
Chapter Four: Reconnect

Disclaimer: I own nothing here but you better watch yourself. I have the death sentence on twelve systems.

Rey was enthralled by the sights and sounds of an exotic, wild and colorful planet called Felucia. In many ways it reminded her of her time on Takodana with it's thick jungle areas, but Felucia had more vibrantly colored plants and animals. Rancors were a unique species on the planet and although she had certainly heard about Rancors before, she knew little more than that they were big, ugly and had a bad attitude. She was just starting to learn more about them when she felt a familiar presence approach from behind.

"You found me," she said, not turning around but still fixated on the mighty beasts thrashing about on the monitors.

"You're wearing a tracker," Kylo replied, deadpan, as he stepped into the small chamber and waved a hand at a sensor near the doorway, causing the visuals and sounds to pause. "It's time to go."

Rey turned to him and offered a sheepish cringe. "Did I stay too long?"

"No," he said, his response somewhat delayed for some reason. "My council meeting ran short." He turned and trudged back through the doorway, his neutral, almost content state of mind replaced with one of agitation. "Let's get this over with."

Rey couldn't help but quirk a curious expression as she followed him. She was about to question him about his mood swing but she realized Zeroes was still standing just outside the chamber, her loyal sentry. "Will that be all then, sir, ma'am?" The trooper had been careful to address the Supreme Leader first, though Kylo merely waved a hand and kept on.

Rey frowned after him but stopped and gave her guide a small smile. "Yes, Zeroes, thank you for your assistance. You were very helpful." An odd feeling passed over her then, as if she were seeing the trooper in a new light. An individual and not just a mindless drone; what Finn might still be had he not defected.

"My pleasure ma'am. Anytime." Zeroes offered a salute before heading off in another direction, completely unaware of her silent epiphany.

"There you go again, playing nice with your enemy," Kylo mocked with a roll of his eyes as they left the library.

"It doesn't hurt to be polite." Rey bristled but didn't slow her pace behind him as they turned down the lane towards the hangar bay.

"And in the future, if you ever face him on the battlefield, you'll hesitate, and he will kill you without a second thought."

"Or maybe we'll both lay down our weapons and start a truly astounding revolution."

Kylo scoffed as he accessed the hangar's doors. "You're a dreamer."


"Same thing." Kylo locked his gaze with hers as they waited for the huge double-doors to crawl open, his brown eyes flashing a challenge.

Frustrated, Rey huffed at him and crossed her arms stubbornly. "Idealist, dreamer, whatever. But if you're saying Zeroes is my enemy, then what are ?"

"Your master," Kylo responded flatly as the doors opened with a thunk. He spoke with a straight face but as he strode towards his large, distinctive black shuttle, Rey caught a glimpse of the slightest smirk on his face.

"I am calling you that." She scowled but kept after him, not ignorant to the trail of amusement he left in the Force. "You'll have to think of something more appropriate."

The fierce looking shuttle's ramp was already down and it appeared to be prepped for take off. "You're options are limited," Kylo replied as he headed up the ramp without a pause. "I prefer you didn't call me Ben in front of my subordinates."

Rey frowned as she stepped into the ship behind him. Calling him Kylo was too much like condemning him and she wasn't ready to give up on him yet. She could still see a glimmer of goodness inside, even if it was deeply shrouded in a contorted mess of bitterness, pain and... loneliness. She didn't realized she had prodded him through the Force until he froze mid-step and sent her a sharp look.

"Careful with that," he warned her in a low tone. "It's a mutual exchange when we connect, if you remember."

Rey stared at him in surprise. Had she really just undone all her efforts to sever their connection? Without realizing it, at that? She shook her head slightly, deciding it didn't matter anymore. Considering her circumstances as his captive, what would it matter if the Force connected them from time to time?

She moved closer to him, suddenly curious. "Well?" They were alone in the shuttle, the lighting from above was dim and the only sounds came from workers and technicians from other ends of the hangar outside. "What did see?"

He sneered at her, as though the words he was about to speak were sour in his mouth. "Concern, compassion... ." He scoffed lightly and brought a gloved hand up to her chin, causing her to set her jaw stubbornly in response. "You still think there's a chance that I'll turn from this path. That you can somehow salvage Ben Solo from this... ."

"I still believe Ben is in there somewhere," Rey said firmly and raised her own hand to his chest, where she sensed his heartbeat. "I just need to find a way to reach him."

"That could prove entertaining," Kylo replied through an amused breath. He slid his hand from her chin and entered the cockpit, eying her sidelong as he went. "In the meantime, you still need to use a different name."

Rey followed him after a moment and took the co-pilot's seat as he began the pre-flight sequence. She watched him as he worked the controls deftly, and she idly contemplated, trying to make her decision. She still didn't want to call him Kylo, and she to call him Master. "I suppose Ren will do."

Kylo shrugged indifferently as he pushed on the control yoke, causing the ship to lift and surge forward. "If that's your preference."

Kylo navigated through the as though he had grown up on the star destroyer, never once consulting a terminal for directions or even hesitating at a junction, but rather strode onward without a second's pause. He was also characteristically silent as he accessed the medbay doors.

Rey followed him as he led her through the medbay, passing room after room with injured troopers and officers either resting in beds or healing in bacta tanks. Most of the rooms were cordoned off only by curtains but Kylo honed in on one of the few with plastoid walls and the only one with two imposing stormtroopers standing guard near the open doorway.

The guards stood to attention as Rey followed Kylo into the small room and he stationed himself by the inner doorway, his broad arms crossed impatiently as he waited for her to commence her visit.

Poe was lying on a medical bed in the center of the room, resting with his eyes closed until he heard the two enter. He appeared ok, despite the torture he had endured the day before. He blinked in astonishment as he watched his female visitor approach his bed. "Rey?" Bewilderment quickly shifted to anger as he gawked from her to Kylo and back again. "What are you here? You- You shouldn't here!"