
Chapter 36: Arriving at Saffron City  


In Lavender Town, on the underground floor of the Pokémon Tower, laughter like silver bells kept ringing.


Accompanied by Gastly and Haunter, Caitlin had a great time.


Don't tell me, these two little guys are really good at making people happy.


Gary and Gengar were leaning on the sofa, eating popcorn, watching the antics, and couldn't help laughing when they saw the wonderful parts.


Gary's Pokémon also participated, riding the small train and merry-go-round, and were made to laugh by Gastly's grimace.


Even the armored Rhydon found a huge balancing ball and couldn't put it down and lay on it.


"Huh~ It's so enjoyable." Caitlin dived into the sofa next to Gary and sighed with satisfaction.


"Yeah, these three guys are real treasures, and they like nothing more than playing with others." Gary pulled Gengar's ears, and the latter made various expressions in a funny way.


"I've decided!" Caitlin clapped her hands and hugged Gastly and Haunter with her two little hands: "I want to catch them!"


Gary was not surprised at all and looked at Gengar: "What do you think? Do you want to travel with me? There will be all kinds of fun and exciting things. When you get tired of playing, there are a lot of Pokémon in my backyard to play with you."


Gengar was silent in a rare moment, thinking about Gary's words.


On the other side, Haunter secretly stuffed the bomb he took out back into his mouth...


Gary looked at the three cute ghosts whispering there and interrupted with some humor: "Actually, it's very simple. Catching them is nothing more than two options."


The three cute ghosts raised their heads and looked at Gary.


"First~" Gary pointed out a finger: "You also feel that you are very happy to be with us. Needless to say, Caitlin will inevitably visit various places in the future, and you can travel around the world with her~"


Hey~ Gastly's eyes lit up!


Gengar and Haunter were still a little hesitant. But he nodded, and it was true that both Gary and Caitlin were good choices.


"Second~" Gary raised his eyebrows. "Since he has taken a liking to you, and you don't want to be subdued so easily, then~ you have to be beaten until you are convinced." Gary clapped his hands.


Caitlin's Gallade and Alakazam came up eagerly, with king-level pressure at full strength!


They had long been unhappy with these brats seducing the boss~


Gallade's double blades popped out, and his cold eyes seemed to ask Haunter, wanting to be chopped into several pieces.


Alakazam's two spoons were spinning, and he was ready to give Gastly a mental shock if he disagreed.


Haunter and Gastly had a cold sweat on their foreheads, and they immediately showed flattering expressions, sticking out their big tongues to lick Caitlin.


Bang~ Two Poké Balls appeared in Caitlin's hand, and they happened to be licked by Haunter and Gastly's tongues.


After a burst of red light, the Poké Balls didn't even dare to swing. They were locked directly and then followed the rules of the trainer holding Pokémon.


The small teleportation system in the Poké Balls was activated, and the two Poké Balls were automatically transferred to the nearby Pokémon Center, and then sent again to the distant Unova region, to the Caitlin family's castle.


The old housekeeper Gulan was wiping the Poké Balls in the storage room, and the teleportation machine beside him lit up.


As the white light fell, the two Poké Balls came into the hands of the old housekeeper.


"Oh my, it's great that the young lady has caught a new Pokémon." The old housekeeper wiped his tears with emotion, and then opened the Poké Balls.


Haunter enthusiastically spits out bombs with ignited fuses from his mouth.


Boom! Three dark faces appeared in the storeroom. Haunter and Gastly looked at each other and gave out a wicked smile.


The old housekeeper wiped his face, ignoring the fact that the venom dripping from Haunter and Gastly's tongues on the floor corroded the carpet into small holes, and waved lovingly: "Oh, as expected of Miss's Pokémon, it's really lively. Come on, come on, I'll prepare something delicious for you~"


Gastly and Haunter looked at the luxurious furniture around them, and their eyes nearly popped out. As masters, they were a bit proud...


On the other side, looking at the two brothers surrendering, Gengar curled his lips, how unloyal! !


Gary took out the Poké Ball and looked at Gengar with a smile: "Let's go out and see the outside world. It's very interesting."


Gengar thought for a while, made a face at Gary, and then took the initiative to reach out and pat the switch of the Poké Ball.


