
Chapter 37: Equality is the Best Way to Get Along



"Oh haha..." With a pair of panda eyes, Gary held his toothbrush listlessly and looked at the blonde girl in front of him.


"Good morning, Mr. Gary!" With her fluffy blond hair draped over her shoulders, Caitlin was floating in the air. Miss Gothitelle beside her waved her hand gently, controlled by her mental power. Various toiletries and skincare products were arranged in turn, and in a short time, a young, beautiful, and neatly dressed girl completed her transformation.


"I'm tired of the word envy..." Gary spit out the mouthwash and took out a bottle of concealer to cover the dark circles.


Yesterday, when I played Elite Four with Caitlin, the two troublemakers always got into trouble, and then they were shot in the head by two shots in the finals...


Unconvinced, the two continued to play the next game, and it wasn't until midnight that they went back to sleep~


"Gengar~" Gengar swung his tongue and ate some food in the hotel's kitchen. Then he came to Gary with two cups of coffee in his hands without touching the floor.


"Thank you..." Gary took the mug and looked it over. This Gengar can actually make coffee. What is the skill tree for this?


"Here you go, cappuccino. I want extra strong black coffee." He handed Caitlin's cappuccino disguised as milk cocoa to her. Gary drank the bitter black coffee in one gulp.


His whole body trembled, and Gary gave Gengar a thumbs up: "It's very effective; I feel refreshed."


"Gengar~" Gengar was as happy as a ball, jumping up and down.


Breakfast was the butter croissant provided by the hotel, filled with cheese and just right to eat with coffee. Standard English breakfast.


Caitlin ate a small piece in disgust, then put down the bread: "Hey~ This thing is not good. I want to eat wonton noodles or tofu noodles and sesame cake~"


Gary broke out in a cold sweat. Could it be that he had taken too much medicine... Ahem, it should be said that he had eaten too many common people's delicacies. The good British young man just had a hint of rural Guandong accent...


"Here, let's go have Chinese food at noon after the game. There is a Chinese specialty restaurant in Saffron City that seems to be very good." Gary suggested.


"Long live! Then let's set off quickly. Get that woman. Then go eat delicious food!" Caitlin cheered, raising her two little hands.


After solving Caitlin's mood problem, Gary and Caitlin set off towards the Saffron Gym in the Saffron City Center.


A dome-style sports venue, this is the location of the Saffron City Gym. It is also a training camp for Kanto superpowers.


There are superpowers of various levels here. The stronger ones can pick up objects from the air and move instantly.


The weaker ones can only bend a spoon...


In short, people with superpowers get together to study how to improve their mental power, and they are all admirers of Sabrina~


Arriving at the door of the gym, Caitlin couldn't help but curl her lips: "Why, there are so many weak spiritual powers radiating outwards here, it makes people very uncomfortable~"


Gary shrugged: "Probably those super-power apprentices are training."


"The strength of superpowers is determined by the brain. This kind of thing is innate. Who said it can be improved through training?" Caitlin looked in disbelief.


"Ahem... Don't be too harsh when talking to young people. Superpowers can, of course, be trained." The uncle, dressed as an orange sanitation worker, stood sweeping the floor on the roadside and came to Gary and Caitlin.


"Why, why don't you tell me the truth?" Caitlin is not so good-tempered towards everyone~


"Uncle...you'd better not mess with our little girl." Gary kindly reminded him.


"Humph, are you here to challenge the gym? I advise you not to be too arrogant. Superpowers are very terrifying powers!" The uncle looked at Gary and Caitlin, and a dangerous scarlet light lit up.


Gary rolled his eyes: "Say it beforehand, I warned you~"


Bass! The next second, Caitlin stood directly in front of Gary, and a powerful wind formed by her mind instantly counterattacked the mental impact of the sanitation uncle!


Bang! The uncle's eyes widened, and he flew backwards. After breaking a small tree on the roadside, he flashed and moved to a safe place in an instant.


"Pfft~ This power even surpasses Sabrina's superpower strength! How is that possible?" The uncle spat out two ounces of blood and looked at Caitlin in disbelief.


"Uncle, I warned you in advance. You insisted on sending it up to slap Caitlin in the face. You can't blame us." Gary shook his head and explained.


"How is it possible? It's really terrifying. Sabrina's talent is rare to come across in a hundred years. This girl looks about the same age as Sabrina, but she can actually reach such a terrifying level?" The uncle was still muttering.


Gary couldn't listen anymore and interrupted: "Can you say a few less words? The left one is scary and the right one is terrible. Can't you see Caitlin is sad?"


Touching Caitlin's silky long hair, Gary smiled gently and said, "Don't worry, no one will be afraid of you. Everyone loves super girls, right?"


"Yeah~ right~" Caitlin pursed her lips and nodded aggrievedly.


"It's unbelievable that you can actually tame a superpower of this level. You are really brave~" the uncle took a breath.


"What's wrong with superpowers? You're not a superpower? Why did you say that?" Gary frowned and reprimanded: "Are those two holes under your eyebrows for anger?


Be it Caitlin or Sabrina. They are just little girls with delicate minds.


Although they have great power, as long as they communicate with them attentively, they can be gentle to the world. "


"Impossible. People with powerful superpowers like them have closed hearts." The uncle subconsciously retorted.


"That's because you didn't understand it at all!" Gary said angrily: "You are just afraid of them because of their power! Even though they have never hurt you once, you keep talking about how dangerous they are. !


Ask yourself, do you treat them as equals from the bottom of your heart and treat them as one person?


You didn't~ so. You don't deserve to comment here either. "


"Mr. Gary~ It doesn't matter, let's go in." This was the first time that Caitlin saw Gary get angry, so she obediently pulled Gary's sleeve and whispered to persuade him.


Gary responded with a warm smile: "Okay, let's go in."


Seeing Gary and Caitlin talking and laughing, the uncle froze in place in astonishment. Can an SSR-level superpower really live such an approachable life?


Can they really have such a pure smile? It turns out that they also have hearts, livers, and feelings? !


So what have you done all these years? !


The uncle couldn't help but recall every moment with Sabrina...


That's right, this man who pretends to be a sanitation worker and hangs around in front of his house every day, but dare not go in, is Sabrina's father, the previous trainer of the Saffron City Gym.


It seemed that ever since Sabrina showed off her exaggerated superpower talent, he couldn't help but look horrified, and her uncle covered his head in pain.


That kind of defensive and fearful look must have deeply hurt Sabrina when she was young...


That's why Sabrina uses her superpower to keep everyone by her side~ That's why she closes her heart and keeps herself company with dolls~


"Uncle~ I hope you can treat girls like Caitlin and Sabrina equally." Opening the door, Gary slowly said: "What they need is to treat everyone equally, not sympathy, not admiration, and not fear~"


Looking at the backs of Gary and Caitlin, the uncle sighed with self-reproach: "I didn't expect that I haven't had a young man live a clear life, so go home!"


Taking firm steps, the uncle turned and walked towards a villa on the back street of the gym. That was his home after being away for several years~