
Polar Opposites

When we're young, we're taught the distinction between a hero and a villain;

okay and insane;

a savior and a lost cause.

What if the only real difference is the perspective; pause:

let's go back, retrace our steps; retrack.

A hero and a villain seem on ends of the stick

but both have a motive, each seeing the good in it.

Okay and insane; healthy and weak

look like different galaxies but sit next to each other like equals; same physique.

A savior and a lost cause; can't see a similarity?

Let me give you some clarity.

A savior helps people emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or physically needy;

a lost cause does the same, but no ones there to do the same for them, why? Don't know?

So don't call them greedy

when life asks for its due and takes all they have left,

heartbreaking every second of the life they survive, using theft

to pay for the never ending strife.

What else can they do? Nothing until they go into the afterlife.

People always say they'll do something great, but it's just talk;

something actually happens and all they do is sit there; gawk.

Or they run away, forgetting their commitment,

leaving people behind with disappointment:

nothing they can do either but book another appointment

to adjust from the overinvestment in the mistreatment

they clung to; the only thing they know.

Life is tuff, so to survive like they have to, learned to be as cold as the snow.

Not too hard, right? Wrong!

The sound of the knives in your head shouldn't be your favorite song!

"It's hard to leave them", they say, so headstrong,

all you can do is tag along

until they realize their worth;

a rebirth it truly is when they can see past the depressive doubt they were living in and just exist on Earth;

a right once held away from them,

like they'd know from being treated like an item,

but conditioned to think they were a gem;

something so fragile and delicate, needing "protecting";

they're actually strong, resilient, getting from you something called disrespecting.

Back to opposites,

to summarize they can be seen as ties:

knit together, not apart,

they've been by each other's side since the start.

Not really opposites, you see,

a greatly misunderstood topic indeed.

Inspired by the "Heros v Villains" POV

jvlandncreators' thoughts