
Chapter 29: The So-Called Duck God



Gary has reached the final round of the Vermilion Gym Tournament.


Seeing Lt. Surge's fierce expression, Gary felt a bit nervous: "Uh, Psyduck, you'd better be able to handle your opponent, otherwise if you get roasted by electricity later, I'll give you a grand burial..."


Psyduck rolled his eyes at Gary and spread his hands: "Relax, Mr. Trainer, even though I'm a Water type, I still have other ways to fight. Just watch."


Lt. Surge couldn't wait any longer. With a wave of his right hand, Voltorb started the match.


"Voltorb, use Thunderbolt and turn it into a roast duck!" Lt. Surge was completely crazed.


"Jilililili!" Voltorb screeched, its body crackling with electricity.


Boom! The thick thunder struck directly at Psyduck's head.


Gary's mouth twitched with worry, and he quietly clasped his hand on Rhydon's Poké Ball, ready to save this loud-mouthed duck if necessary.


After all, it would be quite a treat to eat; roast duck served with scallion pancakes and sweet bean sauce... but Gary didn't bring any of it!


"It's a small scene, don't worry." Psyduck waved his hand gently, and a layer of blue energy shield enveloped him like an eggshell. The 100,000 volts of electricity instantly dissipated, leaving Psyduck unmoved.


"Impossible!" Lt. Surge exclaimed in surprise. His Voltorb had just recharged yesterday. With the power of Thunderbolt, even Nidoking from the first match would moan when hit by it.


Gary was equally surprised. If he saw it correctly, this was a psychic barrier, right?


Strictly speaking, this move wasn't even a skill; it was just a sophisticated technique for using psychic powers.


The point is, even an Alakazam might not be able to learn this technique, so how could a Psyduck?


For some reason, Gary thought of Psyduck's previous explanation.


The Psyduck family is born with strong psychic power, just because these powerful psychic energies are running around in their heads. That's why Psyducks often have headaches.


Also, because they need a lot of mental power to sort out the psychic energy in their minds, they look dull...


Most Psyducks will eventually give up some of their psychic power before evolving, allowing themselves to wake up and evolve smoothly.


The price is that the originally exaggerated mental strength returns to a relatively normal level.


Different from other Psyducks, Gary's Psyduck is born with the wisdom of a Slowking, so it can sort out all the psychic energy in its mind even at the Psyduck stage.


"I'll let you see the hidden potential of the Psyduck family." Psyduck crossed its arms over its chest, and the blue light in its eyes grew brighter.


"I don't believe it. Voltorb, use Screech to disturb it!" Lt. Surge finally remembered he wanted to discuss tactics with Gary today.


However, things were no longer under Gary's control. It was Psyduck who was in charge now!


"Chichichichichichilililili~" Voltorb screeched, and harsh sound waves enveloped Psyduck.


Psyduck pointed impatiently with one hand: "Shut up, it's too noisy~"


Buzz! Blue psychic energy lit up on Voltorb, and it immediately closed its mouth in frustration.


"What are you doing, Voltorb? Keep going!" Lt. Surge said anxiously.


"I think that must have been the Disable skill just now," Gary explained, dumbfounded.


"Eh? Damn it! In that case, Voltorb, use Rollout!" Lt. Surge was also in a hurry and sought another move.


Voltorb faithfully executed the order, immediately turning into a high-speed rolling red and white ball, crashing into Psyduck.


Psyduck still stood still, the blue light in its eyes surging, and more psychic power surged out.


Buzz! Before Voltorb could even get closer, it was stopped in front of Psyduck by invisible telekinesis.


Psyduck even had time to wave and greet Gary.


Lt. Surge's forehead bulged with veins, and his face turned red with anger: "Damn duck, you're too much. Voltorb, use Explosion!"


Gary was suddenly startled; Lt. Surge was going all out...


"Lililili!" Voltorb began to charge up, its body flashing with white light, signaling an impending explosion.


Psyduck shook his head: Why bother~


Then, Gary saw Psyduck clap his hands, and Voltorb stopped the explosion and fainted on the spot.


The referee stepped forward to check and shook his head: "It's asleep~"


"Hypnosis? Can this be used like this?" Gary asked curiously.


Psyduck, acting like an old sage, twisted his butt on the ground and returned to Gary: "Clap your hands together, and whatever you want comes to you. Is Hypnosis difficult?"


Gary: (¬_¬) Are you sure you won't develop any weird Grass-type moves one day?


"Of course, I don't like Grass-type moves very much," Psyduck pouted.


The referee returned to the stand, stretched out his right hand, and announced: "Because Voltorb has lost its will to fight, the winner of this match is Gary from Pallet Town!"


Gary recalled Psyduck, who still wanted to gloat, and nodded sheepishly at Lt. Surge.


Lt. Surge sighed, then took the Thunder Badge from the referee and walked toward Gary.


"Uh~ Although the process was a bit confusing, I think I should have passed the gym challenge," Gary asked tentatively.


Lt. Surge didn't say anything, just stared at Gary.


When Gary was about to bolt and come back later for the badge, Lt. Surge finally couldn't hold it back and started laughing.


"Hahahaha~ A hero from a young age! It's been a long time since I've been treated so badly. Gary! You're a real man, and it was so refreshing to compete with you!" Lt. Surge patted Gary's shoulder with satisfaction.


Gary said curiously: "I thought... you would be disappointed since I didn't prepare any special tactics."


Lt. Surge waved his hand: "Let others enjoy your tactics. I still like head-on confrontations! But next time we battle, I won't bring out a team of this level!"


Gary smiled: "Of course, I'll also come up with a stronger lineup!"


"Here, this is the Thunder Badge. It's yours. Defeat the Indigo League as soon as possible and give Bruno and the others a hard time. I'm rooting for you," Lt. Surge said cheerfully as he handed the Thunder Badge to Gary.


"I will definitely do it," Gary said, taking the Thunder Badge and nodding solemnly.


The referee, Spike, said with admiration: "This is the first time I've seen such a tough challenger. I think I'll continue to train my Pikachu with the goal of battling you."


Gary thought about the future and nodded solemnly: "Spike, right? I hope to have a formal match with you at the Vermilion Gym in the future. But before that, train as hard as you can!"


Spike nodded enthusiastically: "Of course, before I defeat you and avenge Master, I'll tear other opponents to pieces!"


Lt. Surge shook his head, amused: "Hey! Private Spike, I'm not old yet, I don't need you to avenge my loss!"


In this way, Gary, who had won Lt. Surge's respect, left the Vermilion Gym happily.


It was getting very late. Gary decided to stay one more night at the Pokémon Center and leave Vermilion City tomorrow.