
Pokémon : Transmigrated as Gary

Hey readers do you think Pokémon franchise did justice to grandson of professor oak , Gary . Because I don't think so ---------------------------- A guy always thought injustice for Gary one day god gave him chance to become Gary . See him changing the whole Pokémon world ---------------------------- I don't own any characters or the cover of novel

sharmaastitva2 · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 75 : Vs Lorelei (Part 3)

Lorelei recalled her pokemon .

Lorelei took out her next pokemon to fight Dragonite

"Go Cloyster "

Gary smirked at seeing he knew that Dragonite with defeating 2 pokemons he is in high spirits .

Gary " Dragonite Thunder "

Dragonite attacked Cloyster . Cloyster closed it's shell to protect himself from being struck by lightning . Cloyster was easily able to protect itself .

Gary " Dragonite take Cloyster to sky"

Dragonite took Cloyster to the sky .

Dragonite kept flying high .

Gary shouted "Throw him and Dragon Pulse "

As Dragonite threw Cloyster and moreover attacked Dragon pulse .

Cloyster wasn't able to defend himself because falling down and attacked and beacuse of great attack and gravity with advantage Cloyster wasn't able to protect himself from his shell .

As soon Cloyster was blasted on the ground it fainted

Lorelei never expected that her Cloyster will not be able to face Dragonite and will faint from a bizzare tactic . She just shook her head .

Referee " Cloyster is unable to battle , Dragonite is the winner "

Girls : "Gary, Gary, he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can! Go...Gary!".

Audience " GARY!!GARY!!!GARY!!!"

// In the box //

Marco " That was great strategy from Gary , I think , Glen "

Glen " Yup you are correct that was great strategy to use flight as an advantage from Cloyster ."

Marco " I think the elite 4 member is in lot of pressure as she would have never expected that she would ever lose that "

Glen " Correct Marco every elite 4 member have there own arrogance and from my point of view Gary presently is crushing every arrogance from them "

Marco nodded and said " Next match would be interesting as Lorlei will use her strongest pokemon"

Glen " In all matches of Lorelei that pokemon has been her ace "

Marco " So the next battle will be between the best of best "

//In the battlefield//

Lorelei " Go Lapras "

Lapras came out and stared at Dragonite .

Gary smirked " Dragonite don't underestimate her "

Dragonite nodded

Lorelei " Lapras Ice beam "

Gary " Dragonite Flamethrower "

Both ice type and fire type collided and formed a large amount steam ,

//In the box //

Marco " Did you see that Glen that powerful attacks from both pokemons "

Glen also showed shocked expression as both attacks displayed by both pokemons were completely different from previous battle .

Glen " They are so powerful "

Marco " We can also feel the pressure from both pokemons in the box "

Glenn sighed " That level can only be achieved by monsters "

Marco also shook his head expressing his surrender towards both trainers fighting .

//In the battlefield //

Audience "wwwooooooHHHHHH"

All audience were on adrenaline seeing the clash of strongest pokemons .

Lorelei " Lapras attack with Iceball "

Lapras attacked in an approximate location of Dragonite due to less vision from Steam .

Gary " Dragonite Dragon rush to the place attacks comes from "

Lorelei " Lapras dodge "

Lorelei realized how much mistake she caused by attacking Dragonite .

Lapras wasn't able to defend himself from Dragonite Dragon rush and crashed to big ice rock . The ice rock was crushed but still Lapras didn't faint because of that explosion all steam faded .

All audience gapped by seeing an injured Lapras as they thought both pokemons were at the same level as of the first exchange

//In the box//

Both of them were shocked and shouted to there all might

Marco " Glen Gary is the best trainer "

Glen also nodded agreeing to Marco " Gary's mind is good to form a counterattack strategy in a small time "

Marco " Correct normal approach of a trainer would have been to dodge from attack in steam but Gary took an offensive strategy "

Glen " He is bold with actions and he also contain a lot of confidence "

Marco nodded to Glen words and shouted in the speaker " What do you think audience "


//In the battlefield//

Lorelei looked at Lapras with a worried expression " Are you alright Lapra "

Lapras nodded .

Lorelei "Then attack with ice beam "

Gary " Dodge then Thunder "

Because of air advantage and Lapras being Injured Dragonite was easily able to dodge from the ice beam and then counterattacked with thunder .

Thunder hit Lapras . This time Lapras wasn't lucky and directly fainted .

Referee " Lapras is unable to battle , Dragonite wins . As Trainer Lorelei all pokemon have fainted the winner of the match is Gary oak from Pallet town "

Girls : "Gary, Gary, he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can! Go...Gary!".

Audience " GARY!!GARY!!!GARY!!!"

Gary went to Dragonite and petted him .

Lorelei also walked towards her Lapras and called back her .

Lorelei then walked upto Gary and shook his head .

......................To be continued