
Pokémon : The Reincarnated [Reworking]

Disclaimer - i don't own pokemon and before you Read, Read the tags first. [{A/n - Bored out of my mind and decided to write, it's bad ngl so read at your own risk}] Tags - Pokephilia, Pokémon, Adventure, Harem, R18 Teen gets reincarnated in Pokémon and becomes the strongest trainer. Follow our Mc as he becomes the best Pokémon trainer.

Feelfreee · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

-Route 1

Random Pokémon fact - Did you know that the Gender difference sprite for torchic was just a tiny dot?


Chapter 4

As Art and Riza were going through Route 1 they encountered alot of Pokémon who challenged them mostly Rattatas and Pidgeys Art tried to catch one but he couldn't find one with a good talent.

Art also found out that his phone and loptop are basically Unbreakable since his loptop fell from a high place and didn't break and he also found out that he can basically upgrade it and it will still be unbreakable its like some kind of force is protecting it.

[{A/n - Idk? Plot armor?}]

After walking for what seems to be hours it was getting late so Art had found a good place to set up camp and cooked Dinner for the girls to which they all enjoyed.

"How is it?" he asked his team as they just happily ate their food as Art had become a good cook when he helped his mom Delia in the kitchen.

They all ate their food as time passes and midnight came.

Art could be seen outside the tent as Victoria was on his side as the girls had agreed that Atleast 1 should guard him.

"Pretty sky tonight right?" Art said as he asked the Nidoran who was also stargazing with him but she realized what he was trying to do and just turned to her usual tsundere self.

"Aw c'mon don't be like that, just be honest for once" He said as he looked at the Pouting Nidoran on his side as he just sighed since in th 3rd month she started getting all tsun tsun.

Art just decided to watch the stars as he finally felt sleepy and carried the now sleeping Nidoran with him into the tent to get some sleep.

As they were sleeping suddenly there were rain started pouring down as thunders could be heard.

Art woke up followed by Victoria as he looked around.

"Oh its raining" Art said completely awake now since he doesn't need that much sleep but a clearly annoyed Nidoran is sleepy and asked for Art to put her inside her poke ball.

He then looked at the time and saw that it was 4 am and saw that he has a message from mom.

-(Delia) - Ash is staying here for the day since he said that he was going to train a bit with his new partner just thought I'd let you know-

"Well looks like cannon is going to start tomorrow" Art said outloud as he then did his training.

After two hours of training Art then looked at the time and saw it was now around 6 so he decided to let out his team to start the training.

As all of them were out of their poke balls they looked at Art.

"Okay everyone today is the start of your training so wear these" Art said as he handed them a bunch of handmade strengthening equipment made by him.

They looked at it then looked at him as if he had some kind of fetish.

"What? I made those from scratch you know" He told them in a fake offended voice.

All of his Pokémon sighed and accepted the fact that this is their trainer except Kurma she actually likes training.

After giving his Pokémon their training spots and what their training is he decided to open his loptop and see what's new or atleast interesting to do.

As he was searching he found something interesting.

"Oh?" he said as he clicked on the page.

"Hmm... Let's see, A weird looking stone has been found in Mt. Moon and is taken to the pewter city Museum" Art read in the article.

After reading the whole Article he suddenly got a call from Prof. Oak so he Accepted it.

"Ah! Finally I got through, anyways Art I have favor to ask you" Prof. Oak said.

"What is it professor? If it's so me thing stupid I wo-" Before he could finish his sentence he was cut of by the professor.

"No no it's not like that time when I asked you to get my parcel back in Viridian" the Professor said.

"Ok? So what is it?" Art said.

"Oh, ahem it's when you get to pewter can you ask the museum in pewter to let me have the discovered stone for research?" The Professor answered.

"Sure I don't mind well then bye!" Art said as he then hung up on the Professor.

"Looks interesting though hmm.. Well might as well let prof. Oak research it as I'm a trainer now well.... A little research wouldn't hurt right?" Art thought out loud.

After searching for a half an hour he then closed his loptop and prepared their lunch.

He then took out his kitchen set somehow... Bags in Pokémon are weird you can basically have a entire table set in a small bag.

He sets up the kitchen and prepared the ingredients.

He then made some stew with the Protein berries which basically tastes like farm animals but those don't exist here they eat Pokémon but eating the Regional starters are forbidden.

After cooking the his home made? Stew and gave each of his Pokémon their portion as he sees them coming back extremely exhausted.

"Looks like the training is working" Art said as he looked at his Pokémon which only glared back at him.

"I made some Chicken stew eat up and rest you all deserved it" Art said as he showed them the table and their eyes all shined and began chowing down the food.

"Looks like that training really did worked too well" he said as he looked at his team's plate already empty.

"Full?" Art asked but clearly he sees them satisfied by the food.

They all just smiled at him with satisfied expressions. After eating he let his team rest as he cleans up everything.

As he was cleaning he was suddenly about to get attacked but Psychi quickly used Psychic and stopped the Attacker.

"A Pikachu?" Art said as he looked at the yellow Pokémon looking hungerly at the left over food.

"Do you want those?" Art asked the small Pokémon and it looks really thin.

The pokemon just looked at him and nodded so he asked Psychi to let the Pikachu down and gave it the food.

As it was chowing down the left over stew Art then took a good look at it as he saw that it was really malnutritioned and under fed as it was really thin.

"*Sigh* people in this world really don't know that Pokémon have the almost the same if not the same intelligence as humans and they treat them like this" Art mumbled as he looked at the Pikachu who was clearly abandoned by its trainer and didn't feed it or didn't have time fo take care of it.

Art then decided to take a peek at its stats.


Level - 13



Abilities - Lightning rod, Static

Moves - Thunder shock, thunder wave, Thunderbolt, Quick attack, Volt tackle(Locked)]

Art was surprised as he sees this Pikachus stats as it also has the Bst of Partner Pikachu.

Art then walked towards it as it looked at him a bit curious about what he was gonna do next.

"Have you been with a trainer before?" He Asked the Electric type to which it just nodded its head a bit angerly.

"Is he going to compete in the pokemon league?" Art asked again to which the Pikachu nodded again.

"Do you wanna make him or her regret that they abandoned you?" He asked again to which the Pikachu just looked at him wide eyed as she finally get where he was going at.

"It's okay take your time, though we're going in 20 minutes and don't worry I may not make you the strongest Pikachu in the world but I can make you the strongest I can do" Art said to the Yellow mouse Pokémon as it was thinking to itself if it should join or not because of her past experience.

Pikachu then looked at Arts other Pokémon as she sees Riza, Ryoko, and Kurma playing happily while Victoria was just minding her own business and Psychi sleeping.

She then looked at Art again and decided to give him a chance and join him.

Art smiled and took out a poke ball and caught her and let her out.

"Welcome to the team" Art said with a smile.

"Would you like a name?" Art asked the Pikachu to which she nodded.

"Hmm... Let's see.... How about Ray?" He looked at the electric type to which she nodded.

"Alright it's settled, welcome to the team" Art said with a smile.


