
Pocket Monsters Passio Masters

Ash and the rest of the Cerise house hold go to the Passio region to continue their research, there Ash discovers this new region is home to the Grand masters tournament and competes in it, here he meets friends new and old each with their own goals in mind

Ibrex2000 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Ash and Pikachu's sync move?!


Ash and the gang witnessed two people walk towards them.

"Yosh yosh yosh! Is that miss Lillie I see?" The girl said with an obnoxious voice.

She quickly left the boy's side and confronted Lillie.

They looked similar to each other the only difference was that the girl had blue eyes opposed to Lillie's green and  she looked younger with a shorter hair style.

"The name's Sam and this guy is my twin brother Nick I guess you can call us your cousins" Sam smiled as she savoured Lillie and company's confused looks.

"Huh? Cousins? Mother didn't tell me anything about this" Lillie Said trying to get back her composure.

"There's a lot of things lusamine is hiding" Nick said under his breath.

"We apart from that, welcome to Passio am Mallow and these are my friends" Mallow tried to break the ice by introducing herself and the others.

"I'm Lana", "Misty here" Lana and Misty said in unison.

"And am Ash am going to be a Pokemon master!" Ash introduced himself and his goal.

"How strange I'm also working towards being a Pokemon master" Nick smiled as he moved closer to the gang.

"I guess that makes us rivals!" Ash said to the younger boy who was also filled with excitement.

"I'm Gou and am going to catch every Pokemon" Gou butt into Ash's conversation.

"Look here, you don't have to tell that to everyone you meet on the street!" Chloe said as she pulled Gou's ear.

"Am Chloe nice to meet you" Chloe said with a cherry smile.

Nick hesitated to answer as Chloe's smile had petrified him with a strange feeling.

"N....nice to.... Meet y...you t.....too" Nick said shyly as he turned to face his sister.

(Another weirdo?) Chloe pondered in her mind due to Nick's strange behavior.

"Well with introductions out of the way, why don't we have a battle Lillie?!" Sam insisted.

"So quick?! Why so?" Lillie asked dumbfounded.

"Well I just want to know how good my big cousin is" Sam gave another smile.

"Let's make it a double battle, Lillie and I vs you and Nick" Ash added his own take on the situation making the twins do a double take.

"That's Ash for you always ready to battle" Gou said proudly as Chloe just nodded.

"Hehehehehe He's always been like that" Misty said laughing.

"That's one of his good points" Lana added.

"For sure" Mallow finished.

As the afternoon was drawing to a close a battle of destiny was about to take place.

Sam and Nick stood on the right side of the beach field while Ash and Lillie by the left side and Gou stood in the middle as the referee.

"I Gou will be the referee this will be a 2 vs 2 double battle, start!" Gou said smiling stupidly.

"Alright buddy let's do this" Ash said while looking at his partner Pikachu.

"Pikaaa chu!" Pikachu jumped off Ash's arm and landed on the ground ready for battle.

"Snowy you go too!" Lillie said releasing her alolan form Vulpix which looked like a snow foxcub with 6 tails.

"No holding back! Jazz it up!" Sam shouted as she released a black and blue lion Pokemon from its ball.

"Luxxx rayyyyy!!!" The lion roared with pride.

"Blues let's do this!" Nick also sent out his bipedal blue and black dog which was the his height, with steel spikes on arms and chest.

"Lucaaaaaa!" The dog barked as well.

"A Lucario and a Luxray? Are these guys from Sinnoh?" Mallow asked.

"I doubt it those Pokemon can be found in other regions as well" Misty highlighted.

"Wherever their from, Ash and Lillie can handle them" Lana had no doubt in her mind that her friends would win.

"Alright jazz thunder fang!" Sam said quickly and her lion rushed at the 6 tailed fox cub, hitting a crit as well.

"Snowy!" Lillie screamed as the attack happened so quickly she couldn't react.

Ash looked at Lillie for a sec but that was a mistake, "I'm your opponent! Blues bone rush!" Nick shouted and his dog formed a large bone staff of blue energy and launched it at Pikachu.

"Pikachu dodge it!"Ash commanded. "Piiikaaaaa!" The electric rodent managed to get out of the way of the energy bone.

"Iron tail let's go!" Ash quickly got back to his senses and launched a counter attack.

"Chuuu pika!" Pikachu shouted as it's tailed glowed silver and it struck the Lucario hard.

"Luuuuuu!" Blues shouted in pain as it fell to it's left knee in the Sandy floor.

"Blues!(damn I have a Pikachu myself but this one is something else)" Nick said as he pondered how Ash's Pikachu is so strong.

(Well that's what I live for, pushing myself beyond the limit!) Nick thought to himself as blue energy foamed from his body.

"Let's keep going! Power up punch!" Nick shouted and his blue dog pounced.

"Riooooooo!" Lucario sent a blue aura covered punch at Pikachu knocking it back and increasing it's own attack power.

Ash smiled as he was ready to counter seeing the same look on Nick's face as well.

On the other side of the battle Lillie was still trying to stay in, while Sam was relentlessly trying to knockout Snowy the alolan Vulpix.

"Jazz use slash"  Sam commanded her electric lion to attack.

"Ray! Ray! Ray! luxxxx rayyyyy!" Jazz the Luxray slashed at the Vulpix with numerous swings of it's paws, cutting off clots of white fur which began to float in the air.

"Is that all you've got cousin!" Sam began to mock Lillie.

"Of course not the real battle starts now!" Lillie took a strange stance as she put a silvery blue crystal on her watch.

