
Pokémon: Dark Legacy

The World of Pokémon. A world where avatars of destruction and life exists. It is a vast world, a never ending utopia. It is structured to be perfect, almost too perfect. However, an anomaly occurred, disrupting the balance. By disrupting the balance, the Almighty Arceus and its Avatars stabilized the source of it. Regardless of that, they unknowingly altered the balance as well. (Updated Synopsis 11-13-21)

peanutcoffee · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 22: Hierarchy

[A few minutes after Gray's imprisonment…]

Turbulent and frosty wind blew upon the peak of a mountain, the peak had little to nonexistent life whatsoever. It only held rocks, boulders, and weeds that were overgrown.

Looking down from the peak was a man and a Pokémon.

The young man had fair skin, spikey aquamarine hair, and teal eyes. He wears a long white sleeve shirt with a black undershirt and the Team Rocket emblem printed near his right sleeve. He also wears a black belt, white pants, and white shoes.

On his left was a gigantic Magmortar, which radiated heat strong enough to make him warm.

He patiently gazed into his hand, which held a device that is used for communication. However, due to his location, he had trouble connecting through the other side.

A couple seconds spanned and a signal came through. A hologram of Scarlet was projected out the device.

"Acting Officer, Scarlet reporting for information!" Her ghostly figure raised her hand towards her chest and made a salute.

"Report." The man sighed, his tone was cold like the wind.

"A-ah… Yes! The operation at Mt. Moon is running smoothly, however we have encountered hindrances that might peak your interest."

The man's cunning, yet emotionless expression changed slowly. He revealed an amused smile and followed, "Hm? Very well, go on…"

Scarlet continued, giving a summary of what had happened in the past few hours to him. Throughout her voluble summary, his face slowly expressed different emotions.

Amusement, confusion, excitement, nostalgia, and satisfaction.

"And that is all," Scarlet allowed the man to absorb every information he was given.

The man hummed with a smile. "I see, that's interesting. Brock, the Pewter City Gym Leader, Misty Williams, one of Cerulean City's Gym Leaders, Ash Ketchum, and Gray…"

The man stood up and cracked his neck.

"Alright, I'll come to see your progress. I'll be there in… 5 days. A week at a minimum."

Scarlet nodded, she then briefly said her goodbye and cut the connection between them. The man and Magmortar shared a gaze, and immediately the Magmortar roared, shaking the whole mountain.

Suddenly, three more Pokémon instantly appeared.

A large, and defined Houndoom. Its teeth were razor sharp, its horns were at top quality, and its body absorbed the light like the abyss.

Looming over the Houndoom was a skyscraper known as Aggron. His silver-like armor body shone like the stars. It is clearly healthy and taken care of based on its appearance.

To the right of Magmortar, a red and white ball was smirking. This Electrode surged with energy, excitement was the only thing it felt.

"Alright, teleport to…" He gave an order, and suddenly, a fifth Pokémon appeared. The space around the six contorted and molded. And with a cry, the group vanished from the mountain.


[Back to the present day…]

Scarlet paced around her office, her face contorted into a weird smile.

'Heh, I got a promotion! I finally went up the hierarchy! I've been an Acting Officer for almost a decade, it's time to become an actual Officer!' She inwardly laughed.

Scarlet thanked both Gray and Ash's stupidity, if it wasn't for them, she wouldn't have gotten this promotion. Even though they didn't say the reason she got a promotion, Scarlet knew it was because of the two. Specifically Gray.

Based on the reaction of her higher-ups, she knew something was suspicious with Gray. Ash, on the other hand, was a great lab rat. He is rather fierce than most of his age.

An Officer is a great status in the hierarchy. It's the 5th influential status in the whole organization. After a long time being a replacement, she can finally be where she is meant to be.

Scarlet has been a Rocket since she was a kid. Before she became an Acting Officer, she was a scientist, working with the special branch that worked on Pokémon and sometimes humans.

After that, she was given the status of Grunts. She hated that status more than everything. Scarlet is more prideful than most of her age, she had an incredible adaptation to what she focuses on.

With that, her pride accumulated which blossomed into her personality. After she was named Grunt, she worked her ass off and became an Acting Office after 2 years. However, she didn't wasn't satisfied. An Acting Officer was basically a replacement for the actual Officer, and to her eyes, she was no replacement.

She wanted to gain the status of Super-Elite. The third highest in the hierarchy of Team Rocket.

The organization had a hierarchy, it shows the power of the group.

The highest of the pyramid was the Boss, he usually works with his special elite team, and the scientist group. He orders the Executives, which is the second highest on the pyramid.

