
Chapter Six: Chains

Disclaimer: I own nothing here, but it's not my fault, they told me they fixed it. I trusted them!









Kylo woke suddenly in his bed, but not in a startled or panicked state, rather, he felt calm and reflective as he pondered over his dream. The same, recurring dream he'd been having for the past month, the same one he had mentioned to Rey.

The image of having her beside him as they conquered entire planets always left him feeling invigorated, but then came his grandfather's advice to shut him down. Kylo wasn't ready to give up his hate and power, but he willing to keep Rey as close as possible, whether that meant he was allowing her to guide him or not, he couldn't know.

He hoped his grandfather would clarify that advice at some point, if he was even real and not just a figment of his imagination, but in the meantime he would just enjoy the relief of loneliness that came with having Rey nearby. He still couldn't understand it perfectly, but ever since their Force connection had begun, he would feel so much more in control of his emotions when she was nearby, be it physically or through their bond.

It was almost like her presence had a cooling effect on his rage, pain and dominance. He felt his anger was no longer his master, there was relief in his lungs when there was usually only a burning ache, and his compliance came so much easier whenever she asked something of him. All of which had no apparent negative effects towards his strength in the Force, in fact, he could almost feel his powers by her close proximity.

Then, when Snoke had threatened to destroy his newly discovered commodity some months back, Kylo had come to the sudden conclusion that he wouldn't be able to continue feeding on the scraps of lies and power his master had been providing. Not after he had tasted what true control and mastery was like.

He had thought, wrongly, that if he killed his master to save her, Rey would accept his offer and stay at his side forever. And then he would never have to be without her calming aura. He could stay in control, have his limitless power, and rout his loneliness all at once.

When she rejected his offer, he had been left with absolutely nothing. No master, no control, no calm. All of which were replaced by a burning anger in his bones and a hollow emptiness in his chest that threatened to devour him.

Only time had dulled the pain, while the prospect of his vision filled the void.

Now, having her nearby almost constantly, it was like he had discovered a new drug that alleviated all his maladies, a rare and expensive spice he was now addicted to. In fact, he had found himself growing increasingly agitated when Rey wasn't close by, or at least in the next room. Another reason behind his decision to have her begin following him during his morning regiment, though he would never admit it verbally.

Turning over on his bed, Kylo became acutely aware of a muffled rattling noise in the direction of the kitchen. He raised himself on one elbow, not quite sitting up as he watched Rey walk out from behind the partition that separated the bedroom area from the kitchen and bar alcove.

She noticed his awareness almost immediately and paused in her movements, probably feeling conspicuous under his gaze, some jerky in her hand was partway to her mouth before she offered a sheepish grin. "Sorry, did I wake you?"

Kylo swiveled his head slightly in answer, feeling oddly captivated by the sight of her. She had only the foremost portion of her dark hair pulled back into a band behind her head, keeping it out of her face while the rest pooled around her shoulders. He also noted that instead of her earlier gray outfit, she had donned one of the uniforms that had been provided in her room, consisting of a black sleeveless tunic kept bound tight by a wide black leather belt and black pants that reached all the way down to her boots.

The set appeared to fit her well, despite having it custom made and not knowing her exact sizing. "Black suits you." Kylo had to fight off a complacent grin to see her succumbing to his way of thinking so soon. She even donned the black leather gloves that wound up to her elbows instead of her usual tan bandage tape.

Rey scrutinized him for a second, probably unsure of how to take a compliment from him. "Don't get used to it. I'm only wearing this until my other clothes dry."

Kylo raised a dubious brow at her. "You washed them yourself? We have laundry rooms for that, you know."

Rey shook her head. "I don't trust to get them back if I send them in. And I'm used to washing my own clothes."

"Suit yourself," Kylo replied with a shrug as he finally got out of bed and moved to his dresser to pick out his uniform before heading to the fresher. Normally he would have changed clothes after his morning shower, but after his new roommate's obvious displeasure with his uncouth custom the night before, he decided he would at least and compromise. He paused at the fresher door and added over his shoulder, "be ready to leave in an hour."