"A Z ring?!" Sam said amazed and surprised.

Lillie began to make strange poses and so did her Vulpix as she started chanting

"The strength of my father lies within me! let the cold embrace of winter be unleashed! <Sub zero slammer!>"

Snowy then created an ice pillers and fired 4 ice beams at luxray freezing it and then exploding at the same time.

"Jazz!" Sam shouted as her electric lion was dealt with a considerable amount of damage.

"Wow! that was the icium Z ice type Z move!!! Alolan trainers are amazing!" Gou was fanboying out as he witnessed Lillie's Z move.

"That's our Lillie!!!" Both Lana and Mallow cheered for their friend as Misty was grinning.

"Such an intense battle, trainers are amazing" Chloe said softly so no one would hear her.

The ice melted and the Sandy terrain returned, Luxray was bearly standing and Lillie saw this as her chance.

"Ok Snowy finish this with icy wind!" Lillie ordered.

"Vullll  pixxxxx" Snowy released an ice fog from it's mouth that damaged Luxray however.

"Am not done yet" Sam shouted as a similar greenish blue aura foamed out of her and into Luxray.

(No doubt about it these two are the aura users) Ash made a mental note as he continued his battle with Nick.

"Jazz use discharge!!!" Sam shouted and Luxray went to work.

"Luxxxxxrayyyyy!" Jazz unleashed a wide range electric attack made of both yellow and green lightning that damaged every Pokemon on the field including her brother's 'shrikkkkkkkkkkkk'.

"Vulllll!!!" Snowy sustained the most damage and fainted.

"Uhhhhhh Snowy is unable to battle Lillie's out!" Goh said surprised.

"Oh no snowy! Am sorry I wasn't prepared for that" Lillie cried as she held the snow fox to her chest.

"The hell was that?! You hit blues as well!" Nick shouted at his sister.

"Deal with it" Sam said with a nonchalant tone.

"To think she'd resort to such tactics" Mallow said spitefully as she brought Lillie to the audience side.

"These trainers are something else" Misty stated as Lana just looked angry.

"You've got this Ash! Show them the power of the Alola champion!" Lana cheered loudly.

"I intend to, Pikachu use quick attack on both of them" Ash commanded.

"Pikapikapikapika! Chuuu!" Pikachu zoomed past Lucario and Luxray hitting quick critical hits.

"Luuu!" luxxx!" Both blues and Jazz screamed from the pain that Pikachu had just inflicted.

"We're not through yet!" The twins started as they once again released aura in to their Pokemon.

"Let's do this Sam!", "Whenever you're ready bro!" Nick and Sam collaborated.

"Metal claw blues", "Jazz iron tail" Nick and Sam said in sync and their Pokemon charged at Pikachu with silver cover body parts.

"Combo move! <Magnetic bond!>" The twins shouted together and their Pokemon sped up unnaturally.

"Pikachu dodge it!" Ash desperately tried to warn his partner but it was too late.

"Pikaaaaaaa!" Pikachu was struck with a devastating combo move and fell to the sandy ground hard.

"Oh no!" Lillie cried out.

"Come on Ash and Pikachu!!!" Lana, Mallow and Misty cheered.

"This is too intense!!" Chloe shouted as she was feeling the tension while Gou was trying his best to keep calm.

Pikachu managed to get up from that attack and was still able to fight.

"Okay Sam let's hit him with another combo move! This Pikachu is bulky as hell!" Nick suggested.

"Sure thing, Pikachu's got to go!" Sam yelled.

"Blues use aura sphere!" Nick ordered.

"Cariooooo" the hound started to formed a huge sphere of blue Aura in it's paws.

"Jazz add electricity to it now!" Sam ordered and the black lion added it's yellow lightning to the sphere making it bigger and start to spark up.

"Combo move! <Electrical aura sphere>" the twins once again spoke in sync and Lucario released the huge sphere at Pikachu.

"We won't give up till the end! Pikachu Quick attack!" Ash ordered not fearing the energy from the sphere.

"Pikaaaaaaa!" Pikachu charged at the sphere with no fear in it's eyes.

Suddenly a golden Aura appeared from both Ash and Pikachu alerting Nick and Sam.

"Chuuuuuu" Pikachu launched It's body at the sphere covered in golden lightning and destroyed it instantly, shocking everyone there, but it wasn't over, Pikachu zig zaged it's way pass Lucario and Luxray.

'Bzzzzzzttttttttttttt' electricity crackled as the two Pokemon fell to the ground open mouthed and fainted.

At this point even Ash was surprised (what just happened?).

"What an amazing battle!!! Lucario and Luxray are unable to battle, Ash and Pikachu win!" Gou shouted with glee and the girls in the crowd were so happy as well.

Nick recalled blues and Sam did the same for jazz.

"What aura....." Nick said with a small grin.

"This is probably the strongest I've ever seen" Sam said to her brother.

"Yo buddy was that a new move?" Ash asked his partner.

"Pika?" Pikachu gave a confused face as it didn't know as well.

From a distance Gary, Red and Leaf observed the battle.

"Damn that Ashy boy, he's left me in the dust again, doing a sync move right off the bat" Gary said with sad tone knowing his old rival has surpassed him by far.

"Ash really is amazing, I want to know all about his journey and what he went through!!!" Leaf said excitingly.

Red just stared at Ash as a devious grin appeared on his face

"Ash...... it's you I want to battle with".

Ash and Pikachu performed a sync move, how?