
Pokémon : The Reincarnated [Reworking]

Disclaimer - i don't own pokemon and before you Read, Read the tags first. [{A/n - Bored out of my mind and decided to write, it's bad ngl so read at your own risk}] Tags - Pokephilia, Pokémon, Adventure, Harem, R18 Teen gets reincarnated in Pokémon and becomes the strongest trainer. Follow our Mc as he becomes the best Pokémon trainer.

Feelfreee · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

-Mc's info

Auxiliary chapter

I have changed a few things and Mc will have 16 pokemon in Kanto and the rest are 9.

Art Ketchum (Changed his name)

Bio - A Pokémon fan who has been transfered into the pokemon world and decided to become the best Pokémon trainer with the experiences he has with nuzlockes and playing competitive Pokémon.

[Kanto team] [badge 1]

Riza (Charmeleon)*

Ryoko (Dratini)

Victoria (Nidorina)

Psychi (Kadabra)

Aqua (Squirtle)

Ray (P. Pikachu)

Sora (Spearow)

Cera (Beedrill)

Eve (P. Eevee) *

Leviathan (M. Magikarp)

Faye (Clefairy)

[{A/n - Mc Will FK his Pokémon.}]