
Pokémon : The Reincarnated [Reworking]

Disclaimer - i don't own pokemon and before you Read, Read the tags first. [{A/n - Bored out of my mind and decided to write, it's bad ngl so read at your own risk}] Tags - Pokephilia, Pokémon, Adventure, Harem, R18 Teen gets reincarnated in Pokémon and becomes the strongest trainer. Follow our Mc as he becomes the best Pokémon trainer.

Feelfreee · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

-Arriving and Oh I did alot

Yes sorry I had to redo it well noticed how it's pretty much bland so I redo it


Chapter 1

In a house we can see a Teen playing some Showdown losing and Winning some.

"*Sigh* I wish I could be in Pokémon though it might not be a good idea since I could die with those magical creatures" the teen thought as he Turned off his pc and got up.

"Oh dang it's already night? Well time to sleep" the teen said as he then fell asleep on his bed.









*In a void*

In the void we see white lama like godly creature with a golden ring around it as it looks at the teen with glowing eyes then leaves.

*Back to the teen*

The Teen wakes up as he sees he was in a different room from what he had remembered.

"Whare am... I?" the teen said as he looked towards the window as he sees birds no Pidgeys and Pidgeottos.

"Those are Pokémon?" the teen said in surprise.

*Door opens*

"Ah, I see you are finally awake what were you thinking boy? Going out without someone with a Pokémon with you" An aged old voice said behind the teen.

"Ah I'm sorry not to be rude but... Where am I?" the teen said as he looked at where the voice came from and widened his eyes.

"Prof. Oak?" the Teen said in surprise.

"Hahaha, looks like you already know about me" the Professor said as he put a tray of Food next to the Teen.

"So what's your name?" The professor said.

"my name is Art Rengoku" Art said then he looked at his hands which were smaller?.

'What? When did I get this small?' Art thought as he looked at his body in surprise.

"My dragonite and Charizard found you when they were doing some sparring, and they saw you in the middle of the forest" Professor Oak said as he pointed at his two Pokémon outside the window.

"Thanks" Art said to the two powerful Pokémon.

Anyways prof. Oak found out that Art is an orphan and somehow has A loptop and phone.

'wait they transferred those too?' Art thought in surprise as he couldn't believe that even his laptop and Phone got transported too.

'Welp easy access to information and also move sets that they can learn, This can also help me remember some basic things I guess' he thought as he looked back at the window and smiled.

*Time skip*

3 years had gone by and Art is now ten and had good relationship with the Prof. Oaks family who are only here which are Daisy Oak and Gary Oak though I live here I help around the lab and do some research on my own surprising Prof. Oak because I basically knew around over 800+ species of Pokémon.

Daisey has been acting a bit differently towards Art lately as she was blushing when she looks at him and people in this world don't get their Pokémon license when they are 16 as to show how dangerous Pokémon are in this world since what kind of parent makes a 10 yo child go around the world with creatures that could easily kill them.

Anyway I have been training in these past 3 years and I have researched about many things like new Eevee Evolutions which gave me alot of money and helped with the fairy project with sycamore and when he found out how young I was he was really surprised by how easily we completed the Project the project was ofc completed by me, sycamore and Prof. Oak.

Right now I'm just staying in my room as was browsing the internet.

"6 more years till I can own a Pokémon of my own" I said as I kept browsing the internet for some interesting stuff.

I then got up as I decided to stretch a little around Oak coral.

"This place is beautiful as ever" I said as I looked at the beautiful scene in front of me.

As I was walking I Prof. Oaks Dragonite Drake and His Charizard Ifrit came up to me.

"How you two doing?" I asked as they both smiled at me.

During these 3 years I had gotten close to Prof. Oaks Pokémon... Well his Alakazam may or may not pulls some pranks on me but I decided to just ignore it and continue on with my things as I knew I needed to survive in this place.

"Art-nii Chan!" said a happy childish voice behind Art as he turned around and see two people a Woman with brown hair and a 8 year old kid with black hair.

"Ash what are you doing here?" i said as i looked at the mother and son pair.

