
Pokémon : Transmigrated as Gary

Hey readers do you think Pokémon franchise did justice to grandson of professor oak , Gary . Because I don't think so ---------------------------- A guy always thought injustice for Gary one day god gave him chance to become Gary . See him changing the whole Pokémon world ---------------------------- I don't own any characters or the cover of novel

sharmaastitva2 · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 76 : Go for Bruno

Lorelei and Gary exchanged a small conversation with each other

//In the box//

Marco " That was great match and great strategy by Gary "

Glen nodded " Agreed "

Marco " No one would have thought that elite 4 member will not be able to face against one pokemon of Gary "

Glen nodded " Now to on the next Gary will face Elite 4 member Bruno tomorrow "

Marco "I can't contain my excitement now "

Glen laughed

//In the VIP box//

Bruno laughed " Today was a great match "

Lance just stayed silent

Agatha shook her head " Bruno don't underestimate him "

Bruno just laughed and went out of the room

Agatha murmured " ..That idiot will surely lose "

Mr. Goodshow laughed .

Meanwhile ,

Gary went back to the hotel to get information of his next match .

There many things written there such as

What is this person like?

"Bruno apparently joined the Elite Four out of his burning ambition to

battle the best Trainers."

Favorite kind of Pokémon?

"I've lived and trained with my fighting Pokémon."

What is this person like?

"Bruno, who's a senior ahead of me, visits the Spa on occasion.

He comes to rehab injuries, both his own and his Pokémon's "

and at last his personal note

From: Bruno

The super power of your Pokémon and you I've experienced myself.

Next time, maybe I should show you how to train yourself."

From all that information Gary was able to get sight of Person whose a idiot who just knows to get beaten or beating someone .

For his pokemons , Gary knew that the battle will be a 3-on-3 battle where his most probable team is Hitmonchan , Onix and Machamp .

Gary decided to use his Nidoqueen for his next match as the next match would be at rock battlefield . Nidoqueen would have a great advantage over there and she has not gotten a single match to show herself .

Meanwhile Gary was searching for the information and forming strategies .

Girls and Alexa were busy in making a hand made cake for his victory against Lorelei.

They were making a chocolate cake .

After 2hrs Gary came out of his room and he witnessed all girls with Alexa had chocolates on there faces and had a cute cake in their hands .

After the small party they all enjoyed there night together .

The next Day Gary went to the stadium for his next match.

Today also there was a great crowd more from yesterday .

//In the box//

Marco " Glen today is more crowd than yesterday "

Glen " Ofcourse it will be crowd today is also a great match between Bruno and Gary "

Marco " So who do you think will win Glen "

Glen " You asked the wrong question your question should be will Gary use a 2nd pokemon in the match "

Marco was stunned and laughed " Yup you are correct ... I think the Gary may not use second pokemon "

Glen also nodded

//In the VIP box//

As the both commentators were speaking on a speaker there voice could be heard in the VIP room where today Agatha , Lorelei , Lance and Mr. Goodshow were sitting .

Mr. Goodshow laughed by words of the commentators . Lorelei had her head down . Agatha sighed and Lance clenched his fists as they knew that words of the commentators were bad for the present elite 4 members . But they were not able to refute as yesterday Lorelei had lost badly to Gary .

Lance was about to criticize Lorelei but he didn't dare to speak after seeing Agatha looking at him .Agatha comforted Lorelei .

//In the battlefield//

Gary and Bruno entered the stadium from opposite sides .

This time the whole audience was supporting Gary

Audience " GARY!!GARY!!GARY!!!"

Girls said to Gary " Aren't you a lot popular "

Gary just shrugged his shoulder

After reaching there respective position .

Bruno stared at Gary . While looking at him Gary felt like he was in front of a Gorilla .

Gary just shook his head and thought ' An idiot was my life this bad after having Ash he is also a idiot with Machoistic personality '

Seeing Gary shake his head and he felt irritated and with his hunch he felt he was incredibly insulted by Gary but he didn't speak it out .

Referee : " This is a official match between Elite 4 member Bruno and Pokemon league Champion Gary "

" This match will be a 3-on-3 battle where substitution between of pokemon is not allowed . Fainting of all pokemons of one side will result in loss of that trainer ."

"Are you both ready"

We both nodded

" Call your pokemons at the same time "




...................To be continued