
Chapter 38: Idiots and Superpowered Good Sisters



Entering the gate of the Saffron Gym, you first see a circular corridor. On both sides of the corridor are the library and classrooms.


Almost all the members were wearing researcher's white coats and looking hurriedly busy in their classrooms.


"Obviously there are so many people here, but the girl named Sabrina lives alone," Caitlin sighed in frustration.


"This is the importance of partners and family." Gary nodded.


"That's right." Caitlin nodded in agreement. She has been violent with superpowers since she was a child. If the old housekeeper Butler hadn't been with her all the time, she would probably have a twisted personality~


"It would be nice if Sabrina could be a little calmer." Gary shrank his neck in fear.


To be fair, that woman was so fierce that if she and Caitlin got into a fight, Gary would be caught in the middle and he wouldn't even know what happened. The possible final cause of death is: this body died of unknown AOE...


"Hello, little sister Caitlin~" While Gary was struggling, an old voice sounded from the corner.


An old woman on crutches came out.


"Agatha!!" Gary exclaimed. The ghost mother Agatha, one of the Elite Four of Kanto, actually appeared just like that!


"Keep your voice down, I can hear you." Agatha looked at Gary with a smile: "Well, he's taller and handsome, but it's annoying that he looks more and more like your grandfather when he was young~"


"Agatha, why are you here~" Gary smiled bitterly and shook his head.


This old woman can be said to be half of Gary's grandmother. Although she chases Professor Oak all over the house every time she comes to the Oak Research Institute, she is really good to Gary.


When he was young, almost all Mr. Gary's toys and clothes were bought by this old woman. Old straight men like Professor Oak were not that careful.


"It's not the fault of this little guy like you." Granny Agatha nodded to Caitlin first, then poked Gary on the forehead:


"You are asked to accompany this little girl to eat, drink and have fun, and you take her to the Rocket's black shop. What do you think?


Do you know that because of this, that short winter melon from the Pokémon League called us for a meeting in the middle of the night?


Sometimes I really want Gengar to drag him to hell~"


Gulp~ Gary swallowed his saliva, Mr. Goodshow, please wish yourself well~


"That was an accident. I had a lot of fun these days!" Caitlin explained anxiously, grabbing Gary's sleeve.


"Oh~ Really?" Agatha looked at Caitlin's expression, turned around, picked up the crutch, and hit Gary on the head.


"Ouch!" Gary innocently covered his head: "Granny, what are you doing?"


Granny Agatha pointed at Gary's nose in anger: "Tell me, what's wrong with you, imitating your grandpa? Do you have to imitate others?"


"I didn't..." Gary almost cried. He really didn't think much about Caitlin. He just felt that her personality was like a younger sister, so he usually took more care of her.


"No, then explain it to Lorelei yourself." Agatha turned around and waved.


"Long time no see, brother Gary~" A familiar gentle voice.


As soon as Gary turned his head, Lorelei adjusted her glasses, stood on tiptoes, put her hands behind her back, and walked lightly to Gary.


"Sister Lorelei~ Aren't you on vacation in the Sevii Islands?" Gary opened his mouth.


Agatha glanced at Gary and rolled her eyes. The men of the Oak family are old scumbags... She understands it deeply...


"I happened to meet up with Senior Agatha in Saffron City. I heard that you were going to challenge Sabrina at the Saffron Gym together, so I came over curiously to have a look~" Lorelei blinked with an unclear smile. She came up and took one of Gary's arms.


Caitlin immediately grabbed his other hand and said, "You don't need to worry about the two kings. Master Gary and I will just go find Sabrina."


Lorelei tightened her arm gracefully, and Gary suddenly felt a marshmallow-like touch on his right hand...


"Hiss~" Gary broke into a cold sweat. Please, it's not good for you to test cadres like this.


Caitlin and Lorelei looked at each other, as if sparks were flying between them...


Granny Agatha waved her hands helplessly: "You young people, don't cause trouble for my old woman. Lorelei, I am a guest, so be generous."


"Okay~" Lorelei smiled sweetly and let go of Gary's hand. After all, he is a "guest" and she is one of our own...


To be honest, the moment he let go, Gary felt a little bit disappointed~


"Mr. Gary, is she ready to stop you from playing with me..." Caitlin shook Gary's arm anxiously.


Gary touched Caitlin's head helplessly: "Don't worry, Sister Lorelei is very nice."


"Yeah~ I was teasing you just now. Don't mind." Lorelei bent down slightly and shook hands with Caitlin in a friendly manner. Between the snow-white peaks, a necklace of ice gems shone brightly.


Be good, this wave of killings is heart-breaking~


Caitlin looked at Lorelei, then looked down at her toes. What should I do? She was about to cry...


"Okay, let's get down to business." Granny Agatha rubbed her eyebrows. A good child like Gary was ruined by Oak's teachings. She must go to the Oak Research Institute again when she comes back!


After being reminded by Granny Agatha, Lorelei's face turned slightly red. What was wrong with her? She looked like a little girl who had been robbed of candy...


"Ahem, that's it," Lorelei pushed up her glasses and returned to seriousness: "Miss Caitlin and Sabrina are both SSR-level superpowers, and any conflict may lead to serious consequences.


Because Granny Agatha and I will supervise the entire competition, and Miss Caitlin cannot help you. If anything goes wrong, we will stop the game at any time. "


Gary nodded understandingly: "Don't worry, I will conduct the gym competition fairly and impartially."


Originally, Gary had no intention of letting Caitlin help him cheat. He brought Caitlin mainly to prevent Sabrina from using her superpowers to cause trouble if she was anxious about losing.


"That's good. Anyway, play well and don't be afraid. I...Senior Agatha and I will protect you!" Lorelei said seriously.


"You...are you still challenging?" The sudden voice startled several people present!


"Wow! It's amazing, you can actually get close to me silently." Caitlin sighed with emotion.


"Ahem, isn't this little sister Sabrina, hello." Granny Agatha also coughed twice in embarrassment.


"What, I'm sorry, when did you come out?" Gary asked curiously, did this patient with severe social anxiety go out? It's so amazing!


Sabrina raised her head with some resentment: "I have been out to greet you since you entered the door, but you didn't notice me..."


Everyone was sweating. Why does this child have such a low sense of existence?


"Sorry, I'm here to challenge the Saffron Gym. Can we start?" Gary scratched his head and asked.


Sabrina looked at Caitlin, hesitantly opened her mouth, and then turned around: "Come with me."


Everyone followed Sabrina all the way to the innermost part of the Saffron Gym, and a dark indoor battle arena appeared in front of everyone.


Candles and torches were burning on both sides, and the venue was decorated like an escape room...