
Pokémon: Dark Legacy

The World of Pokémon. A world where avatars of destruction and life exists. It is a vast world, a never ending utopia. It is structured to be perfect, almost too perfect. However, an anomaly occurred, disrupting the balance. By disrupting the balance, the Almighty Arceus and its Avatars stabilized the source of it. Regardless of that, they unknowingly altered the balance as well. (Updated Synopsis 11-13-21)

peanutcoffee · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 23: {Redacted}

In their cell, Gray and Ash were quiet. This was normal, as they had nothing to talk about. They are the polar opposite, and have nothing in common.

However, since they have been in the cell for a certain amount of time, they have grown on each other and formed a mutual bond. Sure they aren't the best of friends, it's suited that they are to be called acquaintances.

"Hey Gray, aren't you bored of staring at the ceiling like that?"

"Aren't you bored of asking the same question every time you talk?"


Silence filled the area again.

The other inmates had also perished. It was also strange, the way they died was the same as the crazy guy they met a day or two after they got locked up.

Their bodies shook and broke, they produced a blood-curdling screech and died broken and bloodied.

Gray took note of this and kept an eye on what the guards were doing to them. However he couldn't find any evidence that connected anything.

'Hmm… it doesn't matter, I'll learn sooner or later.'

The day continued slowly. By this time, Ash became jaded. He had lost hope, he thought Misty and Broke would have called the police by now. But alas, they haven't found him or Gray.

"You look so miserable, I can already tell you are having depressing thoughts."

"Shut up, it's not like you know anything to get out."

"Oh please, I'm more suited for situations like these than you."

The two began to bicker. It was one thing that distracted them from time to time.

However, as they spoke, they heard light footsteps coming toward them. Gray and Ash stopped and squinted their eyes to see a man of aquamarine hair and teal eyes.

Ash, who had undergone fear before now feels he had relived the same day he first experienced fear. His eyes trembled and sweat dropped from his forehead.

On the other hand, Gray narrowed his eyes and looked down at the man.

"Fierce eyes you got there. Mind telling me your name?" The man chuckled, he was amused at the sight of Gray.



"A silent type huh… you're the type of guy I wouldn't expect to-"

"Gray… My name is Gray." Gray instantly spoke.

The man smiled creepily. A chill went down Ash's spine.

Firstly, that smile was creepy, secondly, how did that man manage to make Gray speak?

He was curious, yet scared. Gray spoke in a hurry, as if he wanted to hide something that the guy would say. And that guy had information about Gray.

Now he was confused, what is the connection between the two?

"Heh, Gray huh, nice name. It fits someone like you."

"So tell me, why are you here, Archer." Gray spoke with a venomous tone.

The man, Archer, only smiled wickedly like he enjoyed Gray's anger.

Ash was suspicious earlier, but now he is definitely right. Gray and Archer had some connections.

"Ahh, that tone of yours is really calming Gray. It's filled with disgust and hatred."

"Don't fuck me with me Archer, I might not be strong right now, but be warned, there will be a day where you will be cautious every night and day. It will happen sooner and later, it is your fate." Gray spoke with a low and dangerous tone.

Meanwhile, Archer only marched forwards. His hand slowly dug into a pocket and threw something near Gray.

"Well, I'll look forward to that day, maybe this present will help that day go faster."

Archer's silhouette became dimmer and dimmer as he walked away from them slowly.

Gray looked down and saw a shimmering Pokéball next to his foot. And then, a smile so dark was plastered on his face.

Ash shivered, remembering the first time he met Gray in Pewter City. That smile was the same as when he decimated his own team.


[A few days ago…]

"Misty, let's hurry! We got to report it to the police, I'd never thought Team Rocket would be in Mt. Moon."

"Team Rocket- the most infamous organization in the Kanto region! Let's hurry, we have to save Ash before something bad happens to him!"

The two rushed out of the dark mountain and raced towards Cerulean City to find the nearest police station.

When the duo arrived, they instantly called the police and told the authorities what had happened inside the mountain.

The authorities saw their panic and immediately called people in to investigate the mountain.


[Present time…]

Guards on the cell made their way and acted to their duties. They carefully examined each cell, especially the cell with both Gray and Ash.

"Hmm… you better not be doing sketchy things in there!"

The guard threatened both of them. He squinted his eyes and saw Gray with his head down, motionless. He turned to Ash and found out he, too, was motionless.

"What the… Are they actually dead?"

He steeled himself and slowly took a step forward. Suddenly, Gray bounced up quickly, taking the guard by surprise.

The guard inhaled a breath and shouted, however, before he could release a shout, Gray's hand reached his face and pulled him towards the cell bars, knocking him out with enough force.

"That was easy, I would have done that if I had a Pokémon." Gray patted the guard from head to toe and found a key for unlocking the cells.

He took the key and unlocked their cells.

"Finally, freedom. I am tired of sitting in this cold and dark place."

Gray stood up and stretched his body, he gave Ash a final glance and walked away. But, before he went out of view, he gave Ash a few words.

"Leave. I need to take care of business. Use this as a chance, I'll never be this selfless again."

Ash became surprised. Gray, a cold person of a few words, giving him enough time to leave? Who is this person? Where was the Gray he knew?

But he quickly stood up and navigated the cave slowly, because he didn't want the other guards to see him. With the noise Gray made by knocking the guard, it is sure that the other guards took notice.

Seeing Ash leave, Gray looked at the Pokéball on his hand. His eyes gleamed with light, and a smile unfit on his face was plastered.

"I didn't know he had you with him. I know we talked about this, but you could say this is an emergency."

Gray pushed the button and whispered, "Unleash your urges… Go."

The dark and damp cave suddenly went bright, as if the gods' gaze fell onto the area. The brightness was then followed with a terrifying roar and the whole mountain shook.


From that day on, Mt. Moon's one of the many peaks were eradicated.


The End of Chapter 23: Unleash the Beast


A/N: Oh god… I haven't written anything in a while. This is probably one of the worst chapters ever. But hey, I might need to go back and get some more milk, we are out.

Also re-read everything I produced and ima say it, its so monotonous and boring. It's like an essay, no life into it. So this is the last chapter of my past writing style. And ima write differently from now lol.

anyways yeah buh bye.