His orders are absolute. They are reinforced by the Executives, who work directly under the Boss and keep everything in the organization in control. They have their own branches which specialize in spying on other regions, recruiting people, capturing Pokémon, and strengthening the organization.

Under certain circumstances, if the Boss is unable to lead the group, the four Executive will take the charge.

After the Executives are the Super-Elites. They are the highest-ranking members of the organization. They hold the responsibility of capturing powerful and useful Pokémon for the group. They usually work together with one of the branches that captures Pokémon. The group also calls them the "one-man army" due to how overwhelmingly strong they are compared to people below them.

Nexts are the Active-Elites. They are the second after Super-Elites. The Boss keeps close contact with them since they are assigned special missions.

Below Active-Elites are Officers. The Officers are the pawns of the Executives. They are used and sent out to operate something for the sake of the organization. They usually get tens of Underlings and Grunts to work for them.

However, there's a status under them. Acting Officers. They work for the Officers if they are unable to work. Basically a replacement.

Beneath the Officers are the Active-Underlings. They are second to Active-Elite, however are ranked lower due to their reputation. Active-Underlings are charged with simpler tasks like assisting other Rockets, catching rare or simple Pokémon for the grunt and experimentations. They also scout other regions for information.

And finally, the lowest of the lowest, Grunts. They are true messengers and meat shields of the organization. They are used for intimidation and numbers.

(A/N: The hierarchy of my Team Rocket is like this… Boss — Executives — Super-Elites — Active-Elites — Officers — Acting Officers — Active-Underlings — Grunts.)

"Hah… after a long decade of being an Acting Officer, they recognize me." Scarlet sighed. She had wasted her younger years trying to reach the ranks of Officer, yet every time she failed.

She is currently in her mid 30's, she had spent her time being a scientist at the age of 10-20. And then spent a decade chasing the rank of Officer.

And after reaching the rank, she felt excited. 'Now, it'll only be a fast and smooth way towards Super-Elite!' Scarlet inwardly cried.

However, her positive emotions were quickly shattered as she felt a distortion behind her.

Turning around, she saw a young man with fair skin, spikey aquamarine hair, and teal eyes. He was the same man she reported to a week ago.

Behind the man were four Pokémon. Magmortar, Houndoom, Aggron, and Electrode.

"Greetings, Acting Officer… or should I say, Officer?" The man chuckled, seated on a chair with a menacing pose.

Scarlet sweated in shock. She couldn't believe it, the person that visited the operation wasn't a Super-Elite, it was an Executive! Upon her report a week ago, she had time to think of who would come. She didn't know that the man she reported to was an Executive!

Observing the man, she felt a canyon between them. That canyon was deep like the abyss. 'W-what is this? Is this the difference between us? An Officer to an Executive?'

Sweat dropped her forehead, however, the man only chuckled.

"Don't worry, I don't bite. I only came to get something from the operation. I've heard you captured someone named Gray? Can you please give me all his belongings?"

The man slowly stood up, his smile never wavered. Scarlet narrowed her eyes. 'All of his belongings? Suspicious…'

With such thoughts, Scarlet shook her head, erasing them and responding with a respectful tone, "Ah, yes, of course. Please follow me."

Scarlet opened a secret stash where precious items and Pokémon of trainers are stored. It was made solely on hiding valuable items that will be of use to them.

"Well, before I give them to you, can I please ask a question?"

"Go for it, I don't mind answering trivial matters."

Scarlet nodded.

"I was wondering, what are you going to do with his items?" Scarlet sneered, emphasizing the word 'his'.

The man felt the animosity from her voice and shook his head. His smile vanished and was replaced with his cold expression.

"A puny Officer isn't allowed to know her superiors intentions. Give it immediately or else…"

Scarlet shivered.

"A-ah yes… please. It's those. All of them." Scarlet signaled a corner where six Pokéball rested, and some equipment suitable for training Pokémon.

As the man eyed the items, his cold expression shifted to amusement.

"Heh, not bad…"


The End of Chapter 22: Hierarchy


A/N: Executives are the same as the Admins in Team Rocket, changed up the wording idk but hey.

A/N 2: Sup, it's been a long time. Like two months or something, but yeah school has been a pain, and it still is. Especially this week, fucking Valentines. This might be uploaded in a week's time since I want to stock up chapters, but the story is definitely back. I might stop or take a break after I finish this first part since I want to start a new story. It's a might, but it will happen soon.

Anyways, I am lucky to be back, and see you soon.


Well that was a lie, I didn't publish this chapter when I made it, and went to buy some milk.