself as he stood up out of his tent, looking at the morning sun that was shining through the tree line.

Ethan was still sound asleep in his tent and Kai could see that the fire had gone out a while ago, not that it mattered anymore with the sun coming up.

Kai quickly checked over his gear and supplies, also checking the map on his Pokegear, seeing that it wouldn't be much farther until they reached the end of this forest trail.

So far Kai had enough supplies to keep him and his Pokemon going for another week at least, meaning if anything he had over-packed. Still, he would rather be prepared for the worst than come up short.

Kai proceeded to then wash his face, using some of the wipes he had gotten, knowing they would come in handy for staying clean. After that, he guessed it was time to wake Ethan up so they could get a good start on the day.

"Hey Ethan, time to wake up man," Kai said, giving his foot a nudge with his.

"Wow, What! I'm up!" Ethan yelled, jumping to his feet in a panic.

Kai took a step back letting him get it out of his system as he laughed a little.

"Everything is alright, Ethan, its just morning is all," Kai said.

Ethan took a look around seeing that the sun was still low in the morning sky.

"No monsters..." Ethan asked, scanning the area slowly, trying to remember where he was.

"No monsters," Ethan said, finally waking up and realising he was only having a nightmare.

Kai laughed as he sat down next to the embers of the fire, pulling out a breakfast bar from his bag to eat.

Ethan did the same having calmed down now and realising that he was hungry.

"Ah man I slept like a rock," Ethan said, taking a chunk out of his breakfast bar, and chewing on it as if it was the best thing he had ever eaten.

"Me too," Kai said, not saying much because he was eating.

"So how long you reckon until we get out of this forest?" Ethan asked.

"According to the map we should clear it by the afternoon," Kai said, knowing there was still a lot of walking to do.

"Alright, I'm ready to get out of this place so let's get moving!" Ethan said, standing to his feet enthusiastically.

Kai nodded as he did the same, deciding it was time to get to work. With that the two of them packed away the camp, rolling up the tents and sleeping bag as well as putting out and covering the fire pit with dirt, thanks to the help of Sandshrew.

Of course, they made sure to feed all of their Pokemon a quick breakfast before heading off, returning all of them to their Pokeballs so they could rest, including Sandshrew.

Both Kai and Ethan hit the open trail leading through the forest, making sure to keep an eye out for any potential ghost Pokemon antics, with Ethan keeping Hoothoot on standby.

All that was left was for the two of them to do the miles, following the trail in hopes that they would soon see the exit.

Kai wondered if they would see another ghost Pokemon, knowing it would have been a powerful asset to his team if he could have caught one, but given that it was now daytime, he highly doubted they would see another one.

"I wonder what other wild Pokemon we could find in this forest?" Kai asked, seeing if Ethan knew anything he didn't.

"That's a good question, Kai. I'm not too sure." Ethan said, pulling out his Pokedex to see if it had any information.

"Can a Pokedex check the wild Pokemon in the area?" Kai asked.

"No... Not this one anyway." Ethan said with a silly laugh.

"But I'm sure if we keep an eye out, we will see plenty." Ethan then said, sticking his thumb up.

Kai nodded in agreement, feeling excited at the possibility of encountering more and more Pokemon, hoping that he would perhaps find some of his favourites soon.

Both Kai and Ethan carried on their adventure well into midday, with the sun soon rising high into the sky, growing hot and making their journey a little more uncomfortable than it needed to be.

"Ah man even my sweat is sweating," Ethan said, pulling the neckline of his t-shirt to try and cool himself a little.

Kai had to agree, knowing that the trees were not doing much to help with protecting them from the sun now that it was dead centre in the sky, glaring down on them.

"Maybe we should take a break," Kai said, trying to find somewhere to rest.

"Yeah, good idea Kai," Ethan said, doing the same, both taking a moment to try and find the best spot.

"Hey, can you hear that?" Ethan said after a minuet.

"Hear what?" Kai asked.

"It sounds like running water," Ethan said, trying to see if he could find the direction of the sound.

"Are you sure you aren't hearing things again?" Kai asked, looking around to see if he was seeing anything that shouldn't be there.

"Hey come on, this way." Ethan said, rushing off into the trees and long grass before Kai could even say anything.

"W-wait for me!" Kai yelled, running after Ethan again, trying to keep up with him.

"It's this way, I can hear it!" Ethan yelled as he scrambled through some bushes before he set his sights on what he had been searching for.

"There it is..." Ethan said, soon being joined by Kai who couldn't believe his eyes.

"No way... Amazing..." Kai said, looking over at the large waterfall that flowed into a small lake that glistened in the sun even giving off a rainbow.

"Wow look at this place, it's amazing!" Ethan said, rushing over to the water and seeing that wild Pokemon filled the area, all of them drinking or playing in its cooling grace.

"Hey look over there," Kai said, seeing many different Pokemon in groups such as Sentret, Aipom, Poliwag, Pidgey, Oddish and even some Stantler. All of them looking startled that Kai and Ethan had suddenly barged in on them playing by the water.

"Wow, maybe we can catch some," Ethan said, watching as the wild Pokemon started to scurry off, being too fast for him to react and chase one.

"Or scare them all off," Kai said laughing, taking in the sight of the waterfall before them.

"Never mind, this looks like a great place to rest and cool off!" Ethan said, not caring about the Pokemon as he ran over to the water and started stripping off.

"Come on Kai, the water looks great!" He yelled, throwing all but his underwear onto the ground before he cannonballed into the lake, making a large splash.

Kai looked around seeing some of the wild Pokemon watching them, but being able to tell that none of them wanted to come any closer, giving him a reassuring feeling that they wouldn't attack them at least.

However, A shadow deep in the tree line caught Kai's eye, causing him to do a double take, causing his heart rate to increase steadily as he wasn't sure what it was, watching it get larger and larger before finally, it stepped into the light.

"You again." The all to familiar voice said, causing Kai to frown and give the person a hard look.


Kai was shocked, not believing his eyes while looking at Silver, the one who had stolen the Pokemon from Professor Elm's lab and then battled against Kai at the edge of Newbark town.

"I didn't expect to see you here of all places, but as luck would have it I can pay you back for our last battle," Silver said, clearly ready to get some payback.

Ethan finally surfaced from under the refreshing water to see that Kai and Silver were staring daggers at one another, unsure who the newcomer was.

"Hey, is everything alright Kai?" Ethan asked.

"No... This guy, he's the one who stole the Pokemon from the professor's lab." Kai said, causing Ethan to tense.

"No way, this guy?" Ethan yelled as he swam back to the water's edge and quickly got out.

"Hmm, it doesn't matter how many of you there are," Silver said not looking impressed with Ethan.

"Besides, you left all of your Pokeballs in one place." Silver then said, looking at Ethan's bag that was still lying on the ground.

"Oh, crap." Ethan said, quickly running over toward it., only to be hit by a large blast of water before he could make it.

"Argh!" Ethan yelled, getting knocked back onto the ground before Kai rushed over to him.

"Are you alright, Ethan?" Kai asked.

"Yeah..." Ethan said not hurt, only a little stunned.

"Looks like you are good for something after all," Silver said as his Totodile appeared, ready for action.

"If it's a battle you want, then I will happily be your opponent!" Kai said, reaching for his Pokeballs on his belt, knowing which one he would start off with first.

"Oh, I can't wait," Silver said, watching Kai with a vengeful look.


Alright that's the end of this chapter! Thank you for reading.

Also please check out my new story. Kobold's ascension to dragon lord!