
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · Anime & Comics
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Chapter no.27 Nugget Bridge Challenge

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Yellow sat on the balcony of her room at the Pokemon Center, staring out into the moonlit night. In her hand was the PokeBall that held her beloved Doduo, Dody. She hesitated, her fingers hovering over the button that would release her Pokemon.

Suddenly, she felt a soft nudge at her ankle and looked down to see her Weedle, Kitty, slowly crawling towards her. Yellow scooped the little Pokemon up, cradling it in her arms as she spoke softly to it.

"I don't know what I did wrong today," she said, her voice filled with uncertainty. "I thought I had trained enough, but I still lost the battle."

Kitty looked up at Yellow with its big, round eyes, and Yellow hugged it tighter. "I'm sorry, I let you down," she whispered.

But Kitty just chirped softly, offering its love and support. Yellow felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. "Thank you, Kitty," she said, kissing the top of its head.

With newfound confidence, Yellow finally pressed the button on Dody's PokeBall. The red beam of light shot out, and Dody appeared on the balcony, looking tired but happy to be released.

"Hey Dody," Yellow said, giving the Pokemon a warm smile. "I'm sorry we lost today. I promise to do better next time."

Dody simply cooed softly, its eyes shining with trust in its trainer. Yellow hugged both of her Pokemon, feeling a sense of pride and love for them.

Under the silvery light of the moon, the Pokemon Center's balcony provided a serene refuge for Yellow, who found herself deep in contemplation. Her two faithful Pokemon, ever loyal, remained by her side. The soft murmur of the night's breeze was interrupted as Austin emerged onto the balcony, taking a seat nearby.

An awkward silence enveloped the pair, the quiet tension palpable in the air. Seeking to alleviate the discomfort, Austin endeavored to engage in small talk. "So, how have you been?" he inquired, his voice laced with a strained cheerfulness.

Raising her eyes to meet his, Yellow's response was barely audible. "I've been okay." The uncertainty in her gaze did not go unnoticed by Austin, who recognized the need to offer solace.

"I found this drawing notebook on the table," Austin said, directing Yellow's attention to the book in his hands. Her eyes widened in surprise, betraying her interest. "You know, you really have a talent for drawing Pokemon." Austin's praise was sincere, and even Pikachu chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Pika, Pi."

A blush crept across Yellow's cheeks as she reflected on her past. "I never had friends my age in Viridian City, so I had nothing else to do but draw."

"Do you like to draw?"

"Of course, I love it." The sadness in her eyes returned as she posed a question to Austin. "Ash, if I focused more on training my Pokemon, would I have won today?"

Austin contemplated her question, his gaze drifting to the sky. "I don't know."


Seeking to encourage her, Austin offered words of wisdom. "Yellow, don't dwell too much on the past. What we could have done, what we should have done - it's all behind us now. Look to the future, and instead of pondering what we could have done, let's focus on what we should do."

"Yeah, you're right."

Austin stepped closer, plucking Yellow's straw hat from her head. "Hey!" she protested, but Austin continued unfazed. "Tomorrow morning, I am going to train. I will be expecting the future Duchess Yellow to be there." With a meaningful look, he held out the straw hat.

The message was clear to Yellow as she took her hat back and used it to hide her blushing face. As Austin turned to leave, Yellow called out, her eyes glistening in the moonlight. "Ash, can I become as strong as you?" she asked, uncertainty still lingering in her voice.

Austin's smile was warm and genuine. "No, Yellow," he replied. Yellow's heart raced as his words sank in, but Austin continued, his figure illuminated by the soft lunar glow. "You can be stronger."

Yellow's confidence swelled with his reassurance. She watched with admiration as Austin prepared to depart. He glanced back at her, catching sight of her rosy cheeks. While he knew he had just deepened Yellow's crush on him, causing him no small amount of consternation, he also knew that it was worth it. He had helped restore her faith in herself.

