
Chapter no.13 Training

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The whole story was explained as they were all eating in the Pokemon Center.

"So you're here for a Gym Battle?" Wilton asked as he was a little wary of Yellow having a Weedle around her, he didn't say anything due to how happy she was.

He will be having some more words about her disappearing later though.

"Yeah, but I'll be training my team though," Austin said as all his Pokemon were out eating nearby.

Caterpie, Rattata, and Pikachu were near each other while Pidgeotto was a bit away having a glaring match with Spearow.

"That might be a good idea," Wilton said seeing as how all of them would be having a hard time against Brock's Rock Types. "And how are you planning on doing that?"

"Well, Pikachu and Rattata learning Iron Tail and Dig," Austin said surprising the man since rookie trainers never planned like that. "Pidgeotto and Spearow learning Steel Wing… I'm going to train Caterpie up because I know he wants to become a Butterfree and that's it for this Gym."

"Those are good moves, but hard to teach," Wilton said with a frown. "You know how to teach them?"

"I plan to get some advice from Prof. Oak " Austin causing Pikachu to give him a curious look before Pikachu went back to curiously smelling the Ketchum bottle.

"Hey, can I watch the Gym Battle when you do go?" Yellow asked hopefully.

Wilton gave her a look. "Don't think you're not in any trouble young lady." He said causing her to look down. "... But if you don't disappear anymore the next week I may allow it."

Yellow's face brightened up as Austin didn't see anything wrong with her seeing the battle. "I don't mind," Austin said shrugging.

That was when Wilton noticed how Yellow kept sneaking glances at Austin as they continued to eat. 'Well, what do you know, her first crush.' He thought imagining how his brother-in-law would react on hearing that causing him to snicker.

Although it made sense given the story since Austin not only caught her first Pokemon, he saved her from a horde of Beedrill, so it's not hard to see why she had a crush on him.


The next day, Austin had his whole team out as he was in a clearing near the Pokemon Center that was provided for Trainers to train their Pokemon.

"Okay, we have a lot of work to do if we want to stand a chance at winning against the Kanto Gyms." Austin began as he looked at the team he had. "We haven't experienced a loss yet, that would make most people cocky, but we have only been in three battles. Now the Regionals won't be going on for a few months, until then we have that time to train, travel, and gain eight Gym Badges to participate."

Unsurprisingly, his team cheered at the thought of competing in a Tournament.

"Alright, the first Gym is Rock Types," Austin said not missing how Pikachu and Caterpie grimaced while both Spearow and Pidgeotto looked a little unnerved.

Rattata however pawed the ground eagerly, wanting to test her skill against the Rock Pokemon.

"Now we won't have an easy time." Austin continued. "That's why all of you are going to be training hard."

Austin began to read through notes that he had formed after consulting Professor Oak last night.

"Pikachu and Rattata, you both are going to be learning Iron Tail," Austin said to them as he looked around before seeing some rocks he picked them up to their confusion as he reached into his backpack, pulling out some rope. "Hold out your tails."

Both Pikachu and Rattata did so as he tied a decent-sized rock to their tails, both of them nearly fell over from the weight.

"To learn Iron Tail, your tails need to be strengthened," Austin explained.

"A steel attack would be a good arsenal for your move pool."

Seeing as how they were good with trying to keep their tails up, Austin turned to Spearow and Pidgeotto.

"Now you two will be doing the same thing, only with your wings," Austin said as he cupped his chin. "But you'll also be learning how to move quickly on the ground."

Spearow and Pidgeotto gave him weird looks.

"Just in case you guys get injured and can't fly," Austin reassured as he remembered what happened with Samurai's Pinsir.

Spearow looked annoyed as he guessed why they were doing that but on seeing the eager look on Pidgeotto's face at the challenge, he steeled himself, not wanting to be outshined.

Once he got the rocks on their wings, he watched as the two birds were trying to get used to the weight before he looked at Caterpie.

"... You want to become a Butterfree, right?" Austin asked despite knowing fully well as the caterpillar gave a nod. "Okay then, we're going to keep on working on that."

Caterpie cried as he held his upper body in the air, his little legs moving excitedly.

'Okay, I'll need a way to get him to gain experience.' Austin thought before remembering Yellow's Weedle but he shook his head. 'Nah, I'm not going to ask her that. She just got Weedle and I don't think she wants to battle with her.' Austin thought before looking at Pikachu and an idea clicked. "Hey Pikachu, come over here."

Pikachu looked over from where he was keeping his tail up and moved over awkwardly. "Pika?"

"I know you're busy trying to learn Iron Tail, but do you think you can help Caterpie gain some experience to help him evolve?"

Pikachu gave a nod remembering Caterpie's dream and clenched a paw. "Pi!'

Austin gave a smile as he took a step back to watch them train.

Spearow and Pidgeotto seem to be racing each other on their feet to try to outdo the other as both of them wasn't that fast, along with the awkward weight of the rocks.

Rattata kept moving her tail up and down to make her tail stronger and sometimes ran to improve her speed considering the added weight.

Pikachu was moving as Caterpie fired random bursts of String Shot at him, trying to tag him improving both Caterpie's Accuracy and Pikachu's Evasion.

Unknown to all of them, Flint was watching from behind a tree.

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