
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


Nothing came for granted to Evan.

He knew first-hand from stories of his mother how hard it was to be a pokemon breeder and daycare runner.

First, since his house bills were frozen, he didn't need to pay for those.

Second, since he owns the house now, that means that he doesn't need to pay the rent cost, since well, he owns it, duh.

Third, he needs to get a "Basic" breeders exam qualification to legally own a daycare, meaning he has some studying to do.

The reason why black market daycares are so important in the black market world is the fact that they are cheaper than enterprise or private owned daycares, and they aren't restricted on what pokemon you can sell.

The job of a "Day-care." Is segmented into several roles

Supplying the government with starter pokemon ( Medium - Advanced certification

Supplying the general public with pokemon eggs (Basic - Advanced Certification)

Providing and selling items for public consumers (Basic - Advanced certification)

Pharmaceutical and Healthcare relating to pokemon (Medium - Advanced certification)

Providing endangered species of pokemon with a safe habitat (Medium - advanced)

Of course, there are several more, but the fact is that he needs to get his breeder's examination to own and inherit his parent's daycare.

Breeder's examination is classed under Basic, Medium, Advanced. You need to take exams that scale with difficulty for each one, and they qualify you for certain pokemon, government trust, extra land requests.

Summed to an understandable level, it means that the more ladders you climb, the richer and stronger you will get in the government and the breeder's world.

Not to mention, he needs to clean the whole house.

Luckily, he has a solution for this.

Going down the hill and going to the small Floaroma bank, Evan pulled out 15,000 pokedollars and walked over to Syndra's house.

Knocking on , he was welcomed into the house as he slowly passed her a notepad and a stack of money.

"Can you please get this item?"

Syndra looked towards the boy in front of her and nodded

"No problem."

Syndra passed him 5 thousand back.

"I don't need this much."

Evan shook his head, before writing down

"It's what you deserve."

5 thousand poke dollars was by no means a small amount.

Syndra wasn't in a position to say no as she quickly hushed him out of her house and hopped into her car to get the item he requested.

Slowly walking into the libabry, Evan knew it was time for some homework.

The doorbell rang as Evan quickly got up from the library and walked to the door, opening to see Syndra with the cage with the "item" he requested.

"Thank you." Evan wrote down "Please give this to Cindra."

In the envelope were a letter and 5 thousand pokedollars.

He didn't know where she was, probably on a journey, but she would probably appreciate the letter.

"I will." Syndra didn't ask what was in it, only handing him the cage and wishing him a good night.

After unlocking the cage and feeding the pokemon some food, Evan looked towards the Minccino with a smile.

This was his secret weapon for cleaning.

This breed of pokemon is OCD when it comes to cleaning, to the point where their tails have adapted to sweep away dust.

They can climb up walls and get the corners.

Not to mention the intense satisfaction they get from doing it.

It's a win-win.

The Minncino looked around the libabry before it started to break free from Evan's grasp and start cleaning.

It was almost therapeutic for him, as it aggressively cleaned the walls and the edged his crippled body couldn't get to anymore.

Closing the third book he had opened, he whistled to Minncino, who had finished cleaning the room.

It went down to him, as he patted it, gave it some more food and carried it to his room.

It was late, and he was mentally exhausted.

Since the bedroom was on the second floor, he had to activate one of the wheelchair's special abilities once more as he latched onto the wall and turned himself into a mobile wallclimber.

Going up the stairs and going through the familiar hallway, he walked past his parents and two sisters rooms, before going into his own.

It was small, but he wasn't going to sleep in his parent's room out of respect for them.

The room was the same.

Posters of lance and champions flooded the walls, alongside trophies he had gained from school.

People said he was quite smart for his age, as he had the ability to soak up information quite well.

He got it from his mother apparently.

Although his father argued that.

Mincinno had already started to clean the room in glee as Evan looked towards the ceiling.

Today would be the first day that he slept for 4 years.

He was looking forward to it.

Tomorrow, he needed to etch out the plan and connect with the local community.

He needed a business plan.

And he would make one.

Nightmares haunted him all that night.

But he needed to be strong.

Unfortunately, he didn't have any food in the house, so after stumbling around in an attempt to get dressed, Evan wore a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

It was always warm in Floaroma town, even in winter. This is why the ecosystem always strived as warm rain gave them the perfect environment to thrive.

He took Minncino with him as he went down the hill, of which the wheelchair incorporated an advanced brake system that would stop any speeds over a certain limit.

It was July, and the summer markets swarmed the centre of the town.

Fresh fruits and delicacies made Minccino drool at the mouth, as Evan brought some for it.

There was no way to a pokemon's heart better than food.

But it was time to think and grow a reputation in the city, to capitalize on people's feelings to make them patronize his store more.

And it all started... by using the connections his mother and father made previously.