Those words that Austin had said to her were the truth. While Yellow didn't like to fight with Pokemon, she was one of the few characters in the manga who had defeated Red in a Pokemon battle.


[ Next Day - Afternoon ]

"Whoa," Austin said in surprise as he was standing right by the Nugget Bridge with how wide it was, and man it was long. "So this is the Nugget Bridge, huh?"

Yellow gave a nod as she looked around curiously. "I wonder where the first trainer is?"

"He's a bit further up the road." A familiar voice said as Austin frowned. "Hey, Ashy-Boy."

Austin and Yellow turned to see Gary leaning against a tree near the Nugget Bridge sipping a cup of lemonade.

"Gary," Austin said as Yellow didn't know who that was.

"Man, you're still struggling along back here?" Gary asked with a cocky smile. "I'm doing great, I've caught a large amount of strong and smart Pokemon and I have two badges, what about you?"

"I'm training for the second Gym right now," Austin said not caring about how many Pokemon Gary said he caught. "And I have strong Pokemon of my own."

"Training? Please the Cerulean Gym is a joke." Gary said laughing. "Man you must be struggling if you're considering training for that."

"How about a battle to prove it?" Austin asked holding Rattata's Pokeball only for Gary to scoff.

"Sorry but I don't battle people who are struggling." Gary mocked as he walked past Austin. "Smell ya later, Ashy-Boy."

Austin glared at his retreating form as Yellow gave him a curious look. "Ash, who was that?"

"Gary, he started the same day as me and already thinks he's the greatest," Austin said with a hint of distaste. "He's also Prof. Oak's Grandson."

Yellow blinked in surprise before they heard another voice. "Hey, you here for the Nugget Bridge Challenge?" A voice asked as they looked to see a Bug Catcher with a Pokeball. "The name's Cale and I'm the first Trainer."

"I'm here for the challenge," Austin confirmed sending Rattata out. "How many Pokemon are you going to use?"

"Four," Cale said sending his first one out, a Caterpie.

Rattata frowned at this, not liking that the only Pokemon she fought so far were Bug types and weak ones at that.

But she got ready remembering how good of a fighter Butterfree was when it was a Caterpie.

"String Shot," Cale ordered.

"Quick Attack."

As the Caterpie shot the silky string, Rattata moved quickly before the small rat slammed into the green caterpillar Pokemon sending him rolling and knocked out.

Cale quickly returned him and sent out a Weedle.

"Careful Rattata," Austin warned as the rat gave a nod, not wanting to be poisoned.

"Poison Sting." Needles shot out of the Weedle's mouth as the Rattata moved quickly to dodge them.

If they weren't on the bridge, Austin would've ordered a Dig since that was the only move that Rattata had that would be effective but that wouldn't work.

Then Austin grinned. "Quick Attack to get close and hit him with Iron Tail."

Rattata grinned and moved her tail glowing before she swung it, slamming the Weedle on the head and knocking her out.

"Whoa, that's a strong Rattata," Cale commented as Austin grinned.

"Thank you."

All Cale had left were a Metapod and a Kakuna but Rattata made short work of them as she looked a little winded but not completely exhausted.

"Great job, Rattata," Austin said as the small rat walked back to him.

"Ta." Rattata looked bored causing Austin to smirk.

"You do know that I'll be using you in the Vermillion Gym right?" Austin asked gaining her complete attention. "You have an advantage there with your Dig attack."

Rattata now looked energized and ready to train some more as Austin returned her, knowing that she would dive head-first into training when they finish the Nugget Bridge Challenge.

"I did my best," Cale said with a chuckle. "Even if it was a Rattata, I have no regrets."

"Same with fighting your Bug Pokemon, you'll be stronger when they become Butterfree and Beedrill," Austin said as he walked by them with Yellow right behind him. "Not bad for a warm-up though."

Checking his Pokedex as it was beeping, Austin was pleased to see that Rattata learned Hyper Fang.

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