
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Evolution of Business

Unfortauntley for Evan, 1.2 million pokedollars were not nearly enough to fund a daycare business.

As such, he needed a way to earn money but gain recognition and power.

How would he do that?

Most young businesses and entrepreneurs would get investors, more notably "Angel investors" who a high-net-worth people wanting to invest large amounts of money into the business in the trade for equity.

equity was the concept where if a company's assets were liquified, so when a company goes bankrupt or shuts down a large amount of money would be shared between all of the investors, which means they will get a lot of money.

Equity compensation was what newer starting company's that lacked money used to attract high-quality employee's with the funds they lack.

However, Evan couldn't appeal to possible investors because he wasn't revolutionary at all, he had no grand idea that would push him the extra mile.

But he still had time to think.

What way would get him money the fastest?

1.2 million wasn't small, but it was small when it came to breeding.

The battle industry was a fair thing to invest in.

But the problem lay within the town itself.

Floaroma Town was not very interesting to young trainers due to several reasons, such as the lack of development or facilities where they could grow.

For a small scale daycare, it was perfect, but it wasn't filled to the brim with opportunities like the Jubilife.

But what if.... he developed it?

small steps are what he needs to take, over a plan that will take years, if not decades.

His mother and father were basic breeder's, nothing too special but the birth of my elder sister stunted them right before they were going to take the intermediate.

The fact they made millions via hard work in the community and a couple of years just showed the potential revenue of breeders, even at the bottom of the ladder.

Now, he needs to decide if he wanted to set up a private limited company or a public limited company.

Both had certain benefits and flaws, but the main goal was money.

Even from a young age, he hated those that said "Money doesn't make the world go around."

That was a lie. Money is what truly feeds the world, and it's what feeds the people inside of it.

He wanted to make money, yes, but he was different from the rest of the enterprises and entpreunuers.

He wanted to make the world a better place, not soak and squeeze all the money and keep it for himself.

Going inside a small cafe and ordering a bowl of pokemon food and a basic breakfast, Evan and minccino shared a hearty breakfast as the small animal happily chomped down on the pokemon food.

It was quite a glutton, but that was ok with Evan.

Aslong as it was happy.

While he was sitting down, he felt a sharp pain in his head


Something flew into his mind. A string of words "such great potential." The female voice said in his mind "Wasted on this.... mess."

Evan quickly calmed down, his mind anayalzling.

Telepathy, even a psychic pokemon or a person who possesses psychic powers.

What do their words mean?

"I'll be back~" The female voice giggled before disappearing

Well, that just happened.

Some precautions would need to be made, as Evan didn't like the feeling of getting his mind scraped by someone he doesn't know.

After hurriedly walking out of the cafe, Evan quickly made his way up the hill and shut the door, before going into the libabry.

He was revising business strategies and basic pokemon trivia's.

Luckily for him, previous Basic Breeder examination papers were on the poketech, so he made sure to copy and memorize those too.

They like to use basic questions from older papers, and not many people pick up on this trick.

But first, before that, he needed to do some calculations.

Gas and electricity will be expensive due to the high cost, Water should be fine, but there is an indoor pool tailored for the water-type pokemon, inhibitors and pool heaters, filters, wiring etc.

But he wasn't an expert, so he decided to hire someone from a trusted company to do this for him.

He couldn't talk on the phone, so after giving a script to Syndra, he asked her to call them

"hi, welcome to jubilife gas and electric, please tell me what you request of us." The person on the phone said

"Hello, I'm here on behalf of the owner of... green grove daycare, and I'm here to request changes and repairs of several things in the daycare."

"yes, is the owner there with you?"

"He's mute."

"I see, can you be more specific with the repairs and examinations."

"Electricity, wiring, inhibitors, heating, pool cleaning and advanced life checkup."

Advanced life checkup was like how a restaurant got a 5-star hygiene rating.

What Evan is requesting is that they make it so suitable.

It will be incredibly expensive.

"I see. We will send a specialist in an hour or so, thank you for calling."

They need to determine the price, the manpower required etc.

Thanks to the advanced transportation in Sinnoh, he didn't have to wait more than 2 hours before someone came.

It was a large man with a Pyukumuku.

"Hi, I'm Jonathan, from Jubilife gas and electric."

His expression was pity seeing the boy in front of him, as Evan ushered him in.

Pyukumuku was a... Rare but also not rare pokemon to speak.

They were common on the beaches of Alola, yes, but to see one in Sinnoh was quite rare.

However, they had a lot of uses.

Evan wheeled over to the door of the Ecology park before opening the doors.

It was.... quite a mess.

This was the "Ocean" section, where pokemon that love water would come and live.

The water had been drained, but there were so much dust and mess and the pool needed to be heavily cleaned.

Jonathan was ticking away at his checkboard at this.

Minccino, that had found a comfy spot on Evan's head, started to clean the walls of dirt and grime but went nowhere near the pool due to the sludge-like substance.

This was the first out of 5 rooms.
