
Chapter 30: Receiving Caitlin



At the port of Vermilion City, Gary stared blankly at the distant ship.


Don't get me wrong, he wasn't late and didn't miss his ticket.


Just ten minutes ago, when Gary was about to board the ship to Celadon City, he received a call from his grandpa, Professor Oak.


According to Professor Oak, the Unova region decided to send one of their Elite Four to visit the Kanto region.


"I heard it's a little girl. I'm so old, and I can't take care of her. My dear grandson, you're good at dealing with girls. Please help me receive her," Professor Oak had said.


Gary felt a surge of resistance. Please! In the Unova region, the Elite Four might be a little girl, but if it's Caitlin, an SSR-level psychic, things could get dangerous.


If he wasn't careful when receiving this great guest, he might die!


Since the establishment of the Pokémon League, there have been two SSR-level psychics: Sabrina from Saffron City, and then this girl.


Sabrina has a superpower training method inherited from her family. When she's angry, she can turn you into a toy and play with it for two days at most.


If Caitlin gets angry, her surging psychic power can overturn an entire city in an instant!


"So, Grandpa, I'm picking her up, right..." Gary almost cried.


"Hey~ My handsome, charming grandson. Give yourself a little confidence. No little girl will be willing to hurt your little piece of meat," Professor Oak said lightly.


"Just tell me what's the benefit," Gary sighed. He felt like he was being treated as a gigolo by his grandfather...


"Well~ My Dragon Tree has bloomed recently. I wonder if you're interested in the offspring of a top-tier Dragon-type?" Professor Oak took a sip of tea with confidence.


"I also want dragon scales, dragon teeth, dragon claws, and a full set of breeding resources. Don't say you don't have them. Dragons have to replace these things every year!" Gary said in one breath.


"No problem~ By the way, Caitlin can already control her psychic powers but has only slowly started to engage with society in recent years. So~ take it easy, my little tiger. Take care of her," Professor Oak raised his eyebrows.


"Grandpa~" Gary complained tiredly. He finally understood why Grandma Agatha chased his grandpa around when he was young. Forgive Oak for the mistakes he made when he was young. He is so uninhibited and loves freedom...


"Hahaha, don't worry, this is just a local joke," Professor Oak waved his hand. "Caitlin's ship will dock before sunset. Receive her well. Don't disgrace our Kanto region."


Looking at the hung-up phone, Gary raised his head 45 degrees to the sky. Tears of sadness flowed from the corner of his mouth. The offspring of a top-tier Dragon-type... so tempting...


There was still half a day before sunset, so Gary found a nearby bench, sat on it, and started thinking.


Bang~ The Poké Ball behind him opened automatically, and Psyduck sat next to Gary with a wise look on his face.


"Hey~ buddy, I told you, if you run out by yourself again, I'll have Eevee bite your tail," Gary rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.


"Quack, quack, my trainer, I've already communicated with Miss Eevee, and she's not interested in my sexy butt and tail," Psyduck smiled and patted Gary on the back. "So, why are you here in a daze~"


Gary: "Hey, Psyduck, do you know how to treat a fourteen-year-old girl with a high status and the ability to kill me in an instant?"


Psyduck's eyes changed, and he looked at Gary with admiration: "My trainer... you play a risky game..."


"Stop, you can call me Gary, Master Gary, or Mr. Oak. I don't know why you, a native of Kanto, speak with a British accent..." Gary couldn't help but complain.


"Also, I just want to ask for your advice, don't make any mistakes..."


Psyduck spread his hands and said, "Okay, first of all, you have to change into something more handsome."


Gary: (¬_¬)... It's really troublesome...




It was unusually deserted today on the St. Jeanne d'Arc, which departed from the Unova region.


Because the whole ship was booked.


One of the Elite Four of Unova, Caitlin, who swept the Unova League at the age of fourteen and was promoted to the Elite Four, sat quietly in the luxurious cabin.


On a huge round bed, the girl was playing with a game console with her bare feet dangling.


"Hmm~ This level is too difficult!" Looking at the box-pushing game on the game console, Caitlin stared at the word "failure" with some resentment.


"I hope there will be some interesting things waiting for me in the Kanto region." Taking the hot cocoa from Miss Gothitelle's hand, Caitlin took a few sips.


"Gothitelle! I told you to add double milk to my coffee!" Caitlin said, pretending to be mature.


Miss Gothitelle bowed gracefully and turned to add milk.


In order to make herself more mature, Caitlin specially replaced the hot milk with hot cocoa and called it chocolate-flavored coffee~


Regarding these things, Miss Gothitelle just smiled helplessly, which is quite cute, isn't it~


It is precisely because of the company of Miss Gothitelle and other Pokémon that Caitlin does not become a super-powered criminal with a twisted personality.


On the contrary, this little girl has become the darling of Unova, the beloved Psychic Queen.


After drinking the hot cocoa mixed with milk in one gulp, Caitlin covered her mouth and yawned lightly: "Ah woo~ I'm a little sleepy. Just call me when we get there."


After giving instructions to Miss Gothitelle, Caitlin threw herself on her velvet pillow and soon began to breathe evenly.


Miss Gothitelle clapped her hands, and a round Munna floated in. It will monitor Caitlin's dreams at any time, eat the nightmares, and leave the good dreams~




Vermilion Port was brightly lit tonight. Officer Jenny led a group of police officers to clear the entire port.


Lt. Surge personally took action and led a group of young men out to clean up the streets. In all kinds of streets and alleys, wild Meowth or Rattata that ran slower could get a shock...


Gary wore a black short-sleeved stand-collar shirt, light gray casual pants, and a pair of white high-top sneakers. Holding Eevee and Psyduck, he waited at the port for Caitlin's arrival.


Originally, Psyduck wanted Gary to wear a tuxedo and have his hair slicked back...


Psyduck: (?▽`)ノ?You know, I'm a professional stylist...


Then Psyduck was kicked by Gary. He's not really here to be a gigolo...


Phew~ A strong wind blew by, and a plump and cute Dragonite landed from the sky.


After the imposing Dragonite landed steadily, the man behind it flicked his red cloak and jumped down from behind Dragonite.


"Lance of the Elite Four!" Gary blurted out.


Lance frowned: "Are you the grandson of Professor Oak?"


Gary nodded: "Ahem, Mr. Lance of the Elite Four, right?"


The corner of Lance's mouth twitched, and he shouted internally: The Elite Four of GTM, these damn Elite Four of Kanto, I've had enough!


And those bastards who say behind my back that I'm the King of Flying-types!


Just wait, when the merger procedures with the Johto region are completed, I'll ascend the throne in Johto and become the champion of both regions.


Understand? Kanto and Johto, I'll dominate both areas at once. This is called wisdom!


Ignoring Lance's rich inner drama, Gary tried to ask: "Since you're here, Mr. Lance, can I leave?"


Lance crossed his arms and answered confidently: "No, my time is limited. I just want to make an appearance. After that, I will have a one-on-one friendly match with Caitlin at Indigo Plateau.


But before that, I still have to trouble you with the task of receiving Caitlin."


Gary: "Okay, let's change the question to the expenses incurred by the reception~"


Lance flicked his cloak dominantly and took out a credit card with a black dragon pattern: "Swipe my card!"


Gary raised his eyebrows: "Then I'd rather be respectful than disobey~"