"Prof. Oak said you would be here and I came here to help you with feeding the pokemon hehe" He said as i just sighed.

"Alright but, you will follow my instructions okay?" I said with a serious face since I knew how dangerous most Pokémon are.

'Well naturally I know how to feed them since I litteraly have info cheats which are pretty much busted if I play my cards correctly' I thought as I looked at Ash walking towards me.

"fufufu~ well then you two I'll be going home now" Delia said as she went back home.

Also another note is that I had been adopted by Delia when she came over to Prof. Oaks house the same day I arrived and well? Let's just say that she's my mom now she's really a nice mother though since when she adopted me she offered me to have her family name but I of course accepted and that's how I am now a Ketchum.

I had also decided to train Pokémon at age 18 since because I just wanted to and Ash also somehow managed to make me promise to get Pokémon the same day as him and when I say no he just wouldn't stop so I agreed.

Anyways after feeding the pokemon I decided to visit Daisy she told me something about her older brother and also me and her are around the same age now.

As I walked near the living room there I saw a someone who looks like Gary but is older and has cool aura around him and his name Is Blue Oak and behind him is Red Fires.

'Red and Blue? Well looks like there are some in game characters in this world also.

"Hehe gramps here's the lucky egg that you ordered" Blue said as he and Red gave Prof. Oak the 4 lucky eggs they were holding.

"Ah you're just in time Art, meet my grandson Blue Oak and the champion Red fires though he doesn't talk alot" Prof. Oak said.

"HI my name is as you know it now Blue Oak nice to meet you" Blue said as he stuck out his hand for a handshake as Art just accepted it.

He also shakes Reds hand as Red just smiles at Art which caused him a raised eyebrow.

After that happened Art then Decided to go home and sleep.

*Time skip*

Around 8 years had passed as we see in a room a young man with well toned muscles and Brown skin with a Handsome face with Purple eyes and Spikey Brown hair with the tips of his hair being black with a topless and covered in sweat doing some push ups.

"997...998...999...1000. *Phew* looks like I'm done for Today's workout" Art said as he began to take a shower.

"Looks like I'm not the only one whose grown" He said as he looked down at the sleeping Gyarados between his legs.

After he finished showering he got dressed in his favorite purple hoodie and went to the table to wait for breakfast.

"Art, can you wake up your brother for me? I swear he's always oversleeping" Delia said as she crossed her arms while wearing an appron and holding a spatula.

"Alright mom" Art said as he got up stairs and opened Ash's room.

He first started pushing him but he wouldn't wake so he decided to wake him up on what always works.

"Hey, Ash look a Squirtle" Art said.

"What?! Where?!" Ash said waking up immediately as he then spotted Art.

"Art-nii why do you always do that?" Ash said as he glared at Art.

"Breakfast is ready and for why I always do that is because you don't wake up early or on time, keep that up and you will miss picking a Pokémon from the Professor when you are 16" Art said as Ash then quickly got up and went downstairs ignoring the fact that he was still in his pajamas as Art just shook his head.

Anyways today is Arts 18th birthday as they had celebrated early yesterday but today is his real birthday now because Prof. Oak had something to give to Art.

Art is seen walking through Pallet towns streets as this place has a strict living condition since the population here is less than 8 thousand people.

Art then went to the Oak Coral since Prof. Oak said to come there because he has something to give him.

"I'm here Prof. Oak" Art said as he looked at the professor whose Pokémon are behind him and behind him was Ifrit the Charizard, Drake the dragonite, Alakazam, and A Nidoking all holding an egg.

"Uhm... What is this?" Art asked a bit confused as to why the four of them had an Egg.

"Oh these are your presents they wanted to thank you for your help around the lab since you had always and took care of most of the pokemon so they all decided to give you an egg" Prof. Oak said as the four Over champion level Pokémon then gave Art the eggs which are in incubators they are holding to him.

"Thank you" was all he said.



Bit better I guess? No system this time : )

Next chapter is also going to be a time skip but with a small one since this is just how Mc can have more than 6 Pokémon which he can have 18 because I want to.