
Pokémon : An Unexpected Odyssey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter no.6 Vs Team Rocket

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Jessie leaned over the wicker basket of their hot air balloon, her mahogany hair fluttering wildly in the breeze.

"Go a little to the right."

She turned to her partners in crime, a smirk playing on her lips.

James, with his shoulder-length periwinkle hair and a white long-sleeve shirt emblazoned with a large red R, adjusted the controls next to a small feline Pokémon, its cream-colored fur highlighted with brown at the tips of its hind paws and tail, looked up, its wide eyes shining in anticipation —Meowth.

As their hot air balloon hovered directly over the Pokémon Center, Jessie checked their position and nodded.

"You two ready?"

Meowth grinned back, and James paused to smell his roses before pulling out a Pokéball.

"Make your entrance, Koffing!"

Koffing emerged in a burst of white light, quickly taking form as a spherical Pokémon filled with toxic gases. It hovered for a moment, its vacant eyes scanning the scene below, its wide mouth curling into a grin, revealing two pointed teeth.

Without a moment's hesitation, Koffing began its descent towards the Pokémon Center, breaking through the calm skyline. As it approached the roof, it expelled a thick, noxious gas, the cloud billowing around it like a cloak of smog.

"Let's go," Jessie said, pulling goggles over her eyes. They each grabbed a rope and leaped from the balloon, descending rapidly towards the chaos they had unleashed.

An urgent alarm blared throughout the Pokémon Center, cutting through the chaos. "Attention please. Our Viridian City Radar System has detected a suspicious aircraft belonging to a gang of Pokémon thieves. If you have a Pokémon in your possession, exercise extreme caution."

A young trainer, her voice hoarse from the gas, managed to choke out, "What's going on?" amidst the confusion.

Jessie's laughter, sharp and mocking, filled the air as the visibility in the room continued to drop.

"We'll answer your question, little girl," James announced, and together, they recited their creed:

"To protect the world from devastation."

"To unite all peoples within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reach to the stars above."



"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth, that's right!" Meowth finished, striking a pose in front of them.

The trio grinned, reveling in the stunned expressions of the crowd gathered in the gas-filled room.

However, their triumph was short-lived.

Suddenly, the fire alarm cut through the smoky air, its loud, piercing sound startling everyone. Immediately, sprinklers embedded in the ceiling activated, releasing a steady stream of water. The water cascaded down like rain, soaking everyone and everything below.

The effect on Koffing's gas was immediate. Water from the sprinklers began to combine with the toxic smoke, creating larger particles of soot that were too heavy to stay airborne. As a result, the toxic cloud began to dissipate, clearing the air and reducing the immediate threat to the people and Pokémon in the room.

Jessie, with a menacing scowl, threatened as she released her Ekans — a purple serpentine Pokémon hissed, its yellow eyes and underbelly stark against the smoke-filled room. The thick stripe around its neck and the rattle at the end of its tail highlighted its readiness to strike. Nurse Joy, cornered and visibly trembling, could barely muster a response.

"I-I-I didn't do anything," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper, her hands clutching at her uniform as if trying to find something solid to hold onto.

"Why don't you leave the beautiful nurse alone?" came a deep, artificially lowered voice from the back of the room.

Everyone turned to see a ten-year-old boy, his identity obscured by a paper bag over his head with two eyes cut out. He was carrying two fire extinguishers, which he placed on the floor with a heavy thud that echoed slightly in the suddenly silent room.

"Who are ya supposed to be?" Meowth asked.

"Bag Boy."

"We are warning you, kid, you'll get hurt if you try to play hero," James said as he casually sniffed his rose.

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding! The shadows betray you because they belong to me!" Bag Boy declared, his voice dramatic.

The room fell into an awkward silence, the Team Rocket members and the other bystanders sweatdropping at the boy's dramatic monologue. Nurse Joy, however, realized that the boy was just stalling for the sprinklers to finish their work.

As the final drops of water ceased, Bag Boy swung into action. He grabbed the fire extinguishers and, with a determined squint through the holes of his paper bag, unleashed a powerful blast of foam directly at Koffing.

"Ekans, get him!"

Ekans lunged toward Bag Boy with swift, serpentine grace. However, as Ekans made its move, it was met with a fierce Thundershock. The water that had soaked its skin amplified the intensity of the electric attack, causing the snake Pokémon to convulse dramatically.

Jessie watched, perplexed, as the electric attack didn't affect Bag Boy. Her eyes then caught the glint of rubber—gloves and boots worn by the boy.

This boy planned this as if he knew we were coming and what our Pokemon are, but how?!

"Poison Sting!" Jessie commanded again, desperation edging her voice. But Ekans, still reeling and paralyzed from the electricity, couldn't respond. It lay there, quivering, unable to move.

"Again," Bag Boy stated calmly, and another Thundershock was sent toward Ekans, knocking it completely to the ground.

"Now?!" James yelled, cueing Meowth who used this distraction to launch a Quick Attack. The small, feline Pokémon dashed sneakily from the side, its body a blur as it lunged toward Bag Boy.

"Thundershock on the Koffing?!" the boy yelled out in response.