Seeing the Poké Ball swaying comfortably for two times, the warning light slowly turned off, Gary smiled and nodded: "Please give me more advice, Gengar~"


Gary already had six Pokémon Balls on him, so the Pokédex beeped.


Gary thought for a moment, then clicked on the armored Tyranitar's avatar, and the armored Tyranitar was teleported back to Professor Oak.


Just enough for the armored Tyranitar to go back for a comprehensive physical examination and learn a few tricks from the old Kangaskhan.


After taming the Pokémon they wanted, Gary and Caitlin didn't stay long, restored everything in the Pokémon Tower to its original state, and then turned around and left.


In the future, maybe there will be new ghost Pokémon living here.


After walking out of Lavender Town, all the surrounding fog dissipated. Looking at the dazzling sunshine, the two of them felt like they were worlds apart.


After playing in Lavender Town for so long, it was almost noon.


After taking out the sandwich they bought before and hastily finishing their lunch, Gary and Caitlin continued on their way, aiming for Saffron City.


Along the way, Eevee and Growlithe were responsible for clearing the way, while Caitlin floated beside Gary in boredom.


Growlithe has been training very hard recently, and Eevee naturally doesn't want to lose to him.


In order to challenge Sabrina, Gary also developed targeted training.


That is, strengthen the bite technique! This trick is always painful for super-powered Pokémon~


Along the way, whether it is a Geodude or a Gloom, as long as it is discovered by the two little ones, there will definitely be two more teeth marks on the body...


While Gary was training and on the road, the two of them strolled around leisurely for a whole day.


Finally, as night fell, they arrived at the outskirts of Saffron City.


Before they got close to the entrance of Saffron City, suddenly a little girl's laughter rang in Gary's ears.


"Hehehe~ Come and play with me~" Lolita's little skirt, shawl long hair, bloodless face, and scarlet eyes.


The corner of Gary's mouth twitched, "This thing of yours is much scarier than the ghosts in Lavender Town!" !


Seeing Gary unmoved, the little girl took two steps forward again.


Buzz~ Visible to the naked eye, the air is actually distorted.


Caitlin laughed with interest: "That's a bit interesting~ But, a rag doll is not qualified to play with me!"


Boom! Caitlin's body was covered with blue light, and a shock wave centered on Caitlin and rolled out directly!


Snap, the rag doll lost strength and fell to the ground. Then the light flashed and disappeared from the spot.


Gary only felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him, and he was hung on a high tree branch...


In the Saffron Gym, a girl with long black hair and straight hair looked at the doll in front of her with an expression of interest. This was the first time someone had a slight edge over her in terms of superpowers.


Although there was some element of carelessness on her part, the feeling of meeting someone of the same kind made Sabrina so moved that her whole body trembled.


"I really want to see them soon~"


On Gary's side, Caitlin clapped her little hands and raised her head proudly: "It's done, Gary, let's go into the city. Gary?"


Gary hung on the tree and sighed helplessly: "Can you please let me down first~"


"Oops! I forgot, I'm sorry." Caitlin blushed, waved her hand gently, and Gary was floated down by a gentle force of thought.


"It's so convenient~" Gary expressed envy and said he was tired...


Without Sabrina's doll blocking the way, the two entered Saffron City smoothly.


However, the moment they entered the city, Caitlin curled her lips and waved her hand unhappily, and a circle of blue telekinesis enveloped Gary and Caitlin.


"This is?" Gary didn't know why.


"The whole city is covered by that woman's mental power, and I'm not in the habit of being watched." Caitlin shrugged.


"Okay, let's find a hotel to rest today. It's not too late to go to the gym tomorrow~" At Gary's suggestion, the two of them stayed at the most luxurious hotel in Saffron City.


Although this time, Gary finally booked two luxury suites, after washing up, he still broke his guard when he saw Caitlin sitting on his bed holding a pillow.


Caitlin raised the game console: "Well, just play one game?"


Gary gritted his teeth: "Okay!"


Looking at the two people lying side by side on the bed in the bedroom, playing a shooting game with a controller, Psyduck looked up at the moon and sighed resentfully: "P


sy~ai~ (Sentiment has been filled with hatred since ancient times, this hatred is endless~)"