An alarmed "Pika?" came from behind him, but the loyal Pikachu listened to its trainer and unleashed another powerful Thundershock.

"Smog attack!" James attempted to counter, but Pikachu was already on the move. Using Quick Attack, Pikachu darted with such speed that a white trail of energy formed behind it. The small electric Pokémon slammed into Koffing, sending the poison-type Pokémon crashing into James, who hadn't anticipated the force of the impact.

James stumbled backward, caught off guard by the sudden weight of his own Pokémon colliding with him. Koffing, disoriented and still sputtering from the Thundershock, struggled to regain its composure.

As Bag Boy braced himself against the chaos, Meowth's claws came out, swiping viciously across his back. The sharp nails cut through the fabric and into his skin, leaving deep, stinging slashes that started to bleed. The warm trickle of blood soaked into his shirt, and the sharp pain made him wince, tears dampening the paper bag over his face.

Bag Boy had initially planned to use the fire extinguisher as a weapon against Meowth, but the searing pain overwhelmed him, causing his grip to falter.

"Crying isn't gonna save ya," Meowth taunted, leaping forward to attack again.

In a reflex, the boy stretched out his hand and opened his Pokéball. With a burst of light, Spearow emerged, squawking angrily at Meowth. The bird's sudden appearance startled Meowth, forcing him to jump back, snarling, "Birds are Meowth's prey."

"You hear that?" Bag Boy said through his pain, catching Spearow's attention. "Let's show them the true strength of the Great Spearow."

Despite its inherent distrust and loathing for humans, Spearow was driven by a deep-seated pride and a strong instinct for survival. Energy gathered within the tiny bird as it took flight, then dove sharply, its beak aimed directly at Meowth. The strike was precise and powerful, causing Meowth to crash into the ground with a thud.

"Thundershock," Bag Boy commanded, his voice still laced with pain but firm.

Pikachu nodded as its cheeks sparked with building electricity. Meowth, barely recovering and looking up nervously, stammered, "Now wait just a min-."

But he was cut off mid-sentence as a surge of electricity coursed through him, electrocuting him thoroughly.

Jessie and James, who had been watching the skirmish unfold, realized the battle was lost. They rushed to Meowth's side, scooping him up as his body twitched from the shock.

"You haven't seen the last of us, kid," Jessie snarled as they made their escape.


Nurse Joy couldn't help but press her face against the window, curiosity getting the better of her as she watched the unfolding debacle outside. There, James frantically jumped onto a bicycle, his movements clumsy and rushed. Jessie followed, leaping onto the back with less grace than a sack of potatoes hitting the ground.

"Pedal, James, pedal!" Jessie screamed, her words punctuated by sharp pats on James's back, much like a jockey spurring on a racehorse.

James, driven more by Jessie's urgency than the actual need for speed, began pedaling with wild fervor. His legs moved in a blur, the bike wobbling dangerously under the mismatched weight and coordination of the two.

Meanwhile, a paralyzed Meowth, held carelessly by Jessie, dangled from her hand like a limp ragdoll.

Nurse Joy turned to thank the young man who had saved the center, only to find him gone. Nearby lay a busted extinguisher with foam gushing out, clearly meant as a distraction.


"Be a fucking hero, they said," Austin muttered under his breath, wincing as he washed his wounds in the simple room he occupied. He considered seeking Nurse Joy's help but immediately dismissed the idea. Revealing his identity as Bag Boy might draw unwanted attention from Team Rocket, just like in the anime.


Nearby, Pikachu gave a small, bewildered sweatdrop at his human's cursing, while Spearow was busily preening its feathers.

Suddenly, there was a soft knock at the door. Austin froze, motioning for his Pokémon to stay quiet.

"Bag Boy," Nurse Joy's voice came through the door, causing Austin's stomach to churn with anxiety. He cringed and reluctantly opened the door a crack.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course," Nurse Joy said with a knowing smile, holding up a medical kit. "Let me help you, for helping us."

"Just don't tell anyone. I don't want team rocket after me," Austin whispered, opening the door wider to let her in.

Nurse Joy nodded understandingly as she entered. She set her medical kit on a small table and began tending to Austin's wounds. The process was gentle and practiced; she cleaned each cut carefully, applied an antiseptic to prevent infection, and bandaged the wounds with expert precision.

"How did you know that attack was going to happen?"

Austin's mind raced for a plausible excuse. "While I was coming back from the bookstore, I overheard those two and their plans for the attack," he lied, trying to keep his voice steady.

Nurse Joy frowned slightly at his response, but she didn't press further.

The boy hadn't proclaimed himself a hero, demanded anything, or sought recognition. He had simply helped, gotten hurt, and then tried to hide.

Choosing to believe his words, Nurse Joy continued her work in silence.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Would you have believed me?"

Nurse Joy sighed, finishing up her work. "Why did you help us?"

"Do I need a reason to help?" Austin responded, meeting her gaze.

Nurse Joy smiled warmly at that and reached into her kit, pulling out a glass bottle with a spray cap filled with a shimmering blue potion.

"I know this isn't much, but this is a max potion as a thank you for being a hero."